Chapter 35 - Betrayal

Crush on you
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[CONTENTID2] Crush on you [/CONTENTID2]



Jungkook ran through the forest with no sense of direction. His head was dizzy, and his sight blurry.

Damn tears. He wiped them with his already soaked sleeve.

He just wanted to get away. He knew it. He knew that he was useless when it was about protecting people. And the worst thing was, that Taehyung had heard it.

A branch brushed his face, but he didn´t care. He wiped away the blood from scratch on his cheek.

He had tried to ignore it. But it was the truth. He couldn´t protect anybody.


Yoongi and Namjoon had split up and searched in different directions.


Taehyung was furious.

„What the hell? Why did you say that stuff to him?“ he screamed at the ing es in front of him.

„He is the reason why you deleted our slots! We hate him!“ a girl yelled back.

„Aish...“ he took a step forward and was about to slap her when he remembered how Jungkook had acted when Yoongi pinned a girl down before.

He dropped his arm again. „Don´t get near him again.“ he hissed.

He took out his phone and typed a number.

„Not yet.“ he heard Yoongi panting.

Typed another number.

„Nothing.“ Namjoon answered.

Taehyung was nervous. His pet was somewhere in the forest. He was an ace at getting lost. And he was sensitive at the moment. What if he got attacked in the woods? Alone?

He tried to call him again but got ignored.

„Aish... Ya, Jimin-ah! Do me a favor and go back to the room. When I drag that pet back, put him in the bed, and scold him. I would just hit him.“

Jimin nodded.

His phone rang.

„Found him. The hill on the right side. A small river.“ Yoongi mumbled.

Taehyung hung up and started running.


Jungkook stopped at a river.

He fell down and just let his body hit the grass. He his back.

He squeezed his eyes to force the ing tears to stop falling.

He heard footsteps.

„Don´t call me melon now.“ he hissed.


„I want to be alone. off.“ he yelled at Yoongi.

„I just like the river. This is not your personal place, don´t get cocky.“ Yoongi hissed back and sat down.

Jungkook was staring at the sky. Not a single cloud. A bright day. The sun was warm.



Taehyung could see the hill already.

He slowed down a little. He opened his mouth to shout something.


„They her.“


Taehyung stopped immediately. His pet had just said these three words.

He saw Jungkook in front of him. He was staring at the sky.


His head flung around. Staring at Jungkook.

„What do you mean?“ Yoongi stammered.



Jungkook was staring at the sky. The blue was beautiful. Nice color.



Taehyung tried to get up. After a few seconds, his legs supported him again. He wanted to go to him. He had no idea what he should do, but something in his head told him to approach him.

„Don´t tell Tae.“ he heard the pet’s voice.

He clenched his teeth. He forced himself to sit down again. He was maybe four steps away from him. Yoongi was sitting on his side.

Taehyung hid in a bush.



Yoongi didn´t say anything. He knew that this was a difficult situation. Don´t force him to talk, a voice whispered in his head.



„Her best friend held a birthday party. She had turned sixteen, and it was fun. My mom told me to walk her home. I went to the house, and as always, she smiled happily to see me. I hugged her. She squealed in satisfaction. We had a good relationship. She was annoying sometimes, but she always came to me first when she was scared or hurt herself. She always said that I am her superhero...“

Taehyung just stared at the ground. He didn´t know what to do. Jungkook didn´t want him to know that, but he wanted to hear it. This was a part of his past that he didn´t know about. 

He heard Jungkook´s voice again and closed his eyes.

„It was late. So I decided to take the shortcut. She had school the next day, and I didn´t want her to wake up late. I was holding her hand when we walked through the dark street. Our house is in a nice area. A lot of flowers. White houses. Dogs and stuff. The typical I-like-my-neighbor-area.“



Jungkook was still staring at the sky.

„I remember it. Her dress was blue. Cute. Tiny flowers were printed on it. Her hairpin was red. She looked adorable with that hairpin when I think about it now...“

Jungkook closed his eyes. Took a deep breath. He heard himself crying.

„Suddenly, two guys showed up in front of us.“



Taehyung hand started shaking. He hated that sound when his pet was crying. It hurt him.

He didn´t like it when Jungkook was sad.

„One of them wearing a black jacket, the other one just a t-shirt. Th

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 46: After all of that drama... still fighting at the ramyun place...of course. lol ;)
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 32: I love the way you build up their relationship... progressively... But gotta say : after so many blocks, I was like...Finally! lol
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 1: Taehyung is such a cocky :P Just started reading this and already hooked. ;)
thank you for your comment ;-) Happy that you liked my fic! don´t forget to read the sequel crush on you 2 ;-)
189 streak #5
Chapter 21: Still more to read but could not contain myself....just had to tell you you are an amazing writer!
740 streak #6
Chapter 47: I enjoyed this story and the characters so much, thank you for taking us on their journey. Never say that you are not humorous, you definitely kept the laughs coming - along with a few tears. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in part 2, I know it’s going to be so much fun!
Chapter 47: THERE’S A PART 2??!?!
that cured my post story depression :’)
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story with us! On to part 2
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwww, I’m little bit sad that it’s over, but it was great! A cute ending, indeed <3
Thank you for putting so much effort into this and I’m happy you like my creations of posters and covers :)
I’ll be catching you with the sequel! Thanks again for sharing such a cute story!!
Chapter 46: Chap 45: Omg, the pressure is real on Tae in this chapter, he was somewhat forced to say it, but I’m happy he did (vorallem weil hier die Leute so weltoffen und tolerant sind, ganz anders als bei meinen Fics) xD I loved the last scene where they get back to their usual habits of bickering 🥰
Chapter 45: Chap 44: woah, I got so excited and nervous in this chapter, seriously it stressed me out! Wahrlich sehr gut geschrieben!! Ich bin müde vom ganzen Laufen und hektischen Telefonieren der Jungs (x_X) I love Ren, finally having the spotlight he deserves <3