# 14

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It was a little tricky.

Most of Donghae's work is at home. For anything else... he takes Hyukjae with him. They go out together. Shop together.  Visit the Parks together.

If Hyukjae's not with Donghae... then he's with the Parks. Donghae works. Goes to meet his editor. Goes to the gym. With Teukkie. 

That is on the calendar. Hyukjae sees Leeteuk's grandmother at those times. He doesn't want to change it.

So they're not left with many options.

Donghae had to voice his concerns to Leeteuk. Because he couldn't tell Hyukjae. The other would change his mind. He wouldn't want to trouble Donghae. Force him out of home. Just to get time alone.

"So... what if I just do the groceries by myself? He loves coming along though, and it would barely take me twenty minutes if I do it alone, so it doesn't even give him that much time? What do I do? Just come up with random excuses, leave for a couple hours, and he can be alone? Or do I find a place to work outside of home? He wouldn't like that either and he got mad I'd even think of it--"

"Well, you could go see some friends, but okay, what if he comes to my place?" Leeteuk had suggested. "Whenever I'm out?"

"Y-You'd be okay with that?"

Hyukjae wasn't. He'd called Leeteuk. Talked in a hushed voice with him. In the bedroom. But then he'd agreed. 

So now their calender says "Practice at Teukkie's!" It's two or three hours long. Twice a week. Leeteuk moved some of his work around.

He books his meetings at those times now.

Donghae gets Koongie...

The dog's fine with him, actually. Donghae makes sure to have some food for her. She wanders around the place. Growls, at times. It's mostly at Hyukjae's shoes. The closet. Some sketches Donghae has of Hyukjae. But then she naps. Sits on his lap.

It's quite nice. Donghae's getting used to it.

Since he has handed some "fun times!!" over to the Parks... Donghae has more free time, too. He felt that bit of loneliness hit him. Donghae's been doing everything with Hyukjae. So it will take time. He's prepared meals twice now. By himself. It... wasn't fun. Cooking with Hyukjae is much more enjoyable.

But by Thursday... Donghae's too worried. To feel left out. Hyukjae's supposed to get two shots today. It's obviously during the "fun times with Parks!!"

For Hyukjae to be surprised. 

Donghae thinks, Mrs. Park will take care of Hyukjae. He'll be okay. But he keeps his phone on his desk. Chews his lip too much. 

It's almost an hour after the appointment time. That's when he gets a call.

It's from Hyukjae.

"Hyukkie? Baby, hi!"

"Hello... Hae..."

"Sweetheart, how are you? Did you get your shots? How was it?"

"Um... I'm just getting better and pro-er... I didn't even cry... I got fries and a milkshake."

"You're amazing, Hyukkie..."

"Um... Mama Park said to ask you if she can bring me home after we finish our fries..."

"Oh," Donghae says. He gets concerned. "Does she have to be somewhere? I'm sorry, I wouldn't have troubled her--"

"Oh, um, no... oh, do you want to talk to Hae?"


Mrs. Park is then on the phone.

"Hi, Donghae, dear..." Her voice is quiet. "If you're busy, I can take him home with me. He'll be okay, I'm sure, but I think he's going to feel a bit tired soon...."

"Oh! No, then please bring him here--I can come get him!"




Mrs. Park brings Hyukjae back. Donghae notices what she meant.

Hyukjae seems a bit unenergetic. He tries to smile widely. But he doesn't hug Donghae.

"His arms hurt," Mrs. Park explains.

"No, they don't..." Hyukjae mumbles. Donghae pulls him into a one-armed hug.

"Baby, you feel warm..."

"I think he might be getting a fever," Mrs. Park says.

Hyukjae pouts. "No, I feel okay."

"I'm glad, dear, but rest if you need to, okay?"

"Mama Park, I didn't cry, right? Tell Donghae I didn't cry."

"O-Oh, yes, he -- he did really well! I'm very proud of you, Hyukkie."




Hyukjae's kind of... disgruntled. He refuses to be fussed over. Claims he's fine. Reminds Donghae: it is his working hours!

