Lucky Day

The Fugitives
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15 | Lucky Day




Stepping out of the car, Yuri hastily runs to the opposite side and opens the door for Jessica, beating the driver who was about to do it for her.


"I got it, Mr. Baek." He flashed him a brief smile.


Jessica smiled giddily as she stepped out of the car. "I think this is the first time a boss is dropping his secretary." She said as she walk ahead first.


"Does anyone knows you're working for me besides your friends?" Yuri grabs her shoulder bag casually and then gently held her hand.


Jessica smiled at their hands as she hold him back. "Nope but someone might wonder."


"Then tell them you're mine." Yuri winks playfully. It's been his dream to walk his girlfriend to his home and he fluttering at the moment.


"Who would be curious? Oh, Choi Sooyoung." 


"My new maid?"


Jessica squinted her eyes. "You immediately think of her, didn't you?" 


Yuri chuckled softly. "Non-sense. I know her name, so I would think of her."


"You might fall for her too."


"What?" And he got more reason to laugh out loud. "You're kidding me, aren't you?"


"I mean, you fall for me." Jessica playfully flipped her hair with her free hand. 


He scoffed as they stopped walking. "I only fall for the right person. And that's you, Ms. Park." He poked her forehead earning a grin. "Tsk." He brushed her off as they continue their walk on the sidewalk. 


Sighing, Jessica glances at him and smiles giddily. 


"Seriously, this feels like a dream come true. I thought this won't even happen. But you know, I've been really so happy these past few weeks. And it's your freaking fault." Yuri softly shares without looking back at her with a smile.


"How did I able to do that?"


"I just... love everything about you." He glanced at her with a sweet smile. "Your character, your smile, your nose, your lips... they make me happy."


"Silly." She giggled. 


Yuri then stopped and turn to hold her other hand as he face her. "But most of all, I love your voice. They're like music to my ears that every time I hear them, I automatically smile without a reason. I have never met anyone like you, Rose. It's totally crazy but... all of it is true."


Jessica smiled back as she tiptoe a little so she could capture his lips gently and lovingly. She pulled back and whispers, "To be honest, I've only dated Americans back then... you're the first Korean and you're something special, Yuri."


"It's an honor to be the first." said Yuri as he hugged her gently. 


Jessica wrapped her arms around her and kissed his cheek. She smiled, totally still feeling like in cloud nine. She must be dreaming right now that it feels unreal.


Pulling back after a good second, Yuri took her hand back and smile as they continue on their walk. 



"Are you sure you're not going to come inside?" Jessica offers to stop by the apartment at least for a couple of minutes. 


"Nah, I have an early appointment tomorrow. I'll just meet the others Sunday?"


"Oh, tomorrow is Saturday." She realized it was the weekend finally. Yuri gets to rest when it's Sunday. "But don't forget to take your meds before sleeping, okay?" And she reminded. 


Yuri automatically chuckles. "Yes, I will." He hug her again and kissed her forehead. "See you tomorrow." He hesitantly let go of her and wave his hand.


"Call me when you get home." 




Jessica smiled only, watching him leave. She waited for at least two minutes until she no longer can see him. "Aigoo." Walking inside the building, her phone rings the moment the lift opened. She scoffed upon realizing it was Yuri. "I just told him when he get home, what the heck is he doing?" She pressed the call button nonetheless as she enters the lift and pressed the floor number. "It's only been a couple of minutes, Yuri."


[I know right? But I already miss you. I miss your voice you know... and now that I heard it, I'm smiling like a fool.]


Her heart just flutter and she wanted to punch the wall so badly. "Too much sugar." she mumbles.


[Seriously, you have to record your voice on my phone when we meet again, so I won't call you a lot.] Yuri suggested. [And I will set it as an alarmed voice. Imagine how my morning would be to hear you every morning, babe?]


Jessica couldn't stop smiling. And she suddenly had nothing to say about it. 


[Silence means, yes! Hell yes! Send me your recorded voice rather. I can't wait for tomorrow.]


