In Another Life

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Series of one-shots set in alternate universes. [Chapter 1]: What if Tiffany did not join SM?


Taeyeon doesn’t understand why Tiffany is so open to sharing all of this with someone she had just met. She’s not sure why she has been so intent on wanting to know more either. She holds herself back from asking more probing questions even though she wants to.

“I’m talking too much.” Tiffany doesn’t seem comfortable with silence at all.

“I appreciate it.” She means it. 


“Feels like the first real conversation I’ve had in years.”

Tiffany looks at her with warmth.

“Me too.”

Taeyeon glances at the clock, not wanting to leave despite it being late. She had earned her independence by being responsible, by being at places she said she’d be at the time agreed, even when no one is checking up on her. The cages were unlocked but she still lived in them.

“I kind of regret not joining SM now.” Tiffany breaks the silence once again. “I threw away their card because it was the ugliest red I had ever seen.”

“Trust me, you don’t,” Taeyeon says, more bitterly than she intended. “Their card is pink now though.” Tiffany’s eyes light up at that trivial fact. She must like pink. 

“Maybe we would have been in the same group, with you as the leader since you’re older. Maybe we would have been roommates and you’d teach me Korean. Maybe I’d be happier.”


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Skye1234 #1
Chapter 2: Will there be a part 3?
1127 streak #2
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh what are you going to do now Taeyeon?
CrissYoung #3
Chapter 2: Wooooaaaahhhh
Chapter 2: Whoa there! That's a lot that's happening!
alex097 #5
Chapter 2: this was the most interesting, great job ❤️
Chapter 1: Cannot wait for the next chapter. Good job! :)
thegloomy11 #7
Chapter 1: i'll wait the next story... fighting autor-nim
Chapter 1: Hey! Thanks for dropping 1st chapter!

Looking forward to the next, whenever you're ready! It's really interesting, I wonder how their relationship be like in the future.
Phisfounder #9
Chapter 1: 💖🥰🥰💖
Well this is interesting