Magic Double Date Night: Picnic Edition 2.0

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With our favorite magical couples finally having some much needed downtime. The group decides it would be great to do another picnic, this time in the human world. Everyone seems thrilled, that is until Sooyoung drops some news that she can't actually go to the picnic, but no problem our witch has it covered.  Of course, what could go wrong? Maybe everything.... Seulrene, Joyri


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63 streak #1
Chapter 1: ❤
linsue #2
Chapter 1: It’s cute and funny thanks for writing this. Hope you’re feeling a little better and it’s okay to take a break especially when you’re not feeling well.
Taitai84 1225 streak #3
Chapter 1: I think the scene of multiple hands reaching for the blue box of snacks and each grabbing the wrong one is so funny!
2072 streak #4
Haha welcome back!
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Ahw thanks author
63 streak #7
See u guys next week😭