The Ring

The Fugitives
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36 | The Ring 




Seohyun's lips released a hearty sigh of relief as she confirmed the safe retrieval of her belongings, particularly her laptop and DSLR. Gratitude filled her heart for the dedicated efforts of Yuri and Jessica in ensuring everything was secure.


She meticulously arranged the items back into the box, integrating them with the rest. It was then that she spotted a large velvet box, the origin of which eluded her memory. Intrigued, she delicately picked it up and examined it, discovering a discreet text that conveyed a message meant exclusively for authorized personnel.


"Only open this in times of genuine need. It's coded with your thumbprint, ensuring it remains accessible only to you."


She suddenly remembered what Ms. Lee had told her about the box, she was relieved that it survived the fire. It's a cherished gift, a tangible memory of the late Ms. Lee.


Placing it carefully back into the box, she closed it gently and moved it to the side of the bed.


"Hyun, are you ready? We're leaving soon," called Jessica from outside.


"On my way!" she replied, rising and reaching for her jacket. A quick check in the mirror, and a gentle brush, and she hurriedly exited the room. "Unnie!" she called out upon finding her by the hotel room door, promptly linking her arm with hers.


"I'm relieved to see you looking better than before," Jessica murmured as they exited the room. 


"No, as Yoona mentioned, it wasn't my fault. I have no grounds to feel down. Tomorrow, I'll retrieve some of my art and begin anew."


"And where do you plan?"


"Off to the next destination, we go!" Seohyun exclaimed, wearing a cheerful smile.


"Next location, does that mean our next home?" Jessica furrowed her eyebrows inquisitively.


Navigating the elevator's floor buttons, Seohyun pressed the first floor before responding, "A home I envision as our final sanctuary."


"Does that include bringing your boyfriend along?"


"What?" she exclaimed. "How did you find out?" Her cheeks instantly flushed.


Jessica chuckled softly. "Yoona was overjoyed during the ride, and he discreetly shared the news with me."


"Ugh, that fool. I specifically told him to keep it under wraps for now," Seohyun muttered in frustration, forming her right hand into a fist.


"Relax, there's no need to keep secrets among family, and we know the boys inside out. I'm genuinely happy for you, Hyun," Jessica replied warmly. She patted the younger girl on the arm for support and gently pushed down the latter's clenched fist.


"My young heart can't help but fall for his charm, it's frustrating. But what about you and Yuri Oppa? I sense there might be something between you two-"


"Hell no!" Jessica exclaimed. "Let's steer clear of that topic." She released a deep exhale, her cheeks flushing as she recalled the comforting hug Yuri had given her earlier, which truly helped her relax.


Seohyun giggles in amusement.


"By the way..." 




Jessica was on the verge of continuing when the lift finally reached the first floor. Changing her mind, she decided to save the conversation for later as they walked out of the lift and made their way to the aquarium restaurant where the rest of the group awaited them.



"Omma, isn't that a skate fish?" Da-On interrupted the tranquil dinner atmosphere, his finger pointing animatedly toward a particular fish in the aquarium. "Oh, and over there, that's a blue tang, just like Dory from Finding Nemo. And eel is behind it." The lively revelation added a touch of excitement to the otherwise serene meal.


"All eyes, particularly those of Taeyeon, Yuri, and an astonished Yoona, turned towards him.


"Da-On, do you know their names?" Taeyeon inquired with a hint of pride in her voice.


"He has a bit of an idea," Tiffany explained, gently her son's face.


Da-On beamed with delight. "And that's a swordfish too!" He pointed enthusiastically at it in the aquarium as soon as he spotted it. "Aah, there are so many, Omma. I don't know the names of the others," he exclaimed, his amazement and joy evident.


"How about we finish our meal first, hmm?" Tiffany suggested, gently encouraging Da-On to retrieve his utensils.


"Yes," replied the young boy, a bright smile lighting up his face as he complied. However, he couldn't help but steal glances at the large aquarium. It was his first time visiting since starting kindergarten.


Amusement painted the faces of everyone at the table as they gazed fondly at the youngest member.




"Good night guys." Yuri says as he tucked himself inside the comforter comfortably. 


"This day is emotionally exhausting," Yoona mentioned, tucking himself into his bed as well. He let out a long sigh afterward.


