Chapter - 20

Nectar of Pain

Tiffany’s POV


I was happy making fruit cocktail with Yuri and Yoona. I was just hanging around and wanted to help Yuri, but she kept telling me to take care when I held the knife.


“Fany ah, be careful. Let me do cutting. Just bring the bowls and drinks”


Her words were so sweet that I was happy, and we were giggling together. As soon as I came out from restroom, I looked for Yuri. I couldn’t find her in the kitchen or living room. Girls are gathering in the kitchen as they are trying the drink.


“That’s really good”


“I really like it”


“Where is Yuri?”


I asked to the girls as they said at the balcony. So, I followed her. But Sunny came out from balcony as she dragged me back to kitchen. I peeked at the balcony as I saw Jessica was hugging Yuri and Yuri hugged her back sweetly. I feel sad and jealous.


Yuri was holding Jessica’s hand as she leaded the way to living room. Yuri takes care of her a lot. Jessica looks sad. They sat side by side. Yuri made green tea for Jessica and gave her hoodie. How sweet she is. I am jealous of her. I know that I can’t compare with Jessica since they have known each other for so long. But I am still sad and jealous of her. I wish I could meet her earlier.


Yuri chose Sunny for who she wants to date when she is a guy. I chose her. Jessica chose her too. And Yoona and Taeyeon did too. But the last question If you have to date someone from us, who would you date, almost all the girls chose her. Why is she so popular? And she chose Jessica.


My mood was down since earlier, so I was just sitting on the couch and keep drinking. Yuri is just staying beside Jessica all these times. Is she caring Jessica because she is sad? I am sad too. Why can’t you see me? She keeps whispering something to Jessica’s ear as they are giggling in their own world.


“Come on, Fany. Let’s go get some air”


Taeyeon came to me and spoke. I think she noticed that I am not in good mood. Sunny, Sooyoung, Yoona and Seohyun are going too.




I called her to go for a walk but before she does anything she turned to Jessica and read her face.


“We will come later. Go ahead”


Yuri responded. Jessica isn’t a person who like to walk. So, we left by ourselves.


“Girls…we gonna get some ice cream”


Sooyoung and Yoona said as the other girls except me and Taeyeon followed them. So, it’s just me and Taeyeon again. We were walking around but we didn’t talk anything. Then I suddenly cry as she looks panic.


“Do you like her that way?”


Taeyeon’s question really surprised me.




She continued. I know that I am obvious and expressive. Whenever we talk, I keep talking about Yuri. So, she kinds of know it.


“I wasn’t expecting much at first. I just like her. As I get closer to her, I am getting greedy. She took care of me and worried me a lot when we were making cocktail. We had a lot of fun. Then she just sticks to Jessica after that. Is it because Jessica is sad? I am sad too. Why can’t she see me?”


I was complaining as I cried.


“What do I do?”


I asked to Taeyeon who is just staring at me crying with her poker face, saying nothing. Shouldn’t she say something when her friend is crying?


“There’s nothing you can do. Just cry”


She answered coldly which made me irritated. How can she say that with that poker face and low voice, without emotion at all. She is the worst person to go for advice.


“Yah…how can you say that emotionlessly? I really like her”


I whined as I yelled.


“I know. What can you do? She doesn’t like you that way. You can only cry”


She really knows how to make me irritated. Now that my mood changed. Rather than sad because of Yuri, I am mad at Taeyeon.


“You never crush on someone before?”


I yelled.


“I do”


Whatever tone I am in, she just replies with the same tone, emotionless tone.


“Did she like you back?”




“Does she know that you like her?”




“What did you do?”


“I cried”


That girl is weird. I stopped crying as I started to wonder what kind of person Taeyeon is and what kind of person Taeyeon likes. Our conversation got cut off when the girls are back.




Yoona said as she gave us ice-cream. We were at the nearest playground of the park.


“Girls…is it just me or anyone feel like a third wheel when you are with Yulsic?”


Sooyoung asked while biting her ice cream bar.




I asked back. Yulsic?


“Yuri and Jessica. When we were in middle school, SHY was famous, and Jessica was also famous because she is pretty, and they are always together. So, Yuri’s fan ship them and called them ‘Yulsic’”


Yoona explained.


“it’s just you”


Sunny joked as other laughed.


“I feel something, like left out, Like the feeling that you don’t belong there. Is it called a third wheel?”


Seohyun asked as other laughed. Well, I couldn’t take it as a joke.


“They are always lost in their own world”


Taeyeon commented.


“Are they always like that since they are young?”


I asked curiously.


“There is one time that I really want to be Jessica. You know there’s a time that me and Yoona needed to be in a play, so we did weight training with her. That day Yoona didn’t come, and Jessica came with us”


Sooyoung was explaining the incident that she is jealous of Jessica.


“She really looks professional when she is doing something seriously, right?”


“Yes, I really think of her as trainer when she is training us. I can’t even talk or joke”


Yoona agreed. We agreed too. Yuri really looks professional when she is working.


“Yes. Right? We can’t even joke around. She doesn’t even smile much. But that day, she smiles and being easy on us. She asked Jessica if she is tired with smile and Jessica nodded with puppy eyes so she patted her hair. Then she came to me, so I think she gonna ask me that too. I said I am tired too with puppy eyes. You know what she said? She was going back to her serious mood and told me what I am doing with 8 lbs. Go grab 15 lbs at least”


We laughed at how she is complaining.


“I was mad that day and complained her the whole day after that. So, she bought me ice-cream to console, and I forgave her”


I didn’t know that Sooyoung has that side. She is cute. She always looks strong and bossy but there is a time she listens to Yuri? But they did make me feel better than Taeyeon did. Cry? Just cry? What kind of friends answer like that when your friend wants to vent.

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taeknight09 #1
williammozart #2
Chapter 27: I hope you will update this story again. I will be looking forward.
Chapter 22: Jessica will get very jealous if she come to know .
Chapter 21: So they were both each other comfort and now they drunk kiss
Chapter 20: Tiffany is heartbroken . And she dosent know why Taeyeon is acting like that .
Chapter 19: Aww Yulsic is sailing . They are cute
Chapter 18: I hope they can both come to terms with their own feelings . They should be together :)
Chapter 17: Yulsic should just be and get together . Don't let Jessica unleashed her ice
Chapter 16: Omg this is so sweet . Hopefully they can officially be together soon