Mr. Kim

2005 E-mail

Mr. Chan is a man in his 50s.

He is healthy and in shape.

One could say quite handsome too with a bit of popularity.

His grandchildren speak wonders about him, claiming he is the best grandfather anyone could ever have.

His children are full of sweet remarks and eternal gratitude over his sacrifice as a father.

His wife loves him the same as she did the first time she met him.

His community applauds all the work and help he has provided to them expecting nothing in return.

All in all he is a great man. ​

Mr. Chan is also very well loved and known at his job.He is always polite to everyone. Says the good mornings and the good nights. He speaks to all of them with genuine care. "How's your mother doing?". "How goes the boyfriend thing?". "Oh! Do you want some coffee too?". He is just a charming man, and if someone has any burden at work he is there to help them with patiance and some humor to lighten up the mood. 

After the electricity had been restored he kindly asked everyone back to their jobs. On the way to his private office (mind him he had a high position) he checks on all of them. If there had been lost works, if the devices weren't working properly, or any lost chat (that one for the laughs). When he is sure all is fine and under control he can't help himself and goes to the office kitchen for a well deserved hot coffee with a pinch of cinnamon powder. 

"Nothing like a strong black coffee to get back on track, right?" Mr. Chan asks as he pours one sugar spoon to his coffee, he actually needs to keep an eye on the sugars. 

"Umm it's tea..."

"Oh I see" Mr. Chan laughs "Ah... that does suit you" 

"Does it?" The man next to Mr. Chan asks. 

"I didn't mean to offend" Mr. Chan quickly apologizes thinking he might have messed up. 

"I didn't take offend" The man smiles warmly and Mr. Chan notices he looks quite aged, not in looks, but as if he was wise in years "I'm more of a sweet tooth guy" he softly laughs again, the man then takes his cup of tea and bows "I have to get back but I'll guess I'll be seeing Mr. Chan for another energy booster" he smiles. 

Mt Chan laughs and bows too "That's right! Energy booster!" He smiles widely "I'll see you around Mr Kim". 

At his return to the office Mr. Chan gets stopped a couple of times, some with questions on the Christmas holidays, others about wrong check results, some about minor issues, and a girl who doesn't understand the new program, Mr. Chan takes quite a lot of time with her. 

When he is finally free to get back to work he quickly sips his coffee, only to realize it's gotten cold, he sighs and does a turn to the office kitchen, walking rapidly he spots Mr. Kim and smiles warmly to himself "Not without the headphones... As always" he thinks.










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2026 streak #1
Chapter 6: That was Madonna's album on his desk? Just confirming... Also, she's memorizing his name wrong. I can't stop laughing at it. I think after your last comment reply, I'm starting to get the hang of it. Just to clarify, so far we have seen only Taemin and Kibum right? I mean the others haven't made any appearance yet right? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 4: Although I'm not exactly sure what's happening here, I liked Taemin's replies to her especially the "to Neverland or back to the future" part. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 3: Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I just read the first chapter and gotta say it's intriguing. But before I continued further, I just wanna clear some things. Firstly, this is an idol x OC fics right? I mean not a boyxboy pairing, is it? Also, hope you wouldn't mind if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^
Taeminahhh #4
Chapter 13: I can't believe how annoying Taemin can be.
Taeminahhh #5
Chapter 11: Hahaha you're so funny. I agree with everything you say. I always start my diet in October. Good luck to me.
Taeminahhh #6
Chapter 10: Gosh hahaha. How many times must she get his name wrong. I love that Kibum still thinks she's cute.
Taeminahhh #7
Chapter 9: Hahaha! Love what you say about models. I think both Kibum and Taemin are making really good points. But at the end of the day we know it's all about making lots of money.
dawnsun #8
Chapter 11: Men think they know what women want. It was nice to get into Kibum"s head and Taemin's head to find out what they think we want. Looking forward to the next chapter.
dawnsun #9
Chapter 8: I share your convictions 🤣🤣🤣
dawnsun #10
Chapter 7: I haven't read this chapter yet but I just want to say I'm enjoying your story. I couldn't comment before because I had a problem with my phone. I'm so relieved I can now make comments.