The Beginning and End


The last light they had was sitting at the center of the room on a rusted candle holder, illuminating only her face as they both tried to hold on for hope, that they might find one another after this life time.


“You keep staring at me, hon.” Irene chuckled as she crossed the room to where Wendy was sitting. The light was replaced by the cool lingering touch of the moon.


“I want to remember your face, forever.” Irene caressed Wendy’s face, and sighed. “Why does the world need to end when we are just starting our lives together?”


“At least we have one another, one last time.” Wendy closed her eyes, and tried to imprint in her memory each touch, breath, and words they have left.


“What’s the time?” Irene asked. Her face inching closer to Wendy’s.


“30 minutes before midnight.” Wendy replied, her gaze focused on Irene’s now, as they wait.


“Do you believe in the after life?”


“No.” Wendy turned away for a moment. “Do you?”


“Yes. I am hoping we’ll see each other again, Wendy.”


“I know, but if we don’t...” She tried to find the right words to say to Irene, who looked down. “Just remember how much I love you and how I loved each of our moments spent together.” Irene didn’t reply, she was fumbling with the loose thread on her shirt, trying hard not to cry.


“Hey, remember that time you broke up with me?” Wendy said trying to cheer her up.


“More like, I dumped you.” She laughed, and so did Wendy for a while.


“Just because I wasn’t ready to say it back!”


“I thought that you simply didn’t love me and I didn’t want to waste my time being with someone who will never love me back.” Irene smiled, “Then I realized that love is more than just words, wasn’t it?”


Irene continued, “When I was too tired for my research paper, you were there to look for the sources I needed, and even made my citations, arranging all fifty of them alphabetically...” Wendy remembered, and her heart started to flutter again.


“Oh, and when you waited outside of my dormitory for eight hours, when I had a cold and you wanted to check up on me but our land lady was still there.” 


“I had to beg her but she continuously rejected me.” 


“How were you able to convince her, you never told me that.”


“I told her i’ll walk her dog for a week.” 


“But you are allergic to dogs!”


“It didn’t matter. Nothing does when it comes to you, you know that.” Wendy pinched Irene’s cheek. “And besides, the pup reminded me of you.”


“Because i’m cute?” Irene teased, her fingers lacing through Wendy’s own, as they held on to each other tight, counting down the minutes. 


“Because it kept running away from me.”


“Not anymore.”


Government announcement:


The meteor is closing in, and has entered our atmosphere. Based from its velocity, and trajectory, it will eventually crash 37.56•N  and 126.98• E...


Wendy went to the radio and switched it to the last channel that is still playing music. 


“Dying would if this is the last thing we hear.” Irene went over to Wendy and turned the radio off completely. “Why don’t you sing for me while we dance?”


“One last time?”


“Only in this life.”


This street here

I guess it's not the first time

I think I've come here before

The hand that I always held tight

I remember

Like a lovе movie

The road we walkеd all night


Irene can hear Wendy’s heart beat slowing down, and she can feel her slowly syncing its beat to her own, each counting down their last breaths together as the crash was slowly enveloping the area in ruins.


“Please find me, wherever we go after this...” Irene rested her forehead on Wendy’s own. “Find me and let’s live as one again.”


“Irene, I love you.”


“Promise me, Seungwan.”


“I love—“

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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 1: Jesus christ 😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 1: 😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 1: very cool
Riscark #4
Chapter 1: This is the very definition of bittersweet. You spend the end of the world with your loved one, like it's a dream but also a nightmare.
112 streak #5
Chapter 1: 😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 1: Happy weekend 🥲
wensky #7
Chapter 1: >_<