8 - Anger

The Puppeteer
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[CONTENTID1] The Puppeteer [/CONTENTID1]









Mingyu was sitting on the couch in the meeting room. Jeonghan and Jisoo went through the evidence for the fourth time, and Wonwoo was at home after he dropped him off.
Jisoo had looked at him angrily a few times, and Jeonghan also seemed to notice that he was struggling with his instincts screaming at him to accept that he had developed an urge mechanism towards a human and that this was theoretically impossible. Wonwoo was human and not a mutant. Creating a connection based on instinctual behavior was virtually impossible, as Wonwoo showed no submissive behavior towards him. This was the cause of his massive confusion at the moment.
He had been worried for Wonwoo to the extent that he had entered the Saver´s mind without his permission at the exact moment Jeonghan had started to sort out the massive data chaos he had in his mind.
He had done it only for a second and was ashamed after it.
Wonwoo's mind had been entirely chaotic, and Jeonghan had organized a part but not all of it. And that was appropriate because everything else in the Saver´s mind was none of their business. It wasn't nice, and although the younger had almost allowed him to read his thoughts a few days before, even twice, one simply didn't do it out of decency. But he wanted to know what Wonwoo thought of him, whether he saw him as a colleague or a friend, because his stupid urge mechanism drove him crazy. Jisoo was right, and he was an idiot for developing this urge towards a human being. The problem was that it didn't matter how he did it because when a mutant positioned himself in a leading role, his reasoning was over, and he followed his genetic way of approaching the partner he wanted.
But a bloody human was a big problem.
What he had found was so disturbing that he could not think clearly for about an hour.
He knew before that humans felt and thought differently, but Wonwoo´s mind had been filled with memories about him. But these thoughts were somehow not linked. It looked like a net that tried to knot itself. Some strings were already very distinct. He had read thoughts like a laugh Wonwoo had seen in him and liked the conversation while they had eaten breakfast when he had explained that mutants thought differently. He felt grateful when he watched his upload. But some were vast, and it didn't look like they would get together. Or maybe they would? In other words, Wonwoo didn't know what he thought about him yet, if he liked him as a friend or a coworker, or even had feelings for him but didn't realize it yet. And that made Mingyu so damn happy but confused that he would have loved to grab him on the spot and confess to him, hoping that he would gradually pull the strings together and maybe the possibility of a connection would arise.
Mingyu quickly lowered his gaze as Jisoo stared back at him. He knew his eyes were probably so apparent that he quickly closed them again.
"Get a grip. If there's no attraction from his side now, there won't be in the future. I know you undermind my lead urge towards you, but that does not mean I am not allowed to worry about it." Jisoo muttered angrily, turning his attention back to the evidence.
"Humans are different from us. Most of the time, humans date for a while before they commit to a relationship. It's a waste of time for us, but building a relationship seems essential. You have two choices. You can save your from the disappointment and try to cut ties on your end, or you can pursue the Saver until he gives up and agrees to a date. And I'm Team Date, by the way." Jeonghan suddenly chuckled, and Mingyu looked at him in surprise.
"You are?"
"Sure. Why not? He is a human. So what?" Jeonghan smirked.
"Will you stop putting weird ideas in his head?" Jisoo snorted, but Mingyu felt better. He could feel his heartbeat rising again. He had a chance.
"I dare you, Mingyu. I'm Team No way in hell." The Death Catcher stared at him.
"For now, let´s stick with Team Date." Mingyu smiled.



Jisoo looked at Mingyu again. Since the stabilization of the Saver, he had been entirely out of it.  Jisoo was extremely frustrated because Mingyu's eye color was slightly reddish.
"You can´t in. He knows that you mean well, but look at him. He is radiating signs of marking already. Let´s just support him instead of scolding." he suddenly heard Jeonghan murmuring next to him.
"This is going to be a disaster. Wonwoo is human, for 's sake. It won't work."
"Maybe it won´t be a physical connection?" Jeonghan muttered and tapped his fingers on the desk."Does it look like Mingyu is interested in a platonic relationship? His eyes are shining like Wonwoo's damn tattoo! Like I said, it won't be interesting. It'll be a disaster." Jisoo said, picking up the papers again.
"It's not necessarily as much of a disaster as you think. Don't be such a ." Jeonghan hissed.
Jisoo fought with himself and his stupid thoughts. - Shut up ... Shut up ... -
"I have no problem with relationships that others would find problematic, even if it's difficult to convince the partner you want to be your partner. I would lead the connection I may desire in the future. I am sure that I can be a good partner and support my submissive part."
Jeonghan was staring at him.



Jeonghan felt it.
Every time he sat near Jisoo, walked past him or sat in a room or car with him... Jisoo was a born lead part. He was strong, had absolute trust in things he knew and could do, and was reliable regarding support and protection. And Jeonghan had decided to give him a wide berth in the future. Jisoo's aura was so attractive to him as a genetically submissive part that it was only a matter of time before he would be hurt, pushed away, or thrown away again. The way he presented himself with absolute conviction as the lead part was more than just attractive for a mutant in the connection's submissive position.
Jisoo looked at him strangely, and Jeonghan immediately broke eye contact.
"Then I hope you'll find a suitable partner again soon, and he will be satisfied with the execution." he murmured.
"I will. And I don´t doubt that I won´t mess this up." Jisoo suddenly smiled and turned back to the documents.



