Unfortunate Events

The Fugitives
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35 |Unfortunate Events




Jessica and Tiffany wore smiles of anticipation as the boys brought back a basket of fruits from the principal. Yet, their expressions are mute astonishment after they uncover the news about Da-On, rendering them unable to utter a single word as they stare at them.


"Mom, I've already eaten!" Only Da-On greeted them, happily showcasing the now-empty lunch box.


"Hungry right after the performance, huh?" Jessica chuckles as Tiffany retrieves her son from the car.


"We'll catch a ride on the truck. Seohyun is on her way back with Yihyun anyway," Tiffany informed the boys before lifting Da-On and heading toward their truck.


Jessica arched her eyebrows at the three boys, puzzled by their sudden silence, though their attention remained fixed on Da-On. "Yah!" she exclaimed, breaking the silence and jolting them back to reality.


"Um, did... did we overlook something?" Yuri asked with a sheepish smile.


"Tsk, what on earth are you guys up to?" she muttered, then nonchalantly trailed behind Tiffany and Da-On.


Before the truck could depart, Taeyeon hastily approached them. "Let's grab dinner first. Follow us to the location," he instructed, just as Seohyun returned with Yihyun. Without allowing them a chance to respond, he swiftly headed back to the car and directed Yuri to drive.


"Where do you think they're taking us?" Seohyun inquired, turning on the engine and guiding the truck closely behind the yellow car.


"Are you all feeling hungry?" Jessica asked, and Da-On responded with a cheerful "Yes."


"You've already had dinner, Da-On," Tiffany chuckled softly, gently tousling his hair.


"I hope there's ice cream." A big, adorable smile adorned Da-On's face, much to the amusement of the girls, who mirrored his smile in unison.


"Let's hope they buy." Jessica softly giggles.


"Since Da-On did exceptionally well on his last exam, let's celebrate with not just some ice cream instead. How about we swing by Mr. Smith's burger joint, Hyun?" Tiffany confidently suggested. The principal had called them into the office earlier to commend Da-On on his recent academic success and surprise them with a delightful basket of fruits, which brought immense joy to both Tiffany and Jessica.


"Omo, really? I'm so excited!" Yihyun exclaimed with enthusiasm, pulling Da-On close for a congratulatory hug. "Congratulations, Da-On!" she said as she patted his back a few times.


"Congratulations, Da-onniee!" Seohyun and Jessica chimed together in their endearing voices, causing the young boy to blush but beam with pride.


Tiffany beamed with pride as she kissed her son's head, and Da-On reciprocated with a hug. "I'm always proud of you, my love," she expressed with a warm smile.


"Thank you, Omma," Da-On expressed, feeling overwhelmed by the heartfelt greetings from everyone, particularly his mother.


Meanwhile, Yuri who is focused on the road, suddenly noticed the truck behind pulling over at a store. Without hesitation, he slowed down and maneuvered the car to follow suit.


"Why are we turning back? Ask Yoona in confusion.


"They stopped by a store." Taeyeon has also noticed through the side view mirror. 


As the car pulled over near the store, both boys watched the girls from a burger place ordering. 


"That place is probably their favorite." Yuri softly uttered.


"It looked like they are extra happy tonight, aren't they?" And Yoona suddenly noticed something better than earlier.


"I know right? Especially Da-On." Taeyeon additionally says, couldn't still comprehend the possibility of him being Da-On's father. He was anxious out of a sudden when his gaze went to Tiffany, wearing eye smiles. 'Should I ask her about Da-On? But... will she tell me the truth? For 5 years, I was not by her side. I'm sure he's afraid to tell me about our son. Aish, I hope I'm not wrong.' 


"Bro, let's just revel in Da-On's performance for now. We shouldn't spoil the mood. Perhaps tomorrow or in the remaining days of our stay, take the opportunity to talk to Tiffany about it," Yuri could sense his friend's anxiety and proposed a suggestion to make the night memorable.


"I understand. Don't worry. I genuinely want the best for everyone, regardless," Taeyeon reassured with a comforting smile.


Yoona offers his hyung a supportive shoulder massage from the backseat, and Taeyeon responds with a smiling glance.




[The next day.]


The bustling and clamorous atmosphere of home jolted Tiffany awake, and she found herself in a space on the bed. However, upon sitting up, her relief surged as she spotted Da-On by the window, captivated by the sight of birds perched on the tree outside.


"Good morning, sweetheart," she greeted him, rising from bed and bestowing a tender morning kiss on his forehead. "You're an early riser," she whispered, lowering herself to the floor to catch his gaze.


A warm smile played on Da-On's lips as he gazed back at her. "No classes today. The school granted us a day off," he shared with a charming smile.