"How old are you again, Mr. Chairman?"


[31 Ms. Park.]


"Okay, I'll keep it in mind. Anyway, I'll think about the voice." She decided to end the call and quickly she squealed. "Kyaaa!!! What am I going to do with him? He is freaking adorable! For Christ's sake!" she kick the wall behind her and tried to take the poster off but couldn't get it.


The lift opened and Yihyun looked at her quizzically. "Are... you okay, Unnie?" 


"Oh, Y-Yihyun-ah. Hi. Whe-where are you going at this time?" Jessica smiled awkwardly. She's blushing profusely for being caught in an awkward position.


"Yoona Oppa asked me to buy him some ramen. And I'm getting more than what he likes." Yihyun hastily stepped inside and pushed Jessica out of the lift.


"Yoo-Yoona is here?" 


"Yup, didn't Seohyun Unnie tell you?" 


Jessica scoffed as she turned and jogs towards the apartment. She hastily walked in, took off her shoes, and stepped into the living room just to see the doe-eyed sitting on the sofa, watching the tv.


"Oh, hi, Ms. Park." Yoona waves his hand with a bright smile.


"Where's Jennifer?" She asked as she went to the kitchen.


"Seohyun is in her room."


Jessica returned to him with rising eyebrows. "You know her..."


"Yes, happened to overhear it from Yihyun. And Seohyun actually explained to me." He smiled again as he shrugged his shoulders.


Got nothing to say, Jessica turns and heads to Seohyun's bedroom. She was about to open it when she realized it was locked. "Yah, Seohyun-ah, open the door."


"I'm changing." Seohyun replied inside.


"You, what?" She got confused.


"I just got out from a fresh shower, Unnie. Give me a second."


"Oh, uh... talk to me in my room then." Jessica ordered. She didn't wait for her answer as she went to her room. She let out a huge sigh as she sits on the bed, trying to think of a reason for Yoona to stay in their apartment. "Well besides that he's having a crisis with his company, I have no other things in mind. Tsk, why did she tell us?" she landed her eyes on her picture frame with Tiffany and Seohyun on the nightstand, wearing their normal all-black outfits inside the van, back in New York. She immediately grabs it and places it in the drawer. "What else should be hidden?" she ponders and then she thought of Yihyun. "Aish, she better not say anything to Yoona. I'm abandoning her later if she dares to."


Just then, she heard a knock on the door.


"Come in." And she coldly said.


Seohyun slowly opens the door as she walks inside. "I know it's a surprise but... I have no choice. He begs me to let him stay for at least 3 days." she explained, hoping the older would understand.


"And for what reason?"


"I'm sure you heard about his company, right? Reporters are camping in front of his home. He can't even stay in a public place without getting attention. I couldn't decline."


"How about with his brothers?"


"Yuri and Taeyeon Oppa?"




"He doesn't want to burden them. And he knows they're already busy or stressed enough with their respective companies. So please, let's adopt him for a while, Hmm?" She clasped her hands together, couldn't believe she was the one asking for permission when it should be the doe-eyed.


"Did he bring clothes with him?" Jessica softened as she asks in concern.


"Nope. But I'm sharing my pants with him. I mean, pajamas. Since I don't think my jeans aren't fit for him." Seohyun softly chuckles. "So... he's okay now to stay, right?" she grinned playfully.


"Aigoo, did you talk Yihyun about this? I mean, she shouldn't be talking stuff what are we in New York."


"I didn't but so far she wasn't sharing anything. I think she understands the situation, Unnie." 


"We still have to talk to her. She might slip her tongue."  


"Okay, I don't mind."


Jessica's features then broke into a teasing smile. "You. You are having feelings for him now, aren't you?"


"That's all for the talk, Unnie." Seohyun bowed and quickly headed to the door.


"What the, did she just slam the door in front of me?" Jessica couldn't believe what the younger just did. "She's obviously avoiding it, tsk." 


