No Longer


Ex-lovers Lee Taeyong and Nakamoto Yuta meets again after a bad break up.

Taeyong was just starting to heal (2 years late) and Yuta wanted to start all over again.


This is messy and was supposed to be just a one-shot. Or maybe it still is?

One thing's for sure, this is messy but my heart wanted to write something YuTae. x_x


Why does the cover photo look scary? hmmm

Okay, I just have to!
DY always in between my YuTae 😂😭🥰


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Chapter 7: so sorry to hear you weren’t able to secure a ticket :(( hope they’ll have additional shows later on down the line but this tour schedule has just been a mess..anyways !!! this was so sweet and I’m just happy to see them be happy together! i think it ended off kind of nice, like no longer as afraid and instead excited for what’s to come for them 💕 thanks again for writing!
Chapter 6: we love cheesy!! it did feel like he was gonna propose even tho it was just for a kiss lol and I don’t think I mentioned how much I love soccer player yuta but I do! feels like I haven’t seen that be written for him in a while so it’s good to see that ☺️ also wanna mention that section where taeyong thinks about how he doesn’t wanna continue where they left off but start over and agree, it’s not the old love that he wants but just yuta.
Chapter 5: I’m both surprised and not! on one hand I totally understand them getting it on because who can really blame them? and on the other hand it is surprising and I’m sure that’s why taeyong felt overwhelmed afterwards but once again it’s good to see them communicating their thoughts/worries. really hoping yuta keeps to his promise of making taeyong happy, he deserves it!
Chapter 4: that ending was cute! cuddles were definitely needed this chapter and I’m happy they got to kiss too! despite you thinking it’s a mess and all over the place it still comes together at the end and shows how they don’t wanna be apart from each other from long, so I say cuddles are needed till things progress more between them!
Chapter 3: wanting to shake taeyong and tell him to stop thinking he’s pathetic for wanting to be happy!! :(( ofc it’s not easy after having to deal with the way yuta hurt him but I’m glad they are communicating more about giving themselves another chance at their relationship and have agreed to take it slow, tho ajsjdd at least they managed to get some kissing in before that! love doyoung’s character here, being a good friend to taeyong and also his complaining jdkfsks sorry yuta has to invade your life and bedroom! hopefully the insecurities that plague them will eventually pass as they rebuild their relationship 🤗 great update!
Chapter 2: ah doyoung! we were getting somewhere just now! but then again that interruption probably was for the best cause I’m sure it wouldn’t have taken long for either side to give in. I actually do like that taeyong’s head and heart aren’t in alignment right now because once they are it’ll be easier for him to give himself to yuta. but for now they gotta take it slow and test the waters, which we already see with yuta doing some of the things he hadn’t previously, though that doesn’t exactly make up for how taeyong was treated! looking forward to see what happens next!
Chapter 1: definitely think there is room for a little more so if you do continue this I’ll appreciate it! they really did need to talk about what happened in their relationship and see the faults and realize the blame couldn’t just go to one person /themselves. I’m glad they both are willing to try it out again but need to take it slow and not rush even if all their feelings for one another are still very strong.
Chapter 1: It’s obvious that both of them have feelings for each other, even after two years. What Yuta did was wrong and Taeyong has every right to be mad but Yuta has changed and he’s ready to prove it. It’s good that Taeyong was a little drunk, people tend to be more honest when their drunk. So he could let his feelings out and they could talk. It was sweet for Yuta to take care of Taeyong, and waking up in cuddles is not so bad after all.