So Donghae has to leave him. He's sitting at his desk now. But keeps glancing up. Looking around. To check on Hyukjae.

The other comes back from the bedroom. He's wearing a sweater. Hyukjae sits on the floor. In front of the couch. Places his box of letters on it. His phone. He spreads out his papers. Scowls as he starts to write.

Donghae returns to his own work.

Hyukjae's begun practicing his writing. Because he feels he's not good enough. Yet. Donghae's done his best to encourage him. Leeteuk showed him how to search up things the other day. On his phone. That had cheered Hyukjae up a little. He found similar writing to his own: pretty and legible.

Donghae hears a short puff. He has to look back. Speak this time.

"Babe... take it easy. You don't have to do everything every day..."

Hyukjae's paper's wrinkled from the aggressive erasing. He blinks at Donghae for a moment. Poutily. Then his lips press. His eyes tear up slightly.

He drops his arms. Sits back against the couch.

"I'm sorry I lied, Hae... m-my arms sort of... hurt."

Donghae immediately gets up.

"Don't come here!" Hyukjae says. "Y-You have work!"

Donghae sits beside him anyway. Gently tugs him closer. Pecks his cheek.

"I know your arms hurt, baby. Are you feeling tired, too? You're warm... you must be feeling cold, right?"

"Y-You know I lied?"

"Well, it's a little obvious, sweetheart."

Hyukjae's form slumps. He leans against him. Donghae hugs him closer. Smiles.

"I don't wanna be sick, Hae..." Hyukjae mumbles. "I wanted to see Mama Saeron and we have to go on our trip after tomorrow... what if I'm still sick?"

This is one downside. To these appointments being secret. Hyukjae can't plan for them. Or for after them.

"You'll feel better soon, Hyukkie," Donghae reassures. "You can see Mama Saeron when we come back, okay?"

"So you'll... take me with you?"

"Well, I promised, didn't I? Don't you want to go?"

"I do!"

"Then don't worry. You won't feel like this for long

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Wanted to add some Hyukjae POV.


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967 streak #1
Chapter 19: He's trying to find his purpose now that he isn't restrained.
Thank you so much for the update.
162 streak #2
Chapter 19: Oh! Hi! It's been a while! I miss them!
But Hyukkie is sad and struggling. I hope he doesn't see what they're doing for him as something negative. They do it with pur intentions and so, if there's any problem, it will be better to communicate. He shouldn't keep everything to himself 🥹🥹
1584 streak #3
Chapter 19: Hyukjae is struggling with so much. Seems like he feels bad whether he keeps it to himself or shares it, so it's understandable he's not sure what the best thing to do is. He and Donghae are really so considerate of each other, to a fault. Half of the issue is that they just want to please the other person at the possible expense of what they themselves want. Not sharing the things that are unpleasant. Hyuk now has more awareness and is worried that's what Donghae is always doing, but he is doing it too by not really sharing his true concerns. Worried Donghae will feel more responsible or burdened to find a solution for him.

Still think they can work through things best together, though. At least, Hyukjae seems more lost and afloat when he retreats into his lonely mind and the insidious draw of more powerful magic between the difficult memories and realizations. Even though Hyuk is better at self-regulating than he was when he would literally transform to protect himself whenever overwhelmed or threatened, he still needs trustworthy people to keep him grounded and remind him to tread safely, and Donghae has been that constant person he needed for a while. Maybe Hyukkie needs to express the things he needs that are different now, if that's the case. Like Donghae being more open with his own wants and needs instead of only prioritizing Hyukjae.
HelenDamnation #4
Chapter 19: Well from the sound of it, it may be the only parenting he got growing up was the time with Hazel. The rest of the time there's a whole lot of trauma he needs to recover from on top of his entire world basically having disappeared.

