Chapter 1 - Fridays

Crush on you
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Taehyung was sitting at the breakfast table.

As always, an apple and milk in front of him.

His mom refused to understand that he wouldn´t touch the melons in the big bowl next to him. He hated melons. He put another piece of the green apple in his mouth and started munching on it. His hands were playing with his phone.

It was Friday. He hated Fridays. He was a god in his school.

Even his female teachers were all over him. And Friday was when he had to wait the whole weekend until the other high schoolers were allowed to bask in his beauty again.

The first years almost bowed when he passed them. The second years were happy when he crossed the hall, and they could breathe the same air as him. The third-year noonas were all saved on his cell phone. He had to delete some of his friends because he had just 100 slots. All the girls were longing for him. Most of the boys did too.

He smiled and took a deep breath. God, he smelled good. The perfume was perfect for a Friday. A light fragrance. Not too sweet, but mouth-watering for everybody who would smell it.

The doorbell rang.

„Ignore it.“

His mom turned around to him. “Maybe it´s one of your friends.“

„It isn´t.“

„How do you know that?“ his mom asked.
„Look out of the window.“

His mom walked towards the living room, glanced outside, and cursed.

„I told you that it´s not one of my friends.“

„This is insane...“ she mumbled and opened the window. „YA! Get off our property immediately!“

Taehyung could hear the girls complaining. He bet his on it, that today it was the class B from the first year. The other classes were stalking him on the other weekdays. Class B was the only class that started later on Fridays, like his own one.

Another piece of his apple wandered into his mouth.

His mom came back into the kitchen.
„You have to do something about these girls. They are always waiting in front of our house!“ she hissed at him.

„Sorry for that. I can´t do anything about my looks.“

„You´re such a brat.“ she left the kitchen.

"But a handsome brat..." he mumbled.

His younger brother walked in. While he was swinging his hips, he managed to walk towards the refrigerator and fix his hair in a mirror which he was holding in his left hand at the same time.


Jin was beautiful. He hated to admit it, but this kid looked even better than him in front of him. Luckily he was not interested in girls at all.

„Are the es outside again?“ he pestered.
„Don´t call them that. They are... a necessity. For my satisfaction.“

„These creatures are so yesterday. Get yourself a strong boy, good-looking, dark-skinned. A handsome face. A big c....“
„YA!“ Taehyung slapped his head.

Jin whined.

„Can I have that melon?“ he asked.

Taehyung passed the fruit to him.

He happily started eating.

„How can you eat that? It´s disgusting.“
„You are disgusting.“ the younger replied. He laughed when he ran out of the kitchen, escaping from Taehyung´s slap.


He checked the time. „. I am late.“ he mumbled.

„Why? You have an hour left.“ his dad asked when he walked into the kitchen.

„Just one hour.“

His dad wrinkled his forehead. „And that´s not enough?“

„I have to decide on my clothes.“ Taehyung stood up.

„Honey, why did you give me two Divas instead of strong boys?“ he yelled.

„The man is the one that passes the DNA!“ she yelled back.

Taehyung could see his Dad blushing.

He smirked.

And walked upstairs.


The boy was sitting in a car.

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 46: After all of that drama... still fighting at the ramyun place...of course. lol ;)
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 32: I love the way you build up their relationship... progressively... But gotta say : after so many blocks, I was like...Finally! lol
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 1: Taehyung is such a cocky :P Just started reading this and already hooked. ;)
thank you for your comment ;-) Happy that you liked my fic! don´t forget to read the sequel crush on you 2 ;-)
189 streak #5
Chapter 21: Still more to read but could not contain myself....just had to tell you you are an amazing writer!
740 streak #6
Chapter 47: I enjoyed this story and the characters so much, thank you for taking us on their journey. Never say that you are not humorous, you definitely kept the laughs coming - along with a few tears. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in part 2, I know it’s going to be so much fun!
Chapter 47: THERE’S A PART 2??!?!
that cured my post story depression :’)
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story with us! On to part 2
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwww, I’m little bit sad that it’s over, but it was great! A cute ending, indeed <3
Thank you for putting so much effort into this and I’m happy you like my creations of posters and covers :)
I’ll be catching you with the sequel! Thanks again for sharing such a cute story!!
Chapter 46: Chap 45: Omg, the pressure is real on Tae in this chapter, he was somewhat forced to say it, but I’m happy he did (vorallem weil hier die Leute so weltoffen und tolerant sind, ganz anders als bei meinen Fics) xD I loved the last scene where they get back to their usual habits of bickering 🥰
Chapter 45: Chap 44: woah, I got so excited and nervous in this chapter, seriously it stressed me out! Wahrlich sehr gut geschrieben!! Ich bin müde vom ganzen Laufen und hektischen Telefonieren der Jungs (x_X) I love Ren, finally having the spotlight he deserves <3