Pt. 1

Candy Hearts

Luhan decorated his apartment with spring colors, especially pink and red.  He loves everything about spring: animals come out of hibernation, flowers blossom, the air warms up, and the colors are just so beautiful.  He put his winter clothes away and took his bright, pastel clothes out.  He was dressed in white jeans and a bright blue shirt.  His hair is medium blonde.  He heard a knock at the door, so he put his basket of decorations down before walking to the door.


He smiled when he met eyes with his boyfriend Oh Sehun.  They had been dating for the past eleven months, so this is their first Valentine's Day together.


Sehun raised his eyebrows when he saw the decorations.  "You're seriously into the holiday that much?" He asked.  "I don't see the hype."


Sehun was directly the opposite when it came to spring and its festivities.  Sehun loves the winter, where colors are saturated; he loves drinking warm beverages while snuggling close.  He hates bright colors, flowers, and the pollen in the air.  Most of all, he dislikes Valentine's Day.  He believes that too many people overspend for the day: roses, candy, decorations, and cards.


Luhan shrugged.  "Valentine's Day is a big deal to me."  He said.


"Did your exes give you good days?"  Sehun asked.


Luhan huffed.  "It's the day that my parents met, got married, and made me."  He held his chest.  "I want to make memories with you."  He continued.


Sehun pushed a balloon that was minding its own business.  "It just doesn't excite me, sorry."  He said.


Luhan gave a blank stare.  "Well I'm going all out.  I'll make you like it."  He said with confidence.


"Good luck."  Sehun replied.




Sehun clicked tabs on his computer.  He watched as his prototypes were successful.  He had a relieved smile and he sat back in his chair.  He picked up his mug of coffee and took a few sips.  Across the table, his coworker Jongin looked up from his code book.  "So,"  He started, "the lady is making dinner tonight.  I always look forward to Valentine's Day dinner."  He said.


Sehun hummed.  "I think that Kyungsoo said that he was visiting his sister's family today."  He replied.


"What are your plans?"  Jongin asked.  "Surely you have a fair lady to spoil."  He said teasingly.


Sehun shrugged.  "I'm not big on Valentine's Day, you know that."  He replied.


"I see your bracelet.  It has a heart on it."  Jongin pointed out. "So what does she have planned?"  He asked.


Sehun picked his pen up just to spinned it.  "He loves everything to do with Valentine's Day."  He started.  "His parents have very special memories on the day.  So he wants to make it special for me."  He continued.  "I don't really care for the day, I just want to be with him."  He finished.


Jongin raised his eyebrows.  "I didn't know you liked guys."  He commented.


"I find men attractive."  Sehun said simply, "but Luhan's the only man I've ever dated.  We've been together.. Next month makes a year."  He continued, holding his chin.


Jongin smiled.  "I'm glad that you found someone,"  He said, "he sounds really sweet, especially if you've reached a year."


"He is.."  Sehun confirmed.  "I love him."


"Then don't be so stubborn."  Jongin said.  "He has special attachments for today, so make sure your first Valentine's Day is special too."  He encouraged.


Sehun nodded.  "I like seeing him excited.  He seemed really excited to prepare for today."  He replied.  "So I'm letting him go all out.  He kicked me out right at five o'clock so that he could finish his surprise." He laughed.


Jongin copied the laugh.  "You'll have to introduce me to him sometime, he sounds fun."  He insisted.


"I think so too."  Sehun agreed.  "I have a little surprise for him too."  He included.


Jongin had an interested glare.  "Well?  What is it?"  He asked.


Sehun put a finger to his lips.  "Secret~"  He said.


"Whaaat?!  Why?"  Jongin dropped his shoulders and his jaw.  "I haven't even met Luhan!  How could I ruin the surprise??"  He asked..


Sehun folded his arms.  "I have my reasons."  He answered.  "I need to head home now."  He stood up and turned his computer off.


"Oh!  Have you sent the demo to the main office yet?" Jongin asked.


Sehun took the USB out of the computer.  "I'll send it in the morning."  He answered.  "I need to look at it a little more."  He winked.


Jongin hummed.  "Have a good evening."  He said.  "Good luck.”


Sehun put his thumb up.  "You too."  He said before walking out of the office.


Sehun might not be wild about Valentine's Day, but he is wild about spending time with Luhan.  It was almost their one-year anniversary and he was so happy that they have been together for this long.  Sehun has always been afraid.  Many people don't accept him for liking guys, but Luhan confessed his feelings first.


Sehun remembered it like it was just yesterday.  They met at the library.  Sehun was reading a coding book and Luhan was reading a book about botany.  They spent long hours reading.  One evening, they had to leave the library due to staff needing to go home for the night.  They decided to spend the night at Luhan's apartment just to finish reading.  That's when Luhan said he was attracted to Sehun's personality.  And of course, Sehun was shocked to hear that as so many people were disinterested in his personality.


Sehun arrived at the apartment.  He saw red and pink balloons in the parking lot; beautiful flowers on the staircase; and what surprised him was the heart on the door that said "Love starts here."  Sehun took his key out of his pocket and unlocked the door.  Once he closed the door behind him, he took in the view.  The walls had streamers, balloons, and flowers.  However, there was a candy heart on the side table.  He picked it up and read it, "You're mine."  He ate it before walking further.  It was a trail of hearts.  "My first," He read, "My true love."  He snacked.  "My one."  He walked to their bedroom.  He opened the door to see more hearts everywhere.