"Tomorrow's another day for these last three days of vacation. Are you going to extend your stay?" Taeyeon asks while making his way to his bed too, fresh from a very comforting hot shower. 


"I'm planning to extend to help the girls fix everything before leaving." Yoona shares his thoughts even though he hasn't filed an extension in his company.


Yuri sighs loudly as he turns his body, lying on his back. "Yeah, let's leave once it's settled down and I hope they come with us back in Seoul." 


"That's my plan too. I think they'll be safer when they're close to us. Also, Seoul or any place in South Korea is safe now since the NYPD has stopped chasing them." Taeyeon agrees with his friend. He lies down and smiles when he imagines his little family under the same roof.


"By the way, have you asked Jessica Noona, Hyung?" Yoona immediately asked the older when it crossed his mind. "I wasn't able to ask Seohyun because I got occupied with our reunion."


"I've done it but she doesn't think they could help us." Yuri answered softly. "How about you, Tae?"


"I was busy with our computer room project, it slipped my mind," Taeyeon replied as he pulled the comforter close to his chest. "I'll ask if they're free from stress later."


"Right, it's not a good time to ask about it." Yuri sighs once again. "Let's get to sleep, fellas." he declared, reaching for his night lamp and turning it off.


Yoona and Taeyeon synchronized their quiet ritual of closing their eyes together. However, just a few minutes into their commitment to sleep, Taeyeon's peaceful moment was interrupted as his phone chimed on the nightstand. He reluctantly opened his eyes and lazily reached for the device, surprised to find Tiffany's message:


Come to Night Cafe. I wanted to give you something.


He checked on his friends, detecting soft snores from the guys, indicating their deep slumber. Rising from his lying position, he retrieved his key card and quietly grabbed his jacket from the closet before slipping out of the room. Familiar with the cafe's location, he navigated the path without needing directions.


Upon reaching the third floor, the tantalizing aroma of brewing coffee enveloped him. He entered the cafe to find Tiffany, seated alone in a corner, gazing at the moon from the window. "Hey," he softly called out as he approached her table, taking a seat across from her.


"I'm delighted you're still awake," Tiffany expressed, her smile warm, as she gently pushed the tea closer to him.


"I was on the brink of falling asleep, but this takes precedence," he responded, taking a sip of his tea. Setting the cup down with care, he smiled warmly at the young beauty across from him. "I'm delighted to share this night date with you."


"I had initially planned to do this later, but it feels like the right moment to share it with you now," Tiffany mentioned, reaching for the envelope beside her and passing it to Taeyeon.


Intrigued, Taeyeon carefully unfolded the envelope and discovered a series of photographs capturing Da-On's life from infancy to his most recent birthday. As he gazed at the images, tears welled in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks.


"He just celebrated his birthday on March 10th this month."


"The day after my birthday?" He gasped in surprise as he made the discovery.


Tiffany smiled as he nodded. "Isn't it cool? I gave birth to him while we were en route to London on a ship. It was an adventurous experience, and I was grateful to-"


"So you were already pregnant during your time in Jeju?" Taeyeon interjected, wiping away his tears. "I'm sorry; I had no idea."


"Yeah, I think 2 weeks. But don't be sorry, It was my decision not to tell you."


"I understand, but I feel like I should've been more aware of it,"


"You're a first-time father, Tae," Tiffany softly chuckled. "I mean, it's challenging for a man to sense it. I wasn't even aware until I started experiencing morning sickness," she confessed, her cheeks blushing. Her heart fluttered at the realization of using the term 'father' for the person she had ever loved.


"Father," Taeyeon smiled with giddiness. "I love the sound of it. But... it must be challenging for you to take care of him without me."


"I have my friends, they're the best Aunties."


"Still, I believe Da-On would have been happier knowing he had his father by his side from the beginning," he rose, taking a seat beside her, reaching for her hand and holding it gently. "I wanted to take this chance to ask for your permission, to be with you again, to take on my role as Da-On's father and, be your husband."


"You can, Tae," Tiffany affirmed with a nod, her smile b with emotion. Yielding to the moment, she leaned in to tenderly kiss Taeyeon's lips. Without hesitation, Taeyeon reciprocated, embracing the sweet and comforting connection, relishing each moment of their rekindled intimacy.


