Cheer Up

The Fugitives
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16 | Cheer Up




The feeling of fulfillment is definitely the best Taeyeon could feel at the moment. It's over the roof and he can't stop smiling while driving his car. Doing something he loves really always makes him feel good but scoring an important deal is on another level. He wanted to scream at top of his lungs and so he lowered the roof of his car and scream as he speed up. One could tell he has the best day of his life if they saw his face. 


But a few moments later, he got quiet as he received a call from Tiffany. He pressed the answer button to the car's screen. 


[Are you there now?]


"Um, I'm still on the road. But I'm on the way." He replied as he just remember he still needs to go to the supermarket just like he promised.


[Good because I need you to buy some stuff. Check your message after this.]


"You have the list?"


[Absolutely. I hope it's not that long for you.]


"It's okay, I'm in the mood to buy whatever is in mind, to be honest." 


[Chincha? What happened?]


He giggled. "Later I'll share it with you and our friends."


[Whoa, something good happened to your day?]


"Hmm, kind of." He teasingly replied.


[Whatever it is, I'm happy for you babe. Let's have a double celebration tonight then.] Tiffany replied as she giggles.


"Thanks, babe." He smiled giddily. "So send the message now, I'll buy them all." 


[Your wish is my command.] 


The call ended and he received the set to buy immediately. His eyes couldn't believe all of them some of them are ingredients for a certain food. "Here we go." He said and press the gas pedal hard as he goes fast in a long hi-way.




"Kawi, Bawi Bo." Jessica and Yuri chorused as they throw their respective forms hands.


"Yes!" Yuri exclaimed when he won with his scissor and Jessica with her stone. It's his second time winning and he has one more left to win the five rounds of the game. 


"Kawi, Bawi, Bo." 


"I got it." Jessica however wins her first win. "Kawi Bawi Bo!" and won the second time.


Yuri chuckled in amusement. "This is the real deal." He stepped back and rubs his right fist to ready himself.


Jessica on the other hand is wiggling her right fist while sternly looking at him. 


"Kawi... Bawi... Bo..." For the last time, they throw their hands together at the center but only to have the same paper hands. They did it one more time but they have the same scissors again. 


"Yah, just lose it." Jessica demanded eyeing the couple yellow hoodie shirt she wanted for them while Yuri is eyeing the white hoodie shirt. They couldn't decide what to buy so they are doing a game.


"No way. White is better." Yuri stuck his tongue out playfully.


Jessica scoffed sarcastically. "You're going to lose anyway." She smugly said and once again ready herself to throw one last straw. 


"Kawi,  Bawi, Bo!" They said at the same time and Yuri won with his rock over her scissor. 


"Hell yeeesss!!!" Yuri hastily headed to the hoodie shirt and grabs the white one that has a cute bunny drawing. "Omo." Then he hastily runs to the counter with Jessica chasing him. 


Jessica couldn't miss the chance and hit his chest a few times out of frustration. "I'm still buying them, next time!" she announced and pouted cutely as she glance at the yellow hoodie shirts that has 'her' and 'his' printed. 'We would've been the cutest couple tomorrow on those hoods.'


"We're buying them definitely. For now, let's wear this tomorrow." He giggled as he handed the shirts to the cashier lady and his card to pay for them. 


"Next time, it would be a movie date." said Jessica while wiggling her eyebrows. She wanted to do a couple of movie dates this time since they weren't a couple when they did it in his villa. "But in a mall, okay?"


"You've got a lot of plans in your mind, eh?" Yuri softly chuckled, grabbed her by her shoulder, and kissed her forehead. 


"It's fun to do all the dates you know, it's making me feel younger." She giggled, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him.


Yuri laughs. "You're kidding me, aren't you? Because I don't really see you like so old already. Being in your thirties doesn't change anything." He grabs the paper bag when the lady handed it to him with his card.


"I mean, you know my entire twenties aren't even fun." Jessica pulled back so she could hold his hand while they walked out of the store.


"Oh, should I buy gifts for your friends too?" Yuri suddenly remembered he was visiting the apartment with his friends too.