Every heart was a piece of a poem that reads:


"My first, my love, my one;

My love, my beauty, my stone;

My heart, my breath, my one;

My second half, my soulmate, my forever.

Be mine for all of time;

Be mine forever to come;

  Be with me for eternity;

A future with just you and me."


Sehun loved the feeling in his chest.  His heart went crazy over every sweet heart.  Sehun took his USB out and plugged it into the TV across the room.  "Watching TV?"  Luhan asked from the door.


Sehun turned around.  What caught his eye was the beautiful smile that Luhan had on his face; his eyes sparkled.  He then sees the powder blue, frilly shirt coupled with a pair of black pants.  A tray of food was being held in Luhan's hands.  "Preparing my gift."  Sehun corrected with a proud smile.


"Your gift?"  Luhan tilted his head as he put the food on the little table.  "What do I get?"  He asked.


Sehun blushed.  "Well first of all, those candy hearts are tasty."  He inserted.  "I will admit, they are the only part of the holiday that I accept."  He continued.


Luhan grew an excited smile.  "Do they hold a special meaning?"  He asked, ready to hear what Sehun's heart had to say.  Throughout their relationship, friends to lovers, Sehun has hardly spoken about his childhood.  Sehun had a big interest in Luhan.  Of course, Luhan found it very sweet that Sehun was invested in him.  However, he doesn't always like to talk about himself.  He wants to know Sehun for who he is.


Sehun sat on the bed and Luhan sat next to him.  "When I was little, my mother was hospitalized."  He started.  "At the time, I didn't know that she had a terminal illness, I thought that she just wanted to live away from dad and me."  He explained.  "Every Valentine's Day, she would come home to spend the night with us.  She brought a bag of candy hearts and picked out ones for me.  She told me how much she loved me through the hearts.


"However, she passed away when I was fourteen."  Sehun sighed.  "I never wanted to celebrate ever again.  I grew to hate the day and all of the expensive decor and gifts that came with it."  He finished.


Luhan pouted and held Sehun's hand.  "I'm so sorry.."  He felt guilty.  If he had known, he wouldn't have tried pushing the holiday on Sehun.


Sehun shook his head.  "You're my first love and you want to make good memories with me."  He said.  "When I saw the candy heart.."  He sniffled.  "Anyway, I made a little game for you."  He handed the remote to Luhan.


Luhan took the remote and looked at the TV.  Sehun had opened his file and a game was displayed.  Luhan read the text bubbles and completed little missions.  The missions included: picking flowers, mining gems, and tinkering jewelry.  When he finished the tasks, a chest appeared.  He clicked to open it, and a big cloud popped up.  The texted had a question:

Will you marry me?

o yes o no


Luhan widened his eyes and snapped his head to look at Sehun.  And there in Sehun's hand was the ring that he made in the game.  "S-Sehun.."  He whispered.


"Seeing the hearts reminded me of my mother: she truly loved me."  Sehun said.  "It made me know deep in my heart that you're the one I need for the test of my life."  He ended with a smile.


Luhan wiped the tear that formed in his eye.  He clicked yes on the remote.  The game ended with happy music.  Meanwhile, Sehun put the ring on Luhan's finger.  "I-I was supposed to make you like Valentine's Day."  Luhan muttered.


"You did."  Sehun replied.  "I'll cherish every day with you."  He kissed Luhan's lips.


Luhan relaxed in the kiss.  He let the remote fall onto the bed as he held Sehun's cheek.  Sehun held Luhan's side and tilted his head in the kiss.  Luhan giggled as Sehun gently laid them down.  His fingers softly ran across Luhan's shirt, feeling Luhan's chest up and down.  "I'll love every moment with you too."  Luhan whispered between kisses.  Sehun felt his heart pounding against his chest.  It was such a light feeling.  Luhan feels Sehun's tongue line his lips.  He slowly parted his lips, letting Sehun come in.  Their tongues one another as Sehun's fingers felt down to Luhan's hips.  Luhan gave a slight moan when Sehun touched .  "P-perhaps another time?"  Luhan put a hand on Sehun's chest.  "I'm not ready yet."  He said shyly.


Sehun widened his eyes and instantly pulled his hand back.  "I'm sorry, I-" He sat up.


Luhan sat up as well.  "I love you, but I think we should wait a little longer."  He said.  "Maybe we can wait for our wedding night~"  He said sweetly.


Sehun copied the smile.  "That would be really romantic."  He agreed.  "Are you hungry?"  He asked.


"Am I?  I spent all day decorating."  Luhan stood up.  "Let's eat!"


Sehun laughed a little.  He watched Luhan exit the bedroom.  He clasped his hands together.  "Mom, thank you for sending Luhan my way.  He's perfect, you would adore him.."  He said quietly.



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You’re an amazing writer! ❤️
736 streak #2
Chapter 2: Suhan and Luhan are just adorable! This chapter was great, and it was emotional as well!
736 streak #3
Chapter 1: The first part was adorable and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Luhan and Sehun make such a good couple and I already love them! I like how the story progressed. For Luhan it is a special day, but for Sehun, it wasn't, but in the end, Sehun turned and decide to prepare a surprise for Luhan!


Thank you!
736 streak #4
Oh, I am loving this! Can't wait to read it!