As they separated, giddy smiles adorned their faces, and they continued to exchange playful pecks on each other's lips, wrapping themselves in a warm embrace.


Then, it dawned on Taeyeon that he had unintentionally proposed to Tiffany. "The ring will follow," he acknowledged.


Tiffany shook her head reassuringly. "It's okay; you can do it later," she affirmed. She's relieved Taeyeon is wholeheartedly accepting Da-On and her. The kitchen incident sure did help to change her mind. It's the best decision she has ever made.


Drawing back, Taeyeon took hold of the envelope, and Tiffany began narrating stories about each captured photo. She focused particularly on his first birthday, recounting the moment when Da-On picked up a soccer ball from the items in front of him.




[The next day.]



"Look, Noona! The birds are perched on the railings!" Da-On's voice rang with excitement from the hotel room, just beside the sliding door that separates the balcony. "It's amazing how high up we are; do you think they can still fly at this altitude?"


Seohyun and Yihyun were enjoying their coffee when his voice caught their attention, sparking immediate alarm as they watched him slide open the door. With swift concern, they hurried over and promptly closed it shut.


"Da-On, do you remember what your mother said earlier?" Seohyun gently prompted, hoping to jog his memory.


"Was it about not opening the door?" Da-On's expression fell into a pout of disappointment. "But I want to touch the birds. They're so close, yet so far away."


"Aigoo, why don't you play with Pumpkin? Look, she seems so lonely," Yihyun suggested, pointing towards the cat on the sofa, delicately grooming her paws.


Turning his head, Da-On's smile softened as he glanced at Pumpkin being adorable, but his attention quickly returned to the birds. "But I really love birds," he expressed with a longing tone. "Can't you just come with me please?" he begs desperately, shaking Seohyun's hand.


"Tsk, we know you love them. But it's not safe. How about when we visit the zoo, alright?" Seohyun suggested, gently guiding the young boy to the sofa as she held his hand. "You can watch them from here, just like you do back at our house."


Da-On sighed deeply, crossing his arms in frustration as he resumed watching the birds from the sofa. "I wish I could grow up faster so I could go out there," he muttered to himself.


"What?" Seohyun chuckled softly. "You can't rush growing up. Enjoy being little for as long as you can." Unable to resist, she gently pinched his cheeks, eliciting an adorable pout from the young boy.


"Pumpkin wants to play with you, Da-On," Yihyun remarked as the orange cat nestled onto the young boy's lap.


With a sweet smile, Da-On gazed fondly at his orange cat and began its fur gently. "Be patient, Pumpkin. Your food will be here soon," he reassured the feline, recalling that his mother had gone out to fetch their little friend's meal.


Seohyun's hand twitched with the desire to the cat, but her phone chimed at her side, diverting her attention. She reached for it and glanced at the message from Yoona.


Yoona: The town is eerily quiet. Deserted, almost.

I pray the villagers have vacated your art shop so we can retrieve your canvases and portraits safely.


She silently typed her response and sent it right away.


Please be cautious. I suspect they're still around, merely hiding in their homes. And thank you for undertaking this task

Yoona: No, thank you for understanding and agreeing not to come. My Hyungs and I have got this. We'll do our best to salvage as much art as possible," Yoona replied gratefully.


"Is that Yoona Oppa, Unnie?" Yihyun noticed the smile on the older girl's face and asked immediately.


"Yes, they've already reached the town. It's eerily silent there. I imagine the village and orphanage are no different," Seohyun remarked, her heart heavy with sorrow. She hoped that one day the people there would find it in their hearts to forgive them.


"Now I remember that-"


"Noona, can we change the channel? This show is boring," Da-On suddenly interjected into their conversation, hastily grabbing the remote and switching from a variety show to cartoons.


Seohyun and Yihyun exchanged amused smiles at the young boy's sudden request and didn't mind at all when he changed the channel.


"I love it when Da-On behaves so well," Seohyun remarked affectionately as she leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on the young boy's forehead.


"Me too." Yihyun added, giggling. "You are so cute when you do, Da-On."


"Just like a cute little fox," Seohyun murmured affectionately as she gently rubbed the young boy's head.


