II: Pro

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| Dohyun |

"So as you can see, there were chances at 20:22 and 23:14 where we should've been increasing our vision line, here and there." Kim Sangsoo pointed towards the whiteboard sized TV, drawing circles on the screen to emphasize his point. 

Dohyun's phone began to vibrate loudly forcing him to momentarily glance down at the lock screen:

「 My Minji 」

Even if it was her calling him, he knew that leaving during a Vod review was very disrespectful not to mention violated several rules on player conduct. 

Frowning, he hovered his finger over the red telephone symbol to reject it—"Maknae, just go take it."

Coach Ssong sent an annoyed glare before beckoning for him to leave.

"Let's end our VOD review here, go ahead and take the next hour off to eat before I expect to see you all here solo queuing. Yongjun lets practice Aurelian sole some more." Sangsoo dismissed them from their huddle. 

"Ahhh, the maknae's girlfriend." Kim Chanho, the team's top laner, joked as had become a big subject of teasing among the players. 

Kim (Ssumday) Chanho, a 21 year old gamer, short in stature, but extremely friendly and playful in personality. 

"I told you, she's just a friend." Dohyun deflected their accusations. 

"Yeah, just a friend." Even the normally serious jungler sarcastically reacted with air quotations. 

Go (Score) Dongbin, a legendary name among the Korean League of Legends scene, he was 25 and the oldest of the players. He set a great example for Dohyun and the other players with his mature voice and intense work-ethic. But even he didn't hold back in teasing Dohyun because of his maknae status. 

"I want myself a friend who calls me every night and wishes me a goodnight." The 2nd youngest Yongjun chimed in. 

Song (Fly) Yongjun, their midlaner was 21 and a rookie to KT, joining only by a few months before Dohyun. He was a cute but sometimes strange person whose favorite hobby seemed to be karaoke, referenced by his non-stop singing and worse... dancing. 

"How does it go again? Oh wait! Goodnight Minji-ah." Seungchan, the support, mockingly imitated him whenever he ended his calls. 

Ha (Hachani) Seungchan, a heavier set man of 23, who despite his serious resting face, was often the one to lighten the mood among the team members with his dad jokes. 

The four of them made up his teammates, as well as dorm-mates. The five of them spent almost every hour, if not sleeping, working towards building their skills and chemistry. 

"Hey Minji." He intentionally ignored their teasing leaving them behind to talk.

Keeping his phone close to his mouth, he hoped the mic wouldn't pick up the boisterous laughter from the other room. 

"Dohyun sunbae? Are you free right now?" Her unusually meek voice asked inquisitively.

"Yeah, I'm sorry one second." He whispered, opening the door to head to the only place where there was any privacy without leaving the confines of the building: the apartment stairwell. 

A location where Dongbin hyung himself had recommended he take private calls in.

"Are you really free? If you're not it's ok, I can call again later." 

"It's fine, I don't want you to stay up too late again." He interrupted her train of thought. 

"I have to stay up studying anyways, it's exam week next month and my mom said she'd take away my allowance if I don't place in the top 5." 

Dohyun grinned as he leaned against the railing. 

"Aigoo Minji-ssi, what happened to the confident girl who boasted about being ranked 1st in the high school entrance exam." He , knowing full well how hardworking towards anything she pursued. 

"Hey, I didn't have to balance as much back then: student council planning, more difficult homework, longer weekend trainee practices... you." 

He chuckled imagining her smirking as she mentioned him. "Who would believe we're not dating, if you say things like that?" 

"Sunbae's the one who agreed to it." Came a hushed murmur, exposing her own frustration despite being the original proposer. 

"I miss you Minji-ah." 

Where did this courage come from? 

Perhaps, it was a sense of selfishness that had began to build as they grew closer and closer. 

There was an extended silence, as he positioned his phone in front of his face to make sure that she hadn't hung up.

"Me too sunbae. I... I... I don't think I can say it out loud right now though." 

Dohyun found it adorable, how forced and difficult it was for her to express her feelings— "Is this really the same scary 1st year who so confidently lowered honorifics in front of me first?"

"Ya! That's cause you were being so annoying back then." She defended herself, her bold and defiant tone finally revealing itself.

Dohyun chuckled, finding her naturally husky voice one of his favorite among her many charms. "You're already cute, no need to force yourself to say things. Just be yourself." 

"I know, it's just don't guys prefer someone who can things like aegyeo or stuff..."

"That might be true of some guys, but I don't really care for it. Although now that you mention it, there is something we could work on."

"Work on?" She responded in confusion.

"Why are you back to calling me sunbae? Don't you know I'm not your school senior anymore?" He couldn't avoid this subject no matter how difficult it might be for her. 

"...Op-pa." Came a hesitant murmur. 

Dohyun felt his lips start to ache from smiling so wide. Just imagining her cringing as she lay on her bed brought an immense warmth to his body. 

"Say it again." 

"Op—Ahh, well you should probably go eat, so you don't have to eat while you play solo queue like last time." She recalled the first call they had, when he first moved into the gaming house.

The referenced time when he had simultaneously juggled talking to her, eating, and winning a solo queue game. All because their schedules had almost zero overlap. 

It was actually that event where he had exposed his relationship with Minji to his teammates when he forgot how loud his voice was when speaking with headphones on. 

"Ok, I'll talk to you tomorrow then." 

"Mmm. I might be able to call you before you start sc if I leave the council meeting right on time." 

"Then good night." 

"Good night... oppa." 

Dohyun waited for Minji to finally hang-up, his ears listening intently to just the sound of her breathing before there would be sound no more.

