sunshine by the sea

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Close your eyes, poor child, and dream of a future where you love him, and he will finally love you back. //

An encounter with a mysterious stranger with hooded cloak throws Donghae eight years into the future.


a time travel oneshot no one asked for!

I know it says complete but I'm drafting 2018!hae with the 2011!hyuk for the next chapter 👀


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I've lost count of how many times I read this one shot, I'll keep waiting for 2018hae! and the 2011hyuk!
eunfthae #2
Chapter 1: never losing the hope to see 2018!Hae and 2011!Hyuk 😭 this makes me tear up every time
Chapter 1: Oh my god. So much to unpack for me.
I haven't read any stories of these two for what must be 3 years now. The Big Sad has hit me hard. And only today something reminded me I miss them and I need them.
And of all places and stories I land HERE??? In ducking HEAVEN?!!!
My gods. I cried SO MUCH. You put me through so many emotions and a trip to the past so, so much. I literally felt like your story was caressing MY broken heart. I'm in my villain era and you just made me SO SOFT LOL, I love this, I love you, I love this story, I absolutely love the prompt! Everything about this is just flawless.

And I HORRIBLY need the 2011 Hyuk and 2018 Hae meet up!!
1455 streak #4
Chapter 1: This makes me feel so much emotions. 🥹 can't wait for the next.
Chapter 1: I squeaks too many times lol. This story is good, the plot is well arranged and I love how you portrayed their character, with cute hae and a very gentle hyuk. Well done, I'm waiting for the next chapter 👀
eunfthae #6
Chapter 1: I lost count of how many times I have read this masterpiece. It was absolutely lovely to see how Hyukjae took care of the younger version of Donghae. So tender, so cute, yet so him at the same time.

I can't help but wonder how it was for Donghae to deal with the younger version of Hyukjae. Maybe his words knocked some sense into his mind, kkk.

Thank you so much for writing this, it was amazing to read from begging to end!
Achichi #7
Chapter 1: Love this story, thank you 🥺🥰
Chapter 1: "I will love you, deep down to the marrow. Just... give me some more time. Give HIM some more time."

That line punched my heart. Hyukjae knows he was a bit of a jerk and cold sometimes to Donghae when they were younger and seeing how it affects this younger version of Donghae breaks his heart 🥺 but it's so nice to know that Donghae will get everything he dreamed of, he just needs to be patient.

I loved this ❤️
16 streak #9
Chapter 1: can we have the 2011 version of what happen to older!hae and the younger!hyuk..
1576 streak #10
Chapter 1: Ohh, I'm a er for this kind of premise. Longing and unrequited feelings and pining turned upside down by a glimpse of what will be. 😭

The very Hyukjae way he puts his hand on his hips, well all know it. Oh but this time he was oop.

They're in HAWAII of all places. Their "honeymoon" place. 🥰 LOL what cosmic timing. 2011 Donghae was so naive and innocent (and tinier). Mosquitoes. 😅 Yeah one not quite as tiny but handsome mosquito lmao.

It's amazing but also kinda in character that Hyukjae, tsundere as ever in 2018, is so soft and doting on past Donghae. Probably half to to make up for the past hurt he caused, and half because past Donghae was so cute. (Of course, future Ddohae continues to be cute, just more muscle-y lol.) Love how Hyuk also made sure to make his Donghae proud by insisting they brush their teeth. 🤭

(So...Donghae remembered that/when the time-travel happened but not the details? Can only imagine how much chaos is happening with 2018 Donghae - presumably also arriving - in the past, with mean old/younger Hyuk lol.)

Yes, many things sure did happen in those 8 years. But it brought them to a good place together at least.

Hahaha, bet Hyukjae forgot that brief time when Donghae called him hyung. He probably feels extra old being called it now, even if it's technically more appropriate in the situation. (Though maybe he likes it too lmao~) But it's really so sweet how he continued to reassure Donghae, and asked him to be patient with his foolish past self.

Love how even baby Donghae, still trying to grasp that this is real, intuitively knew Hyukjae was the one who proposed. (Though probably neither at this point knew he'd go on to write a song about it.) And of course future Hyuk will give him a piggyback ride, future Hyuk is whipped af and he's also extra strong from carrying future Donghae around so carrying past tinier Donghae would be easy by comparison.

Ah, it ended so preciously. I'm sure I can speak for all readers (and all us eunhae thirdwheels in general, it's basically our tagline) when I say: "When do I get to have a soulmate like that?" 😔

Thanks for sharing this fluffy, healing story. ♡