"That's not necessary."


"Why not?"


"My friends like you too."


"Chincha? But I insist, would love to give them something too." He flashed her a grin and immediately drags her with him. "What does Donna like?"


Jessica chuckled. "You're serious with this?"


"Come on, I'd like to know so I would get their blessings too." 


She stopped them from walking. "Blessings from dating me?"


"Yup." Yuri proudly smiled.


"That's an old fashion." She giggled. 


"It's you who said they're like your sisters now since you guys have known each other. And... how am I going to ask your parents when they're in New York..." He said as a matter of fact. 


Jessica got speechless as it suddenly flutter her heart. She didn't know Yuri would really be this serious with their relationship and felt like she shouldn't take advantage of it. "You know my parents have passed right?"


"I know, I mean, would be better going there and asking for their blessings, even if in front of their tombstone." Yuri shrugged his shoulders. "I respect you and I respect your friends and parents." he sincerely added.


"Okay, if you really love to do it." She smiled, sweetly.


"So what do they like?"


"You know Jennifer loves Honey Butter Chips but... she's a techy so... I think a headphone would good."


"Whoa, just like Yoona. He's a gamer. How about Donna?" Yuri got excited to buy it for her friends.


"She's into stuffed toys. But Taeyeon would definitely beat you up if you give it to her. How about a new helmet? Since she drives a scooter for her job." Jessica suggested.


"Okay, let's get that then." Grabbing his girlfriend's hand, Yuri dragged her again with him as they stroll the mall, looking for the perfect headphone and helmet for Seohyun and Tiffany. 




After an hour of reporting all the photos, Yoona stepped out of the room but only to return when he heard Tiffany's voice. 


"So she's back. Wait, that means I'm leaving this room." He got concerned. "Otoke, that means I'm staying in the living room."


"Im Yoona!"


He got startled when Tiffany called her and the door opens. "N-Noona." He smiled sheepishly.


"So it's real... you are staying in my room." Tiffany walked inside and noticed the laptop on her desk.


"Hi, Noona. Thanks... for letting me stay. Um, I'll move out-"


"No, just stay. I'll move to Seohyun's room."


"What? No, It-It's okay... I'll stay in the living..." He pause when the older one hugged him. "Wae?" His heart softened especially when she rubs his back.


"Himnae. I know it's been tough for you." Tiffany softly says. She then pulled back and smile. "Saw you on the tv screen and read articles about you. It's really a mess out there but I'm glad you're staying here. You are safe here." 


Yoona nodded as he smiled shyly. "Thanks Noona."


"Unnie, please help us with the preparations." Seohyun walked into the room.


"Oh, why don't you join them, Yoona-ssi?" Tiffany flashed him a teasing smile.


"Huh?" He got confused.


"She'll explain it to you outside. I have to change first you know." She replied as she let out a yawn.


"Oh, of-of course." Yoona bowed and hastily followed Seohyun outside. "What should I do?" He brightly asked.


Seohyun pointed at the onions in a basket. "We have to peel them."


"That's a lot! Why do we need to peel them? Is there something you are celebrating?"


"Tiffany Unnie is treating us for scoring a job." Yihyun explained handing him a small knife. "So it's a long night of celebration, Oppa." She flashed him a cute smile.


"I... I see." 


"Wear this." Seohyun gives him the eye mask on the other hand. "You might cry without a reason." She teased at the same time.


Yoona chuckled. "I'm... I'm not good with this. But I'll do my best." He hesitantly take his seat near the onions and waited for them to do the same when they were doing different things instead. "I'm... the only one peeling this?"


"We're making the main dishes. That's for our barbecue later." Seohyun explained while she was chopping the carrots.


"Heol." He is stunned. "Okay." But he can't decline anymore. "There aren't really so many of them." He sheepishly smiled and began peeling the onions.


The kitchen got quiet. Every one focus on their respective assignment but Yoona couldn't resist and glanced at Seohyun, who is wearing a pink apron. He looks adorable and it's making his flutter. He suddenly couldn't focus as he constantly look at her until he cut his own forefinger. "Ah!" He yelped in surprise and quickly let go of the knife.