"Oppa." He repeated the words that brought him so much joy. 

Sighing, he opened the door leading to the building hall, the motion activated lights already glowing at his entrance. 

"Who'd believe you're not dating at this point?" Sangsoo's voice caught him by surprise, as Dohyun found him standing patiently next to the wall. 

"Ahhh, I seem to remember a certain coach encouraging me not to date anyone, because I had to and I quote: commit my entire focus only on the upcoming split." Dohyun voiced the statement that was the cause of his worries. 

"I did, and I stand by my words. Seeing how happy she makes you, I can't help but think you'd be quite preoccupied if you were dating." 

"So I'm not allowed to have a life outside of gaming?" Dohyun chuckled. 

"Of course you're allowed to. But also remember this, you're lucky that our general manager decided that having a handsome person on our team might improve jersey sales." Sangsoo revealed. 

"And now you're lucky to have a rookie who hasn't lost lane in a single scrim on a budget deal." Dohyun subtly defended himself, flashing his own smug grin. 

He had been playing well, now that he could focus more time to gaming, he had improved drastically in his strategic knowledge. 

"I guess you're right, but I'll be looking forward to seeing you perform in our first match."

Dohyun nodded, feeling a sense of pride well up inside him at the thought of finally playing on a professional stage. 

He had been working towards this, and to finally be here, representing his team and playing the game he loved was something he could hardly believe.

As he walked back to the dorm, Dohyun couldn't help but think about Minji. She was always on his mind, even when he was playing the game. He knew that he had to focus on his gaming, but he couldn't ignore the way he felt about her. But he knew that his focus had to be on the upcoming split, on winning and proving himself as a player.


. .

| broadcast 05.27.2016 |

"Today's Matchup, KT Rolster vs MVP." 

A deep voice announces as simultaneously the iconic OGN split theme begins to play. 

The image changed to reveal a roster introduction revealing the brand new AD Carry starter at the center. The unknown yet handsome rookie Avatar plastered at the left with the iconic jungler Score behind him. 

Analyst: "Good evening Ladies and Gentleman welcome to Day 3 of Week 1 of the LCK Summer Split."

Caster: "Today's match up will be the storied organization in KT Rolster and the up and coming MVP, who showed a strong performance in the qualifiers under ADD and Beyond."

Analyst: "Of course we do have to comment on the previous screen, as KT Rolster was expected to run it back again with the same roster after finishing 3rd behind Rox Tigers and SKT. But recently announced a surprising new face in Avatar to be replacing Arrow at the ADC position." 

Caster: "What a surprise as Arrow has been such an iconic face of the KT team starting his career in the organization in 2014 when they were the Arrows and performing well in last years World Championship." 

Analyst: "But you can't fault the organization for deciding into a new direction after continuously being pegged as the forever 2nd and 3rd, falling out multiple times to SKT and the Koo or Rox tigers."

Analyst: "And for those interested in the new rookie, Avatar has been multiple times been associated with their Academy roster after his name appeared Top 10 in Challenger as KT Avatar."

Caster: "This will be quite an interesting decision, and a big match as the team looks to start their split off strong to prove his doubters wrong." 

Caster: "Let's dive right into the match!"


. .

| Match 1 post game analysis |

Camera cuts to 3 Korean men in suits all gathered around a desk, as they smile awkwardly at the screen. 

Host: "And welcome back from the break as we recount KT's dominant win in game 1 over MVP." 

Analyst: "What a Strong performance from Ssumday as expected proving himself to be World class Top-laner, if not the best, only rivaling Smeb." 

Commentator: "I do want to point out, that Avatar looked to be pretty shaky in his first game, as its like his chemistry with support Hichani was not great to say the least." 

Analyst: "Let's take a look at this replay where Avatar and Hichani were both killed early in the game by a completely avoidable fight." 

Caster: "You have to wonder, if Ssumday and Score hadn't performed so well, would KT have won that game?" 

Host: "Well, with lots still to be wished for in KT's Bottom lane, let's hop back into the rift for Game 2." 


. . 

Caster: "And you've got to think in a few seconds we'll be heading to a game 3 as MVP finish off the final nexus turrets."

The long game 2 seems all but lost for KT Rolster, as MVP's team gathers in their base to destroy the final members and eventually the nexus too. 

Analyst: "That's right, one way or another I think they'll end the game." 

Caster: "And looks like they'll catch Ssumday, just barely escaping with a well placed Kindred ult." 

Analyst: "Looks like we can already see the MVP player cams coming up as they look to end."

Below the game the cameras of the player's faces shows, a standard procedure to show the joyful reactions of the team as they celebrate the victory. 

Caster: "And oh, Maha will go down from a ricochet from Avatar's Sivir, and He'll actually take another!" 

Analyst: "Wait are they going to hold this?"

Shout Caster: "Oh my god, that's going to be four kills going over to KT's Avatar! Well there's still Beyond left, he's hitting the nexus, I think it's going to go down! OH MY GOD IT ACTUALLY LIVES. THE NEXUS SURVIVES WITH ONLY A SLIVER OF HEALTH REMAINING!" 

The large glowing crystal miraculously remains undepleted with only a hairs edge of hitpoints, meaning the game is yet to be ended. 


50, 55, 43 seconds, these are the waiting times, the oppos

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Baeva04z #1
Chapter 3: After all the chapters this feels very random was there a plot about him like he seemed in multiple occasions obsessed with her
pikachu_101 #2
Chapter 19: Hi, I really enjoyed your story. Is this still being updated ?