The Mask Lady

Reborn Young
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The Mask Lady





As Taeyeon slowly emerges from the depths of sleep, her consciousness begins to stir. The world is shrouded in a hazy, dream-like fog, and she is caught in that delicate liminal space between the realms of slumber and wakefulness. She can feel the warmth of her blankets cocooning her, their comforting weight urging her to stay in the embrace of Morpheus just a little longer.


The first faint rays of dawn seep through the curtains, casting a gentle, golden glow across the room. She hears the distant chirping of birds, a soft symphony that accompanies the transition from night to day. Her body, still heavy with the remnants of sleep, protests as she stretches and yawns, reclaiming dominion over her limbs.


The scent of fresh coffee wafts in from the kitchen, a tantalizing promise of the day ahead. The soft patter of rain against the windowpane offers a soothing backdrop to the symphony of morning sounds. Her mind, once a jumbled collage of half-remembered dreams, begins to assemble the fragments of reality.


With a languid sigh, She reaches for her phone, its screen casting a faint blue glow that pierces the dimness. Notifications startle her into full wakefulness, a reminder that the world beyond my cozy cocoon is eager to greet her. It's time to face the day, embrace the challenges and joys that await, and leave the realm of dreams behind—for now.


When her eyes stopped at Yuri's bodyguard's message, she hurriedly got up and rummaged through her clothes, grabbing a blue jacket and her car keys as she ran out of her apartment. She doesn't even call her manager as she drives herself to the mansion early in the morning.




Speechless yet confused, Yoona/Yuri stares at his sister who is catching her breath before his eyes. 


"Un... I mean... Noona, were you-"


"Where we you hurt?" Taeyeon interrupted her brother as she finally approached him and checked his arms, and then his head. There was a bandage on the back of his head which made her gasp. "Who did this to you?" asked her furiously.


"Relax... Um... it was just a contusion."  Yoona/Yuri answered with an awkward smile.


"Contusion, that means you were still hurt intentionally! Where's Mr. Kim?" 


"He left for a while. He'll be back later."


"Did he see who did this to you?"


He shakes his head. "He said when he saw me, I was already lying on the ground passed out, alone. He brought me to the nearest hospital and I was prescribed a pain reliever."


"Did he check the school's CCTV?" Taeyeon wanted to make sure the culprit would get the punishment. She can't let anyone hurt her dongseng again. It's just too much. "Did you get to see the culprit's face?"


Yoona/Yuri shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know... but all I could remember is... there are these three figures."




"Wearing our uniform."


"So it's just students?" Taeyeon asked non-stop.




"Damn, I knew they will not stop."


"Do you... know them?" Yoona/Yuri curiously asked as his eyebrows raised. 


Taeyeon takes his seat across her brother. "No, I mean... there are bullies out there... I learned about that after I visited the school months ago. They were glaring at me when they learned I'm your sister."


"So you know them?"


"I'm not sure. So it's probably them. Tsk." 


"Should we report them?" 


"I was about to tell you." She grabs her brother's hands and gently holds it. "Whenever you get to experience this again, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll handle them."


Yoona/Yuri smiled genuinely as he nodded in the process. 


"For now, you should rest. I'll go to the school to investigate and report the culprit to the principal." She smiled back. She's relieved her brother wasn't that hurt. 'Those bastards better be the culprits.' She however had students in mind already.




After Taeyeon leaves the mansion, Yoona finds himself alone, sitting by the bench outside and enjoying the day and fresh air. The mansion has a beautiful landscape of garden roses. He felt relaxed and comfortable finally after stressful school although it was only 2 days still when he returned to school.


However, when he thought of Seohyun, he stood up, and an idea popped up.


"This means, I can finally follow Seohyun after school." He smiled like a fool and hurriedly returned inside. "But for now, let's write some letter that may convince her about my situation." he rummaged through Yuri's desk and found a bundle of paper then he sat on the executive chair and started writing. However, his mind kept changing and he would crumple the paper and then grab another one to write for the next couple of minutes turning hours until it was lunchtime.


He groaned so loud when he realized he created a mountain of crumpled papers but wasn't even satisfied yet with his final letter. "I'll probably continue after another meal." he got out of the bedroom in time for the mansion's chef called him. 


"So I eat alone... at home." He realized being not in school somehow felt depressing unline in school where he could see the students, and listen to their chitchats. While in the mansion, it's quiet, and not even the music accompanies him. "Has Mr. Kim returned?" he asked the chef before he leaves.


"He's on the way back, young master. Enjoy your food." The chef smiled and bowed before he completely left the long dining table. 


"Aish, I think I should wait for Mr. Kim to arrive so he can join me." He giggles and decides to return upstairs. But his hungry stomach won't let him continue the letter he has started. After a few minutes, he returned to the dining table and started his lunch without waiting for his bodyguard anymore.