Wonwoo opened the door to the meeting room.
"... the numbers are linked. " Jeonghan said.
"Ah, our hard drive is here." Jisoo chuckled.
Wonwoo had to grin. " you."
"Are we getting sassy now just because you know how I drink my coffee?"Mingyu grinned.
"Wow, you guys are pretty close now." Jeonghan laughed when Wonwoo dropped on his chair and presented his middle finger toward Jisoo.
"I hope you have a pleasant morning coming to the office this late. The Chief kills me for ten minutes late, but apparently, humans stick together and are not scolded for two days late." smirked Mingyu, tossing Wonwoo a sandwich.
"I'd be honored if you'd sit your lazy on that chair again and be a dear to put that cable in your head." Jeonghan nagged.
"I can put something else in your head, my dear." Wonwoo laughed and dodged the pen that Jeonghan was throwing at him. He sat down at the computer.
After uploading all the files, Mingyu drove him home, but the next day in the office, he collapsed again, so he was ordered to rest at home for two days.
"So, what do we have so far?" he muttered, biting into the sandwich Mingyu had given him and extending the cable so he could roll to Mingyu´s side with his chair.
He smiled at him, and Mingyu blushed, staring at the screen again.
Jisoo cleared his throat, but Mingyu seemed uncomfortable. 
Wonwoo was confused and continued eating his sandwich.
"We've found a lot of clues in the last two days, and this guy... " Jeonghan pointed at a frightened little puppy in the corner of the room. "...already recorded everything."
Wonwoo choked on his last bite.
"What?" he stammered and looked into a corner. He saw a guy that he hadn´t noticed yet.
He had a tattoo — another Saver.



Mingyu put his hand on the table next to Wonwoo's arm to stop the pen, which he would likely ram into the other Saver's head.
"Wonwoo, we only..." Mingyu heard Jeonghan's voice, but the youngest began to tremble slightly.
"You brought another Saver into the team?" asked Wonwoo.
"The boss was worried about you, so he added a second Saver, and you guys can share the work." Jeonghan continued to explain the data.



Wonwoo wasn't listening.
He was staring at the guy.
"Are you uncomfortable? Is that Controller over there scary? Is Jisoo so intimidating that you think this Mind Reader next to me is a better choice as a coworker?" he asked loudly, and everyone stared at him.


"Leave him alone. He is also unhappy with the situation." Jeonghan mumbled, but Wonwoo got worked up.
"Is it fun? Joining this team of mutants? Thank god you are okay with a Controller in the room." he snarled and stood up. He felt Mingyu's hand on his arm but slapped it away. 
"Where are you going?!" urged Jisoo next to him.
"Rip off the head of the Chief. Get on with the meeting. You have a Saver anyway." he replied and stormed out of the room.
Jeonghan sighed and looked at the Saver. "That guy can get angry as hell."
"As if a newcomer like that would impress me. But sitting here with you is by far the most uncomfortable thing I've ever had to do. You should just go back to your assassin operations and not cause any trouble here, Controller." the rescuer hissed.
"Say that about him again, and I promise you'll change your mind about the person you will be uncomfortable with." Jisoo said suddenly, and Jeonghan looked up in surprise. Jisoo looked angry and slowly stood up.


"Jisoo, sit down. The boss will make you chase pickpockets." Mingyu said but became nervous as Jisoo seemed to ignore him entirely. His friend radiated such an extreme lead urge mechanism that only one person could control it. And the good thing was, that person sat right beside him.
Mingyu stared at Jeonghan. "He will not listen to me. My submissive urge mechanism was undermind the second you entered that room the first time. We had a lot of discussions about this matter, but ultimately, he decided to build a connection. So this naturally puts you in the place to control his temper."


Jeonghan was utterly lost. Jisoo seemed so angry at the Saver's statement that he was about to express it physically.
"Do something, you idiot!" Mingyu suddenly hissed at him, and Jeonghan had two options.
The first option was to control Jisoo with his abilities from behind and force him onto the chair. The second option was to find out whether Jeonghan would have to self-torture himself during the entire investigation from now on because he misunderstood Jisoo´s behavior. But Mingyu stared at him with a conviction that motivated him more than anything else in recent years. 
Jeonghan hesitantly grabbed Jisoo's arm. "Calm down. It won't do any good if you scare the guy to death now." 
Just as Jeonghan had hoped and feared at the same time, Jisoo took a step back from the Saver, and Jeonghan felt Jisoo's body relax. Still angrily looking at the Saver, he sat down again, but his body language made it

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Beau1996 1370 streak #1
I need to reread too so that I remember what happened 😉
Yes :-) will update the chaps faster now and start the New ones soon
Chapter 11: You’re back! It’s been a while and I had to read the previous chapter to remind myself of what happened😅
Shinee2020 #4
Chapter 6: Are there new clues added? Should I reread it once you are all done to see any missing clues for future chapters to figure out who's the bad guy? ;)
friendstolovers18 #5
So cool!
friendstolovers18 #6
Wait wow the effort in this story
Are you reposting the entire story ?
Shinee2020 #8
Happy New Year! :) Can't wait for you to get back to new chapters... ;)
Well we are revamping some things 😀😃🙂
Chapter 1: It’s like I’m reading for the first time haha