Da-On giggled softly, his cheeks flushing with a shy warmth. 




After ensuring the coast was clear around the art shop, the boys leaped out of the truck and nonchalantly slipped through the shattered glass of a broken wall and door. Their hearts sank as they surveyed the once vibrant space, now torn apart as if ravaged by a tornado.


"I'll head to the second floor," Yoona declared, proceeding cautiously up the stairs.


Taeyeon and Yuri, unfamiliar with the location, were struck by the sight of canvases and portraits strewn across the floor. Despite some being tarnished, the skill and artistry of Seohyun were unmistakable. Venturing into the garden, they discovered a handful of intact portraits and canvases, evidence of the villagers' efforts to salvage what they could.


"It takes hours to complete just one piece. I can't fathom how they could dare to do this," Yuri muttered as he picked up a piece from the ground, wiping off the dirt with a sigh.


"They're lucky Seohyun won't sue them," Taeyeon remarked as he started to gather the canvases."Now it's all coming back to me, that cab driver warned us about this town. Turns out, he was definitely telling the truth." 


"If we only knew they could do this, the girls shouldn't have trusted them wholeheartedly." 


"Hyung, they're in here!" Yoona's sudden shout echoed from the second floor. "Come lend me a hand."


"Coming," Taeyeon replied, swiftly heading back inside with Yuri. Together, they loaded the artwork into the truck before returning to assist Yoona with the remaining pieces.


As they gathered the artwork onto the table, Yoona couldn't contain his emotions any longer, tears streaming down his face, weighed down by sorrow. Taeyeon noticed and offered him a handkerchief, which Yoona gratefully accepted, using it to wipe away his tears.


"I believe she will rise from the ashes," Yuri declared with unwavering confidence. "So let's stay strong and trust that karma will catch up to those who have hurt her."


"Seohyun's stronger than you think, Yoong. She'll pull through," Taeyeon reassured, giving his friend's back a comforting rub.


"She might seem strong on the outside, but I know she's hurting on the inside," Yoona countered, contradicting his friends' beliefs. He had witnessed Seohyun's tears yesterday, a clear indication of her true pain. He took some time before he finally calmed down and he keep the handkerchief in his pocket.


Suddenly, voices echoed from outside. The boys hurriedly made their way to the window, cautiously lowering themselves to peek outside. They observed the villagers scouring the area around the shop, their hearts pounding with apprehension.


"What are they doing here? Haven't they caused enough trouble?" Yoona whispered furiously, his frustration evident in his tone.


"Stay alert, they might come upstairs," Yuri cautioned, his voice barely above a whisper, as they remained vigilant.


"Oh, damn. They're stealing the furniture," Taeyeon cursed, rising to his feet, but his friends swiftly pulled him back, urging caution.


"Stay low, bro!" Yuri scolded firmly, emphasizing the need for caution.


"Are we just going to stand by and let them?" Taeyeon argued, his frustration evident in his voice.


"It's okay, they're just old furniture," Yoona shrugged, showing little concern f

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0 points #1
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
0 points #2
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1120 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
0 points #4
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #5
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉
Chapter 63: Seohyun and Yoona are experts in sneaking out! 😁
That secret date that ended up inside the car and Yoona's persistent secretary, that he tried so hard to hide from but in the end he ended up calling to be their witness! 🤣🤣🤣
But having said those vows.. 🥹
How they chose the name to give... Very meaningful! ❤️
And also them catching Da-On eating Seohyun's choco pie despite the note Seohyun put! 😁

More epilogues?! 👀
Chapter 62: 😅
I thought Jessica would really be gone...
But it was really nice to have that silver lining!
It is so difficult to be on Jessica's position, having to witness Seohyun's pregnancy, even though she's happy for her. And add to that the stress and pressure of having a very healthy lifestyle.
It's also nice that she has her family supporting her, despite Da-On's teasing. 😁
And Seohyun and Yoona's little potato is a girl! 🎉
1120 streak #8
Chapter 62: Lol Da On naughty as always 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really love Yuri's supportive and patience towards everything and congrats Jessica, but what you did is silly, if not for that couple then you must've run away from Yuri again
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 63: I love this plot. Sadly it will end soon.
Chapter 63: looking forwards for the 2 last epilogues