Seohyun was erasing the board after the school bell rang for the last period when she heard a voice call her. She stopped and turned her head toward the door.


"Um, how can I help you?" she asked when she realized it was not a student.


Taeyeon walked into the room. "Are you Ms. Seo? Yuri's homeroom teacher? I'm Kim Taeyeon, his older sister." She asked and introduced herself in the process. 


"Omo, It's nice to meet you, Ms. Kim." Seohyun placed the eraser on the desk immediately and wiped her hand before she accepted her hand. "How is he doing? I heard something happened last night?" 


"That's what I am here for, Ms. Seo."


"Um, hold on... why do you look like..." She's not sure but the older girl in front of her looked familiar. Even though she's wearing shades, she can feel like she has seen her somewhere.


Taeyeon softly chuckles. "Um, maybe you've seen me on the TV?" she gently takes off her shades and smiles genuinely.


"Omo." Seohyun's eyes widened in surprise. "It's you! I mean, the singer idol, Kim Taeyeon! Whoa, it's very much a pleasure to meet you." She grabs her hand back and shakes it excitedly but realizes the latter got awkward. "I'm... I'm sorry." She pulled back her hand right away. "I'm not really a fan but I do like your songs... I also know someone that likes you a lot. So yeah." she explained as she blushed profusely.


"It's okay." Taeyeon replied. "It's so cute for you." and unconsciously complimented the young teacher.


"Um, what should I help you with?" 


"It's about the school's CCTV. The principal has told me that I can only access it if the homeroom teacher is with me. So... would you mind to come with me?"


"The CCTV about Yuri's incident, wasn't it?" Seohyun grabs her shoulder bag. "I've actually asked about it already. But my laptop is in the office."


"Oh, there's no problem about that. After you, Ms. Seo." Taeyeon steps aside right away, giving the way politely to Seohyun.


Smiling briefly to the older, Seohyun proceeded to head out first. She's excited thinking of getting an autograph for Yoona. 'No, not for now... Hmm, maybe after we check the CCTV.' she thought in the back of her head, doing her best to stay calm. She's really still surprised that Yuri's sister is the same singer her girlfriend likes. 'It's probably fated to be Yuri's homeroom teacher.'



"Damn. It's them." Seohyun cursed unconsciously as she paused the video that showed the famous bullies in school.


"Do you know them, Ms. Seo?" Taeyeon grabs the opportunity. She has seen those bullies before but she never knew about their names.


"Junsang, Cha Jung Hyeop, and Yoo Insoo. They've been bullying weak kids around the school."


"But haven't they got suspended?"


"Once, 2 months ago. I think. Not quite sure who they bullied but they still got the chance to return because their parents are rich." Seohyun sighs disappointingly. "I'm so sorry about this, Ms. Kim." She get up and bowed in apologies. 


"So the school won't do anything about this as well?"


"I'll report this to the principal. But I won't promise... they won't get suspended from school forever." She suddenly felt embarrassed and lowered her gaze. 


Taeyeon scoffed in disbelief. "Just like how they didn't even investigate what happened to the accident." She said and walked out of the office. She felt her blood boiling while walking in the hallway as she clenched her hands. She wanted to find those bullies so she roamed the school. She found leaving the campus instead which was a great opportunity for her to follow them.


She gasped and quickly hid when the three blocked a young student in the alley and started kicking him, asking him to get them cigarettes at the convenience store nearby. " these jerks." She wanted to save the young boy when someone held her shoulder. "T-Teacher Seo." She's surprised to see the young teacher.


"You have an image to protect, Taeyeon-ssi. Allow me to teach these kids some lessons." Seohyun explained before she tied her black long hair, put on a black cap and a cat mask then she approached the three bullies. "YAH!" She yelled at them to grab their attention.


All three boys turned and were confused to see a masked lady wearing a hood jacket and leather pants. Then they laugh sarcastically together.


'Ms. Seo, what is she doing?' Taeyeon is watching behind a wall. She's not sure about the teacher's plan but she's curious as she stays and watches.


"What do we have here?" Junsang the leader of the group approaches her.


"Leave the boy alone." Said Seohyun behind the mask. 


"Oh, really? When are you going to buy us a cigarette, Miss Cat? Meow~" Junsang snickered as he mocked the unknown masked lady. His friends laugh as well. 


"Nope, you guys are obviously minors."


"That's why we're asking you right, Miss Cat?"


"I won't ask again politely after this..." Seohyun stepped closer to Junsang and leaned into his ear. "Leave the boy or I won't hesitate to call the police." she warned while eyeing the poor boy being held by the other two bullies.


Junsang gasped and instinctively stepped back to throw a punch but the masked lady got his wrist and twisted it. "Ah!" He cried in pain, instantly.


"Tell them to let go of him and you guys leave." She commanded as she twisted his wrist even further earning many cries from Junsang.