"Oh, indeed it is. Is that why you're up so early?" she asked, a smile gracing her face as she playfully ruffled his hair. She then embraced him tightly, showering him with affectionate kisses, which elicited joyful giggles from her 5-year-old son. "Did you have a wonderful night last night?"


Da-On nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely!" With a mischievous smile, he gently pulled away from his mother's embrace. "I'm going to have a fantastic day too," he declared before dashing off to the shower room. 


Tiffany sighed contentedly, a warm smile gracing her face as she rose to her feet. She was about to trail after her son when the distant sound of a vehicle caught her attention, causing her to pause and glance out the window. "Oh, today marks the opening day of the Computer room," she murmured to herself, her sense of urgency prompting a quick detour to the bathroom to assist her son with his shower.


After a brief moment, Seohyun strolled into the room and donned a cozy white shirt paired with blue jeans. 'Unnie, I'm about to head out,' she conveyed, making her way towards the bathroom door.


"Yes, have a good day, Hyun." Tiffany responded from the bathroom.


"Wishing you a great day, Noona!" Da-On chimed in, toothbrush in hand, as his mother gently shampooed his hair. Tiffany smiled automatically upon hearing it.


"I've already fed Pumpkin, Da-On. She's patiently waiting in the living room," Seohyun added.


"Thank you, Seohyun Noona! I love you!"


"No problem." She chuckled and headed out of the room casually.


In a matter of minutes, Jessica entered the room as well. "Fany-ah, I'm off to meet the vet. I've left breakfast on the table for the both of you; just reheat it before having meal," she advised.


"Thanks, Jessica Noona! Love you too," Da-On replied with a joyful smile. He has finished brushing his teeth and his mother smiled back at him through the mirror. 


"Love you, Da-On. See you later." She replied with a big smile on her face before heading out too.


"Let's get you dry, honey." Tiffany declared as she grabbed the towel nearby and Da-On turned to face her politely.




As Yoona focused on handling emails from her company, Yuri and Taeyeon enjoyed a delightful breakfast in the restaurant. The soothing flavors of their morning meal captivated them both, rendering the table momentarily quiet in appreciation.


"Yul, I realize this might touch on sensitive ground, but how did you feel when you discovered you have a daughter?" Taeyeon posed the question abruptly.


"It's okay, bro. It's in the past. To answer your question, I felt happy initially, given our history and the idea of having a family with my ex. However, the happiness turned to regret, sadness, and frustration when I learned about her passing. Being in the military, I wasn't informed, and I missed the chance to see her in person. It was a tough realization. What I took away from it is the importance of not letting others control my life and always maintaining open communication with the people I love. It's a lesson learned from my regrets with my ex," Yuri replied softly, taking a thoughtful sip of his black coffee.


"How about you, Hyung?" Yoona inquired of Taeyeon after learning about Yuri's past. Curiosity fueled his question, especially considering Taeyeon's quiet demeanor the previous night, despite consistently stealing glances at Tiffany.


Taeyeon chuckled softly. "It's a bit of a mixed bag, honestly. On one hand, I'm happy to discover Da-On is my son, but on the other hand, I'm upset with myself for not realizing it sooner. I also feel a sense of guilt for Tiffany, raising him alone all this time."


"She's not entirely alone; she has her friends," Yuri corrected. "But I'm certain it must have been challenging for her."


"And another thing, I'm unsure how to navigate my role as his father. Are there any guidelines or rules for being a father? Plus, I wonder if Da-On would truly be happy knowing it's me," Taeyeon pondered.


Yoona scoffed, "Yah, didn't you notice how happy Da-On was all night? I'm sure you've already captured his heart." He firmly believed in what he had observed.


"You're overthinking, Tae. I don't see it as a problem. Just be yourself, and I believe Da-On might even like you more when he learns the truth," Yuri reassured his friend, sensing that Taeyeon was making it more challenging than it needed to be.


"You're already acting like a father with the way you take care of Da-On, hyung. Don't overstress about it. If I may add one thing, perhaps it's time to consider proposing to Tiffany and officially becoming a family," Yoona encouraged his friend with a warm smile. "Honestly, I'm a bit envious because I once thought I could be Da-On's father," he chuckled.


"Exactly. I never got the chance to see my daughter, and now you're here, getting the family I always wished for back then. Don't hesitate; seize the opportunity. You're old enough to settle down, you know," Yuri shared his sentiments. He felt genuine happiness for his friend, as witnessing someone close finally have a family was something he had hoped to see before getting older.


Taeyeon found himself speechless. The words from his friends were uplifting, and he couldn't help but shed a few tears. "I'm suddenly a father, huh?" he playfully quipped, eliciting chuckles from the boys.


