The Royal Scandal
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@ Bosworth Castle


The Queen grew up in Bosworth Castle, it is where she spent most of her childhood. When his dad became the King when she was 8 years old, that is when they moved to Cordington Palace. Now that she is the new Monarch, she was able to choose where the official Royal Residence shall be. That's why she chose the Bosworth Castle, as it reminds her the good old days of her childhood.


It's been a year since the Coronation. The Queen spent the whole year touring the entire country as well as going on a State visits at neighboring and allied countries of their Kingdom. She attended almost a hundred dinner parties, tea parties and garden parties in her first year as a Queen. It was exhausting for her but at the same time, very rewarding as she sees the love of her people towards her.


The Queen is having a rest day after all the works she did, from state visits to other official Royal business.


"Finally, a time to rest! I don't have to work or think of anything." She said as she eat her favorite scarmbled egg for breakfast.


Rest is actually one of the luxury that a Queen cannot enjoy. She's just realizing it now.


"Attending parties is not work. I don't get why you get paid for travelling and attending parties." Princess Solar said, a cousin to the Queen, daughter of the Duke of Berry.


"Excuse me?" Irene replied as she raised her eyebrows at the Princess.


Of course, just like her father, the Duke of Berry, Solar is as conceited and brat. Solar is the cousin that Irene hated a lot. Ever since they were young, she could feel that Solar has always envied her. Maybe because she's been destined to be the Queen for the moment she was born. She tried befriend Solar but she just can't with her. 


"That is not how you should speak to the Queen, Solar. Apologize now!" Her mother stopped her.


"Well, I think this girl takes after her father." The Queen Mother said.


"I'm so sorry your majesties, my daughter---" Solar's mother, the duchess of berry wasn't able to finish speaking when the Queen Mother interrupted.


"My dear, if you wish for us to live harmoniously in this castle, you should learn when to keep your mouth shut. Your disrespect towards your Queen may be view as, treason." The Queen Mother threateningly said. 


"What? I cannot have a normal chat with my cousin now? It's just a playful banter."  Princess Solar provokingly said.


"Well, we can have a chat, my dear cousin. But if I hear one more disrespect comes out of that filthy little mouth of yours, I promise you, I'll have the palace guards you outside this castle. Understood?" The Queen said.


Queen Irene is kind but being disrespected like that should not be tolerated. You cannot disrecpect your Queen and expect that things are good just because your part of the family. 


"Apologies, Your Majesties." The Duchess said in behalf of her daughter.


"You get to have a life of luxury, thanks to this Family, Solar. I suggest you have a reality check and know your place in this family." The Queen Mother said to Solar.


Solar felt embarassed as she put her utensils down and unwillingly bow to the Queen before leaving the dining area.

Irene is walking in the garden at Bosworth Castle. It is one of her favorite place to relax and unwind because of how therapeutic the place is. It is well maintained and very beautiful. She's thinking of all the things that happened since she became Queen. How she misses the things used to be.


"Your Majesty!" Lady Yeri said shouting as she ran towards where Irene is.


"Why are you shouting? and running? That's unlady like." Irene said teasingly at Yeri.


Irene is very close with her ladies in waiting. They help her in every way possible. From getting dress to keeping her secrets. They are the closest thing she can call as friends.


"You got a mail! From that girl, Abernathy." Yeri said laughing.


Yeri is the closest to Irene among all her ladies that why she entrusted Yeri her private mails. Yeri was instructed by Irene that all the letters from Seulgi shall be delivered personally to her. For the reason that, all her mails are filtered out before reaching to her to make sure that all the letters that will be delivered to her has no threat or malicious contents.



Irene took the letter from Yeri.


"Thank you. But are you sure Mr. Aberdeeen, didn't notice you took this letter?" Irene said laughing.


"I made sure. The last time he caught me, he threatened to kick me out here... Can he do that?" Yeri asked curiously.


"Technically, he can kick out palace staff but don't worry he can't do that you and he won't do that. He's only teasing." Irene said jokingly.


"That short tempered, old man." Yeri said laughing while shooking her head.


"Alright, you may go now." Irene said gestured Yeri that she may now go.


Irene wants her time alone. That's why during her rest days, instead of being surrounded by people, she goes to the garden and take a walk alone so she can have a quiet time to think and breathe.


After Yeri left, Irene went to the Gazebo to read the letter.


Dearest Irene,

I'm sorry for not replying to your letters lately. I have been very busy with my personal affairs.

But I promise you, we'll meet again... VERY... SOON. :P

Your Most Loyal Subject,

Seulgi Abernathy

The next day, the Queen is back to work.


In the morning, she's scheduled to meet with the Prime Minister to talk about some State affairs and in the afternoon, she's supposed to visit the the Academy of the Royal Navy. As a commander in chief of the Royal Navy,

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Ryunero #1
Chapter 7: Omg thank u for the update! Since school days? Wow altho it keeps mentioning not in this lifetime I’ll try to have hope for their love story🤧
Chapter 7: They're destined to have a tragic love story unless Irene can convince the firm to change their ways
924 streak #3
Chapter 7: Yeah the burden of being the Queen is you can't choose the person you want to marry 🥺💔😭
softforseulrene #4
Chapter 1: idk to you all, but her father’s death gives me goosebumps just the way how The Crown felt me
70 streak #5
Chapter 7: Sending hugs!
70 streak #6
Chapter 7: Lets fight for your love queen irene!
70 streak #7
Chapter 7: *crying*
Chapter 7: I'm happy we get more deep of their relationship n the scene from their high school. Lets fight for your love irene!
blessmeohyeah #9
Chapter 7: The way seulgi accept the fact that she will never be Irene’s priority 😭 how painful must’ve been :((