Getting up, she walked to the closet and just as she open it, her phone rings on top of the bed. She hastily dive to the bed and grabs her phone excitedly. But her smile disappeared when she reads Tiffany's name. She flipped over and sits up. "What's up, fany?"


[Guess what am I going to tell you?] Tiffany chuckled on the next line.


"You're not going home?"


[Omg! I knew you would know! Hahaha, yes, I am not. We decided to stay over a resort after our little date.]


"Tsk, after Seohyun now it's you? You better-"


[We are both exhausted, there's no way he'll be in the mood to do it. So no worries, Jessica Jung.] 


Jessica couldn't help and giggle. "Yeah, yeah I'm not worried for you. You're older than Seohyun, so do whatever you want. Have fun until you no longer have energy left in your body."


[Yah, we're both adults now and is not-]


"I mean, have fun because you deserve all the happiness in the world. Feel the love. You weren't able to date a lot back in New York because of our job. You deserve Taeyeon, Fany. I think he's the most decent person I know."


[Coming from the bestest friend, my happiness right now is over the edge. I seriously once prayed for this, Jess. Now that it's here, I feel like, I suddenly really feel like I don't deserve this.]


"Omo, are you crying? Don't tell me you-"


[I'm just really overwhelmed. You were right when you always told us to have a new beginning and life here. Do you think God has planned this for us? Because I swear, I'm thanking him in every second of this life.]


"I'm so happy for you too, fany. And don't worry, you deserve this, okay? So enjoy every second of it. This doesn't come often so be grateful." 


[Why are we talking like we're in our fifties?] Tiffany laughs out loud. [This is probably because we haven't experienced this.]


"I know right? I can actually relate."


[Wait, so you and Yuri..]


"I was so upset with Yihyun early this morning that I wanted to change the mood for the rest of my day... so I confessed my feelings through a text message."


Tiffany literally laughs again at the next line. [Seriously?]


"I know right?" She couldn't also help and giggle. "But it was worth the try. We're now official."


[Damn, Jessica Jung! When we really fall in love, there's no one stopping us, eh?] 


She blushes as she nodded. "Couldn't agree more." 


Out of a sudden she heard an on-going call and when she checked it, her heart skipped a beat to read Yuri's name. "Can we talk later? He's calling."


[Just on time. Happy for you too, Jess. Good night in advance because I know you're going to be like me in the morning.]


"No way, he has an appointment tomorrow so I doubt we'll talk until dawn. Good night to you too, Fany. See you tomorrow."




As the call ended, Jessica cleared and was about press the answer button when it suddenly ended. She blinks and blinks then realized the time. "Oh, he probably drinks his meds first... or what?" She's totally dumbfounded. 


After a couple of seconds, Yuri's name flashes on the screen once again. She automatically answered it. "Hey, did you get home safe?"


[Yeah, I just did. You waited?] Yuri teased.


"Of course not." She awkwardly cough. "I-I mean... I just got out of the bathroom and saw my phone ringing, so it just happened that I answer right away." she tries to come up with an excuse.


[You heard the first ring?]


"Um, nope. So-"


[Had to end it coz butter was barking so much. Mr. Cha just took him so they could play. Anyway, can we face time?]


"No, I mean, not tonight." She panicked as she hastily went to the vanity to check her face.


[Why not?] Yuri laughs.


"I haven't showered."


[What? We just met and-]


"I don't look good on cameras when I don't shower."


Yuri just laughs more. [Come on. And you haven't sent me the voice record.]


"That's what I am telling you. Also, did you drink your meds already?"


[I did when I got home. Okay, I won't face time you tonight. Looks like your room is a mess, isn't it?]


"What? No." She turned her head and finds a pile of clothes on the bed. "Yeah, kind of. Hehe."


[I knew it. Girls can be like that... but I think it's y.]


"You're lucky you have maids that clean your room, Mister." She said as she went to the bed and settle herself inside the comforter. "But to tell you the truth, you're ier for being so clean. I love that kind of a guy."