He's very helpful and considerate. He seems to be having trouble that realizing that is actually worth a lot. But he's at the age, isn't he, based on your notes, to be thinking that if he doesn't do something big then none of it counts. It would probably help if somebody explained to everyone in this story that constantly treating someone like they're fragile and about to break into a million pieces is going to be destructive to their mental health, even when you mean in the best way possible. :-)
ldh2013 #5
Chapter 19: Everytime Hyukjae felt threatened, he retreated into becoming a mannequin. It's no wonder that everyone, especially Donghae, has been trying really hard to make sure he feels safe. Being constantly worried over can be trying and Hyukjae appears to be feeling guilty about it. Adapting to the current world isn't that easy. Technically, Hyukjae doesn't have that much experience living (not being a manniquin). I think his only "work" experience was ever as a helper but the people around him now don't really "need" him to help them.
HelenDamnation #6
Chapter 18: So Hyukjae feels like he doesn't belong where he is, which is natural to have to process...but then in MM&YxMagician, he finds out there are DonghaexHyukjae couples everywhere he looks...so maybe that'll help? Help him feel he's where he's supposed to be?

Edit: I really, really like how you're showing some things many people experience that rarely get talked about in fiction, if ever. Like the sense of grief and loss when you get old enough to realize that you can't actually read all the books there are or learn all the things, much less do them fast enough. Or the fact that there's a lot to do with where you really can't fully imagine how it feels until you try it, which can create some shocks, both good and bad ones -- I've never seen that covered in conventional publishing (or at least only the ic surprises, never the reverse). I've been reading fanfiction for less than two years, but I'm constantly impressed at how fanfiction authors just go right ahead and cover what is missing from print media that really needs to be said and portrayed.
1644 streak #7
Chapter 18: And here I'm sitting and thought that Hyukkie already coped amazingly with his past. I really thought he was fine living in the present, with Donghae and the Parks. That he's still suffering inside and feels lost in place is sad to read. Thinking about it, he lost so many time while he was surviving as mannequin during the centuries. And when we think twice there must be a century old between him and Hae. No wonder he feels out of time. But he did so well and everyone made sure to tell him this. But sometimes it's normal to feel this way, not belonging to this place and time when we think where Hyukjae's coming from.

I'm amazed that Hyukkie could feel Hae's biggest fear. That he could turn into a mannequin again. This shows how strong their bond is. Even the century old . A deep and strong love. As if they're destined to each other. Like it was his fate to sleep as mannequin until he could meet Donghae. Aside from all the horrible experiences Hyukkie did in the former century, I like the idea that Hyukkie and Hae were meant to be. But the deep sadness in Hyukkie is hard to handle for Donghae. The thing is Donghae can do what he wants, he can't heal Hyukjae from this sadness. Not alone. And deep inside there will always be a tiny piece of sadness that will reminds Hyukkie's that he's a surprise from another century.

It's been a while a chapter went so deep. Thank you for writing and sharing this ❤️
1584 streak #8
Chapter 18: So curious (worried) about what Teukie is worried about. Hope it is just because Hyuk sent him some possibly weird or sad texts before and not anything more.

The way Hyukkie's feeling is understandable. He's always so bright and energetic, but the more he grows and learns the more he comes to terms with reality. How could he not feel out of place? He's literally from the past, with magic no one else (that we know of) has, and has a lot of uncertainty still. It must feel so lonely and hard, no matter much Donghae and the Parks love and take care of him. It's no one's fault. It will just take time and patience for Hyukjae to figure things out and really find his place. To not be so harsh on himself for not being good at everything right away. As much as it breaks Donghae's heart to see him upset and struggling, it's a relief he's opening up about this.

Chapter 18: Hyuk, s'inquiète et se sent mal, j'espère que Hae va vite lui rendre sa joie de vivre. Merci 💙
1644 streak #10
Chapter 17: Hyukkie is such a sweetheart. All concerned about the safety of Donghae's work. Even kisses have no priority in that moment. What a cute weatherman. And Donghae is all happy and forgot about that horrible night before. This is how their trip should be. I like this chapter a lot ❤️ Thank you for sharing and a belated happy new year ^^