Always With You

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They say true love only comes once in a lifetime. Lee Hyukjae, aged almost to life's completion, with a household he refused to call home and a heart far from fulfillment, receives a letter with a deep connection to the biggest regret of his life — Lee Donghae. 

With the hope that Donghae feels the same longing as he does, Hyukjae grabs hold of the glimmer of hope to reconcile with his past regrets and to finally come home to the shelter he has always sought throughout the years. He wanted to at least relive the only feeling that has ever made him feel alive.

When they finally meet again, completely aware that all they have left is the time to reminisce the love they have shared with each other several years ago, will it be enough to fulfill both of their hearts and make up for every thing that they have lost?




Lee Hyukjae sits alone on the terrace of his bungalow house. The autumn evening air isn’t harsh but chilly enough to nip at his sagging 78-year-old skin. He slightly shivers when a gust of wind breezes by. If his daughters were with him, they would have nagged at him until he came inside, into the warmth of his living room’s foyer. But he sits in place, listening to the wind lulling a nostalgic harmony with the trees while the stars are dancing and glistening in the night sky. He sits in place, wanting to be alone with his years gone by.

Earlier that day, he attended the wake of his ex-wife. As he bowed in front of her casket, he could only wish he had treated her better. She was a good woman, a loving mother, and a patient wife. Too patient for her own good, he thought bitterly.

Their two daughters, Eun-joo and Ji-hye, hated him when they were kids. Despite their young age, the girls knew for a fact that their father wasn’t entirely theirs. They sensed that a greater part of him was somewhere else—with someone else. But maybe it was because they were young that they noticed and refused to tolerate it, unlike adults who always choose to remain unseeing when the truth is inconvenient and too painful to accept.

He loved his daughters to pieces, of course. They were what kept him sane during the most difficult years of his life. He respected and loved his ex-wife, but it was the kind one learns through years of companionship. Through candid eyes, that love was mild and feeble in comparison to the quiet but profound devotion he felt for him. Looking at it in hindsight, he can admit now that it was not enough, no matter how much he proved otherwise. It was not the kind of love she deserved. She was right many years ago, before they divorced, that all the love he gave her were scraps from what was left of his heart. He spent all his love on Lee Donghae, and he was incapable—and unwilling—of loving someone else with the same intensity and selflessness.

A single tear falls from his eye. 

My Lee Donghae. It’s been quite a while since the last time he allowed the name to freely roam his mind. He lets the name roll out of his tongue, and he isn’t even half-surprised that the effect is still the same—blinding and penetrating—after all these years. Hyukjae always thought that nothing endures. Not pain, not misery, not even love. Everything must have an end, yet four decades later, and his devotion towards Lee Donghae still knows no bounds. Every trace of Lee Donghae lingers and continues to outlive all of his other memories. He remembers Lee Donghae when he has forgotten everything else. His Lee Donghae. The only person he truly loved. A lot of things have slipped from his mind but not a single line, a single seam, a single crease of Donghae’s face. Not the highs and lows of his voice. Not the gleam and the wrinkle in the corners of his eyes. Not his affirming, gentle touch and affectionate, soothing caress. Not his endearing smile. Hyukjae remembers them all too well as if everything just happened yesterday and not decades ago. His senses have dulled with age but Donghae remains brilliant in his memory, despite this in retrospect because when all was said and done, he couldn’t keep Donghae’s shine when it mattered. His name fills him with an equal measure of bittersweet longing, a piercing kind of pain marked by an immense feeling of sorrow and regret. In the end, he could only mutter an apology. It was all he could say.

If only I had been braver.


Hi! Follow me on twitter @callmegoldiee. I would love to hear from you and fangirl and cry over eunhae.


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163 streak #1
Chapter 3: Regret...ahhh~ i don't want them to experience this kind of pain. They have so much love for each other 😭😭😭
163 streak #2
Chapter 2: You said you still have a few sunsets left!!!! Damn! 😭😭😭💔💔💔
Idaharith #3
Chapter 4: But why 😭😭😭😭
Peas89109 #4
Chapter 3: Oh no what’s going on what’s gonna happen. Sigh….
Fighting against the whole world … no Hyuk.. it’s not the whole world.
You are each other’s world 😭😭
Chapter 4: This hurt so bad *cries* … Hyukjae why can’t you just fight for him …
163 streak #7
Chapter 1: Only on Chapter 1 but i'm already bawling my eyes out 😭😭😭
Chapter 3: This is heartbreakingly beautiful 😢💕 But apart from the intense grief I had while reading about Donghae and Hyuk’s great but sad, sad love story, I also wept with Masatomo because everyone could see how much he loved Donghae despite knowing that he was never going to be loved the same way Donghae did with Hyukjae. And he loved him so much that he was willing to give up Donghae just to fulfill his wish. Still, I’m so glad Donghae got his greatest wish (because a lovely person like him deserved nothing less) and that Hyuk was able to face his fears. Hoping that their love story continues when they meet again. Thank you for such a lovely story ❤️
Chapter 3: So beautiful.. a heartbreakingly beautiful😭😭😭
Chapter 3: SO GOOD!! I CRIED A LITLLE 😭.... this is my favorite fic ever