Boys Over Flowers


Of all the human population, why does he have to fall in love with a fellow Omega? And why is Kyuhyun so freaking obsessed with smelling his nape?



My first official kyusung omegaverse!! Enjoy!

Everyone, I add a short extra per the comments request xD Don't forget to check it out!!


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Chapter 3: I love the story so much ❤️ thank you for your hard work <3
Chapter 3: have granted our request. Thank you author-nim you are really kind. 💕👍
Jongwoon's innocence that I really like the most
Kyusungftw #3
Chapter 3: Hahahaha of course that is 100% approved by kyu kind of idea, jongwoon ah. Adorable ending 😍
Kyusungftw #4
Chapter 2: Jongwoon wondered what kyu meant by seducing him and then proceeded doing the exact thing hahahaha. Again Kyu has the highest level of patience! We love a gentleman 😍

Oh no no no no 🫣 but still hope for happy ending
397 streak #5
Chapter 3: LMAO! It's soooooo EXTRAAAA! Jongwoon you idiot XD~
397 streak #6
Chapter 2: 4 KIDS?!? THAT'S A LOT XDDDD~

Sooooo... You are going to make me cry next week (?) good to know, I'll prepare a box of tissue when the time comes T^T
Chapter 3: Now I want to know whether the twins will have brother or sister or other twins 😅
Thanks you for this awesome fics. Look forward to your new ones 💙
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1521150/2'>End (2/2)</a></span>
poor him brought a leopard at home..
pinkeussi #9
Chapter 3: Omg i can't stop giggle like a fool while reading this omg
_MyName_ #10
Chapter 3: Thank you for making my wish come true, this was great! I don't know why I enjoy reading Kyuhyun struggling with his mini-me(s) xD and when it comes to Jongwoons plan... it was kinda stupid but on one hand very logical :D