Seohyun looked at him in surprise. She was about to run to him when Yihyun beats her.


"Omo, are you okay, Oppa?" Yihyun runs to his side. "B-blood. 


"I... I'm fine... It's not that deep." Yoona tried to not worry the younger but she left hastily. 


"Tsk." Seohyun brushed it off. "Be careful." She mumbled as she returned her attention to the pot. Deep inside, she was concerned yet she couldn't leave her cooking. 


Yoona didn't say anything. He just felt his heart stings more than the cut on his finger. He unknowingly expected her to check on him too but no, she just returned to whatever she was doing. 


"Let me treat that." Yihyun returned as she cleaned the cut first with rubbing alcohol.


"." He couldn't resist and cursed. "Be careful." He exclaimed. 


"Omo, I'm so-so sorry Oppa. I'll be careful." Yihyun applied ointment this time while constantly blowing air.


"Um, it's fa-fine now." Yoona grabs the band-aid and applied it to his cut gently. He checks on Seohyun and he caught her looking but immediately proceeds to continue her work. 'What's up with her?' He is confused.


"Why don't you take a rest, Yoong?" Tiffany suggested as she walked into the kitchen.


"Yeah, Unnie is right." Yihyun smiled as she agreed right away.


"Take a shower too coz your hyungs are coming." Seohyun speaks softly.


"They're coming? Like they're gonna spend the night here?"


"Yes, it's called hanging out with you and cheering on you too." Tiffany giggled. She can't resist and pinched the doe-eyed's cheek. "Go put on a nice and comfortable fit."


"Unnie, she doesn't have clothes with him. He's borrowing mine." Seohyun informed.


"Oh, then help him, Hyun."


"How about this?"


"I'll continue it for you. Go look for the best comfortable fits for him." Tiffany approached the younger and grabs the spoon from her. "Yihyun, you peel the rest of the onions." She instructed afterward.


"Yes, Unnie." Said Yihyun as she took a seat next to the doe-eyed.


"Okay." Taking the apron off, Seohyun briefly made eye contact with Yoona as she walked out of the kitchen.


Yoona got up, bowing to the older before he followed her. "What should I wear?" he softly asks, quiet shy knowing he's already burdening her.


"A hood would be good." Seohyun replied taking one of them in the closet and placing it on his chest. "How about this?" she looked at him in the eyes.


"Yeah, whatever." He smiled briefly. 


"You seemed too comfortable with Yihyun now, aren't you?" She asked as she returned the hood back inside and rummage for the even better hood. She loves hoodie shirts she has tons of them.


"Um, she's younger so it's easy." Yoona explained but Seohyun's rolling of eyes made him immediately change his words. "She's a bit nosy too. I mean, she barged into the room out of a sudden while I'm working." 


"How about this?" Seohyun once again presented another hoodie.


"I like this better." Yoona smiled brightly at the gray hoodie shirt. "I like whatever you wear too."  


"Okay, you wear this." She nonchalantly replied.


"How about the pants?"


"Just wear that, we're just hanging out on the rooftop."


"Oh, okay. Thanks, Seohyun-ssi." He flashed her another bright smile before he turns and leaves.


Seohyun let out a sigh and rubs her chest gently. 'What the heck is wrong with me?' She thought confusedly but she unreasonably liked the fact Yihyun has some negative traits toward the doe-eyed. She unconsciously smiles giddily. 


"Can I borrow your brush?" Yoona suddenly returned, her face immediately turned normal.


"Yeah, just get it." She said and headed to the bathroom animatedly. She let out a huge exhale as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks are burning. "I might... be going crazy." she muttered and sighs in the process. 




"Do I look okay?" ask Yuri the moment he stepped out of the car. 


"You just keep asking me that. You look fine. Finier than any guy out there." Jessica softly chuckled. She can't believe she has an anxious boyfriend when he has already met her friends.


"It's just that, your friends might find me really weird you know."