"W-wait." Amidst their conversation, Yuri felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Retrieving it, he immediately hugged his friends. "It's our lawyer," he informed, putting the call on speaker before answering. "Hey, Ms. Han."


[Oh, I'm glad you have adjusted well in Dublin's time zone.]


"How did you know I'm here, Ms. Han?"


[Yoona, I recently messaged him and he confirmed you guys found them.]


Yuri's gaze shifted to Yoona, who offered an awkward smile. "Ah, yes, we did. Um, it was somewhat serendipitous. A friend discovered the tickets, and we spontaneously decided to fly here."


[Did you have a chance to discuss the case with them?]


"Um, we sort of split it. Just a little bit," Taeyeon replied in response.


[Oh, Taeyeon is there?]


"You're in a loudspeaker." Yuri didn't hesitate and mentioned.


[That's good then. However, I would like to reiterate the terms that were established when the NYPD agreed to dismiss the case. It is imperative that we promptly obtain the necessary information from them. Failure to do so may result in Interpol intervening to acquire the knowledge they possess.]


"Now that you bring it up, I suppose we'll have to fill them in on all the details. We'll stay in contact, Ms. Han," Yuri assured confidently.


[Glad to know, Yuri. Send my regards to your friends.]


As soon as the call ended, Yoona let out a relieved exhale. "Man, she's surprisingly intimidating, even with just her voice."


"She's a top lawyer for a reason," Taeyeon remarked, taking a sip of his coffee. He felt relieved that their lawyer had never stopped checking on them.


"Here's the plan: Yoona and I will discuss this with Jessica and Seohyun. Tae, you focus on your situation with Tiffany. We'll have it sorted by the end of the week," Yuri swiftly shared the strategy.


"Yes, sir," Yoona playfully saluted. 


"I'll try to talk to Tiffany about it too so she won't be left out," Taeyeon responded softly. Just then, he received a message from the person he mentioned. "Oh, shoot, I almost forgot about the computer room. I'll catch up with you guys in the village." He grabbed his phone from the table and hurriedly made his way to the lift.


Yuri and Yoona didn't mind leaving their seats as they calmly finished their breakfast together.




As Tiffany answered the door, she was met by the sight of two sizable milk cartons snugly nestled in a plastic bag, specifically designed for children aged five and above.


"Who on earth would send such a mysterious package?" As she exited the house, Tiffany was taken aback to find Taeyeon standing there, a bouquet playfully concealing his face. "Are you serious?" She chuckled in amusement. "I can tell it's you, Kim Taeyeon."


Slowly revealing himself, Taeyeon smiled cheerfully right away at the young beauty before him. "I guess I'm not that late yet, right? I mean, you haven't left home."


"Mom, is that milk?" Da-On's voice echoed from inside, accompanied by the sound of his footsteps descending the stairs.


"Tread carefully, sweetheart!" Tiffany cautioned her son hastily.


Taeyeon quickly pokes his head out and greets the young boy with a smile. "Good morning, Da-On ah," he says, handing the flowers to Tiffany, who accepts them casually.


"You, we're going to be late." 


"Mom, are these for me? They're huge!" Da-On exclaimed, inspecting the boxes.


Ignoring Tiffany's reminder, Taeyeon crouched down to meet Da-On's gaze. "Yup, they're all for you, Da-On. Do you like them?"


"Yes, but I think they're expensive. Mom, did you buy these? Do you have enough money now?" Da-On expressed concern, as he always knew his mother had never purchased expensive milk before.


"Oh no, I bought it for you, Da-On," Taeyeon corrected the young boy as he picked up the box. "It's my gift for you, my Da-On," he added.


"Really? Thank..." Da-On wanted to accept but first looked up to his mother, checking if she'd give him the nod of approval.


Tiffany smiled and nodded reassuringly.


"Yay! Thank you, Taeyeon Appa." Without warning, Da-On enthusiastically wraps his little arms around Taeyeon's neck.


Taeyeon's heart melted as he gently rubbed Da-On's back. "You're welcome, sweetheart," he whispered, and the latter immediately pulled back to grab the box and ran to the kitchen.


"Tsk, you can't let him get attached with-"


"I have my reasons," he interrupted Tiffany as he rose to his feet. "And don't worry, Da-On won't be sad; he will always be happy from now on," he said softly and sincerely, smiling charmingly. "You look beautiful today, by the way."


Flustered, Tiffany playfully hit Taeyeon's arm. "We're leaving once Da-On returns."


"No problem," Taeyeon replied as he picked up the remaining box and set it on the coffee table.