[Really? So there's no surprise you fell for me.]


"Um... I should-"


[You can't take that back anymore, Ms. Park.] Yuri chuckled softly. [Stop denying whatever I say to you, can't you?]


Jessica let out a giggle. "Okay, I admit it. So, what are we going to talk about besides flirting?" She noticed how are they conversing although it was fun for her.


[It's not called flirting, it's called talking, you know. So just keep talking, I love hearing your voice either way.]


"Should we talk about how to spend the weekend? Besides work and stuff?"


[Oh, now that you mention that, Mr. Cha actually handed me two concert tickets. It's happening this Sunday.]


"Omo, chincha? Who's performing?"


[Coldplay. Are you familiar with them?]


"What? Don't tell me you are not?"


[I'm not into foreign music. So I'm sure you know them?]


"Absolutely! Oh my Gosh! Mr. Cha is an angel! I've been dreaming to go to their concert one day."


[Whoa, did he just guess your favorite artist?]


"Looks like." She giggles, feeling excited already. 


[Okay, after my schedule tomorrow, let's go shopping to buy fits for the concert, how is that?]


"Well that sounds good, Yuri. I just... I mean, I'm totally more excited for the weekend now."


[Me too, babe. Can't wait to see you and spend more time with youuuuu!!!]


Jessica laughs tremendously. "Stop it or I will hang up."


[Yah, no, not yet. Not until the clock strikes 10 pm.]


"Oh, okay then... " She didn't even have to ponder and accepted such a deal. They converse for the next couple of hours until it was time. "Omo, did you fall asleep?" But Yuri has fallen asleep unconsciously just after she sang him a song. "It's really a good night then." She softly says and hesitantly ended the call.


A big giddy smile plastered her face as she stares at the ceiling. 




Walking into the living room, Jessica smiled automatically when Yoona looked at her when he was about to take a bite of the ramen.


"Want some, noona?" ask Yoona offering his bowl.


"She really has a share, Oppa." Yihyun returned with the pot of ramen. 


Jessica took her seat next to him. "Looks like it's your thing to grab some snack in the middle of the night, Yoona."


"Just some snacks after a long day." said Yoona with a small bite of his ramen. He was about to add another word when Seohyun came while tying her hair. His attention went to her. Jessica realized and silently smile as she just watch him in amusement.


"How much ramen did you cook, Yihyun?" ask Seohyun without noticing the stare.


"Just 2 Unnie. For Sica Unnie and I." Yihyun replied earning a kick from the older. "Oh, Uh, Rose Unnie." She immediately grin.


"Tsk, ungrateful. I'll cook mine." Said Seohyun as she left them casually.


Yoona's eyes followed her movement from behind with an

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0 points #1
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
0 points #2
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1120 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
0 points #4
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #5
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉
Chapter 63: Seohyun and Yoona are experts in sneaking out! 😁
That secret date that ended up inside the car and Yoona's persistent secretary, that he tried so hard to hide from but in the end he ended up calling to be their witness! 🤣🤣🤣
But having said those vows.. 🥹
How they chose the name to give... Very meaningful! ❤️
And also them catching Da-On eating Seohyun's choco pie despite the note Seohyun put! 😁

More epilogues?! 👀
Chapter 62: 😅
I thought Jessica would really be gone...
But it was really nice to have that silver lining!
It is so difficult to be on Jessica's position, having to witness Seohyun's pregnancy, even though she's happy for her. And add to that the stress and pressure of having a very healthy lifestyle.
It's also nice that she has her family supporting her, despite Da-On's teasing. 😁
And Seohyun and Yoona's little potato is a girl! 🎉
1120 streak #8
Chapter 62: Lol Da On naughty as always 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really love Yuri's supportive and patience towards everything and congrats Jessica, but what you did is silly, if not for that couple then you must've run away from Yuri again
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 63: I love this plot. Sadly it will end soon.
Chapter 63: looking forwards for the 2 last epilogues