"You are wearing just fine. Don't worry." She patted his cheek briefly and giggle as she received the paper bags from the driver. "Thanks, Mr. Baek." She sweetly smiled at him and the latter bowed before going back to the car to park it.


Yuri checks his sky-blue suit once again before he let out a nervous sigh. He's planning to talk to her friends about their relationship and he doesn't want to mess up what he's rehearsing in his mind on how to approach the topic to them.  


"Is this your first time talking to anyone other than me?" Jessica teasingly asked.


"Of course, not." He chuckled nervously. "Let's just get going." He grabs the two paper bags from her and followed her to the lift.


Jessica pressed the button and looked at him with a grin.


"Aish, you're not helping at all." He frowns but only to earn a kiss on his cheek.


"Relax, potato." She giggled, taking his free hand gently.


"Thanks." Yuri loves the sweetness and holds her back with his charm. "I don't know them you know that, well besides their names. Especially the youngest, Jennifer. But heard from Yoona she's fun to tease while Taeyeon hasn't shared anything about Donna."


"Tsk, they're the easiest people to hang out with, you're just overthinking."


"Am I?"


Jessica scoffed and pinched his cheeks too hard.


"Aaaah." Yuri yelped in pain and sent her glares. 


"You're just too adorable." She giggled and peck on his lips sweetly.



Walking into the apartment, they were greeted by silence unexpectedly. 


"Where's everyone?" Yuri creased his brows when he noticed the picture frames on their tabletop. They're photos of their childhood, middle schools and until recently. He smiled as he immediately recognized Jessica's face among them.


Realizing what was going on, Jessica rushed to the frames and block his view from it. "You don't want me to see in these photos." She sheepishly smiled.


"What? You look adorable." Yuri tried to push her to the side but she refused.


"Received a message from my friend, they're now at the rooftop."


"Chincha? But let me take a photo of your young self first." Yuri tried his second attempt and she decided to let him. He took his phone out and captured her solo photo when she was sitting on a bench in the city of New York. 


"Why would you take a photo of my younger self when you can see the present in front of you?" asked Jessica confusedly.


"Our younger selves represent how we are right now. It takes me back to the time when I was this innocent, full of dreams." Yuri explained himself as he smile warmly. "Just like this girl right now, I could see how she had gone through a lot just to get what she wants to be when she grows up." 


Jessica flutters as she stares in awe at the young and fine man in front of her. She didn't regret falling for him. "Love that." She softly utters.


"I love you." Yuri replied and kissed her forehead. "So, should we go to the rooftop or-"


"We better hurry before they leave us with nothing besides empty plates." Jessica interrupted as she hastily headed to her room first to get herself a jacket. 


Yuri giggled as his attention returned to the photos. He couldn't stop smiling until one of the photos feels familiar. His face turned confused. "She... had blonde hair before." He also noticed her friend has brown and black hair. He couldn't help and tried to recall where did he see the

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0 points #1
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
0 points #2
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1120 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
0 points #4
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #5
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉
Chapter 63: Seohyun and Yoona are experts in sneaking out! 😁
That secret date that ended up inside the car and Yoona's persistent secretary, that he tried so hard to hide from but in the end he ended up calling to be their witness! 🤣🤣🤣
But having said those vows.. 🥹
How they chose the name to give... Very meaningful! ❤️
And also them catching Da-On eating Seohyun's choco pie despite the note Seohyun put! 😁

More epilogues?! 👀
Chapter 62: 😅
I thought Jessica would really be gone...
But it was really nice to have that silver lining!
It is so difficult to be on Jessica's position, having to witness Seohyun's pregnancy, even though she's happy for her. And add to that the stress and pressure of having a very healthy lifestyle.
It's also nice that she has her family supporting her, despite Da-On's teasing. 😁
And Seohyun and Yoona's little potato is a girl! 🎉
1120 streak #8
Chapter 62: Lol Da On naughty as always 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really love Yuri's supportive and patience towards everything and congrats Jessica, but what you did is silly, if not for that couple then you must've run away from Yuri again
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 63: I love this plot. Sadly it will end soon.
Chapter 63: looking forwards for the 2 last epilogues