"Ah! Fa-fa-fine... fine. L-let go of me first!" Junsang struggled even more as his hand turned red. 


Taeyeon couldn't believe her eyes. 'How could a teacher do something like this?' She hasn't seen anyone who is that strong. But that makes her really amazed by her brother's homeroom teacher. 


"Let go of him." Seohyun commanded as she let go of Junsang's hand and the other bullies hastily rushed to him. "Are you okay?" she asked in concern.


"I'm fine. Thank you." The boy said even though he had bruises on his face. He checked his watch and widened his eyes. "Thank you again." Then runs off in a hurry. Junsang and his friends started leaving as well, afraid the masked lady would hurt them. 


"Wait!" Seohyun stopped them. The three slowly turned and lowered their gazes. She sighed and approached them casually just to hit their heads. "You. Guys. Better. Stop. Doing. This. Otherwise, I'm going to report you three. Leave now before I can kick you all!"


Junsang, Junghyeop, and Insoo didn't even say a word as they ran away in fear. 


Taeyeon slowly stepped out from her hiding spot and approached her. "Whoa, you can do that, Ms. Seo?" 


She takes off her mask and smiles shyly. "Just know some fighting skills." 


"Have you been doing this?"


"Oh, it's the first time. I mean, I'm a busy teacher. But please, don't tell the school about this. You know, they don't let teachers into the students' business." 


Taeyeon scoffed. "That school is indeed prestigious but is blind to injustice. I can't believe my brother still likes to study there."


"Teachers are good though, Um... just the school administration." 


"Since you helped me with that, why don't I give you some treats?" A big smile plastered Taeyeon's face as she had something in mind.


"Yes?" Seohyun raised her brows.



A big and cute smile is apparent on Seohyun's face while she's hugging the CD album of Yoona's favorite singer with her signature and message on it that can be read as;


Get well soon, Yoona-ssi. Thank you for being my number one fan.


"I can't wait for Yoongie to see this." She said as she giggled while walking back to the school. 




"Thanks." Tiffany flashes a sweet smile to the barista as she receives the two iced coffee drinks she ordered. She walked to where Taeyeon was waiting for her but noticed how she had been smiling on her phone. "What the... what is wrong with her?" She must be mistaken but it's the first time she is seeing her best friend smiling like that while busy on her phone. "Yah, who is that?" asked her as soon as she placed the drinks on their table.


Taeyeon was startled yet she was quick to close her phone. "What? Who are you talking about?" she asked confusedly as she looked at her best friend.


Tiffany nudged her while teasingly smiling. "Don't play with me. Your smile right now is different. Who is that, eh?" She tried to snatch her phone but the latter was fast from avoiding her reach. "You're crushing on someone, aren't you?" 


"What? Of course not." Taeyeon denied it right away. 'I mean, she's in front of me right now.' She thought at the back of her head.


"You're flustered, then it's true. I wonder who?" 


"Ugh, I told you it's not." 


Tiffany giggles in amusement. "You're blushing right now. Anyway, speaking of that, I'm actually crushing on someone." she can't resist and shares it with her best friend.


"Who?" Taeyeon instantly replied. It's not all the time her best friend gets some crush so it's always interesting for her. 


"Behind me." Tiffany softly replied while smiling giddily.


Looking behind her best friend, Taeyeon finds no one besides the barista. "Who?" She confusedly asked.


"The..." Tiffany leaned into her best friend's ear. "Barista." She whispered and blushed profusely.


"Chincha? Wae?" Taeyeon can't find a reason for her best friend to have a crush on the new barista of their favorite cafe. 


"He's a cutie." Said Tiffany as she glanced at the young barista who was as

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1128 streak #1
Chapter 11: Lol Fany become serious and probably upset when Tae mention she'll meet teacher Seo that's why she immediately said see you later and hung up the phone...
Chapter 10: Omoo, yuri in yoona's body. Then Seo kiss her >,<
1128 streak #3
Chapter 10: Oh so now it's Yuri's turn to live as Yoona... But what about Jessica? Is the really her or Yoona's soul in Jessica's body?
Chapter 9: Yoona back to her body? Really? How about yuri?
RunningTRussia #5
Hi, I just located this story looks pretty cool! Thanks for continuing this yoonhyun story
1128 streak #6
Chapter 9: Oh so Yoona is back in her body?
multistory #7
Chapter 8: Look forward to your next update.
1128 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh so i think the reason why Jessica hasn't been around is she must've entered Yoona's body?? and oh Seo be careful from now on...
Fire_trek 347 streak #9
Chapter 1: This was an interesting start to a great story! I can’t believe fate brought YOONA and Seohyun back together again(although she’s a “he” now) I’m happy to see where this goes
1128 streak #10
Chapter 6: Cliff hanger hehehe 😁😁😁