Sprinting back to the door, Da-On instinctively grasps Taeyeon's hand, sharing a brief smile as they walk together with his mother to the orphanage.


"Do you not have class today, Da-On?" Taeyeon inquired.


"Yup, just tomorrow again, Taeyeon Appa." 


"There's no football today, just on Wednesday," Tiffany informed her son, recognizing his anticipation for the game.


"It's okay, I can play with Yuri Appa." Da-On, however, has a better idea.


"How about we play instead?" Taeyeon suggested immediately, a bit jealous that his son had Yuri in mind so quickly. "I mean, I can play football too, you know."


"Really? Better than Yuri?" Tiffany playfully asked.


He scoffed. "Of course. I mean, it's a simple game," he confidently said. "It's just like on video games, you know." However, he wasn't entirely sure about it.


"It's okay, Mom. If Yuri Appa can't play with me later, I can play with Taeyeon Appa," Da-On agreed right away, as long as he gets to play his favorite sport.


"Well, it's not a serious game either way," Tiffany remarked as she led them to the second floor of the building. They were greeted by teachers and the orphanage's directors and she formally introduced Taeyeon to everyone, mentioning his donation to the school of the orphanage.


Da-On quietly smiled at everyone, maintaining his hold on Taeyeon while the latter exchanged handshakes with the directors and teachers. He only let go when he stood next to the principal at the door, cutting the ribbons to signify the opening of the computer room. As everyone entered, Da-On stood by the door, observing his mother and Taeyeon engaging in friendly conversations with everyone. It was a beautiful sight for him, feeling as though they were his parents, especially Taeyeon Appa. 'He can be my father too; he looks so cool and handsome, just like Da-On,' he thought.


"Da-On, is that you?" Suddenly one of the kids spotted him in the hallway.


"Hi, Jason." he greeted him right away with a cheerful smile.


"Do you want to play? It's break time now in school."


"Chincha? Where?" 


His friend grabs his hand. "You will not regret it." he declared and hastily dragged him.


"B-But... I haven't told my mother. I should-"


"We'll return once the bell rings, don't worry." Jason interrupted and continued their way to the first floor.


Da-On had no choice but to accompany his American friend to the orphanage, even though he hadn't sought permission from his mother.




Navigating the challenge, Yoona eventually located Seohyun, not within the confines of her art shop, but immersed in the heart of the forest, wholly engrossed in her artistic pursuits. Approaching with careful steps so as not to disrupt her concentration, he inadvertently stepped on a twig, producing a subtle noise that compelled him to halt in his tracks.


Seohyun's head turned gradually, and upon spotting him, she let out a scoff.


"How did you find me?" she asked, returning with her painting in hand.


"It's a tiny village within this vast town, took me a good three hours to track you down," Yoona explained as he finally reached her. "You're capturing the beauty of nature, I see," he remarked with a smile.


"Every day, my art finds buyers, often from the village guests, keeping me on my toes to create something new. Currently, I'm immersed in painting the forest on this side," she explained, delicately crafting a depiction of a distant deer.


Yoona was on the verge of responding, but his attention was captivated by the deer as well. Opting to stay silent, he observed the graceful creature, only to see it dart away. Turning his focus to Seohyun's painting, he was pleased to find she had beautifully captured the fleeting moment. However, he couldn't help but notice the array of paint colors on her fingers, a testament to her hard work. "You're putting in a lot of effort," he pr

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0 points #1
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
0 points #2
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1120 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
0 points #4
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #5
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉
Chapter 63: Seohyun and Yoona are experts in sneaking out! 😁
That secret date that ended up inside the car and Yoona's persistent secretary, that he tried so hard to hide from but in the end he ended up calling to be their witness! 🤣🤣🤣
But having said those vows.. 🥹
How they chose the name to give... Very meaningful! ❤️
And also them catching Da-On eating Seohyun's choco pie despite the note Seohyun put! 😁

More epilogues?! 👀
Chapter 62: 😅
I thought Jessica would really be gone...
But it was really nice to have that silver lining!
It is so difficult to be on Jessica's position, having to witness Seohyun's pregnancy, even though she's happy for her. And add to that the stress and pressure of having a very healthy lifestyle.
It's also nice that she has her family supporting her, despite Da-On's teasing. 😁
And Seohyun and Yoona's little potato is a girl! 🎉
1120 streak #8
Chapter 62: Lol Da On naughty as always 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really love Yuri's supportive and patience towards everything and congrats Jessica, but what you did is silly, if not for that couple then you must've run away from Yuri again
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 63: I love this plot. Sadly it will end soon.
Chapter 63: looking forwards for the 2 last epilogues