Chapter 7

no strings attached

To be honest, Jimin did not think this could possibly happen at all.


The thought of Jeno simply moving on and finding another girlfriend completely evaded her mind. For some reason, she had always thought that Jeno was meant for her and only her, as she was his. Her step-father had always made it sound like he was the only choice. Even her mother, at times. It led her to think that it was the same for him.


Did he feel this way when he heard that Jimin was dating Winter? A sick part of her hoped she did. Only then would her soul be put to rest.


His unexpected move had pushed her out of her axis but only for a moment. Fortunately for her, the best person for dealing with damage control was on her side.


Jimin had panicked that morning, at a loss with the sudden turn of events, and would’ve skipped her lectures just to overthink if not for Winter repeatedly reassuring her in that whimsical, almost hypnotic tone of hers: I got you. Trust me. I got you.


They met at lunch with Aeri and Yizhuo for an emergency meeting, as Winter had phrased in their shared group chat. It was in front of rice bowls and kimchi that Winter presented her proposal.


It was preposterous, to say the least. Jimin was horrified. There was no way she would agree to it. She couldn’t have made this entire ordeal crazier than it already was.


They put it to a vote.


3-1, majority in favour of Winter’s idea.


Aeri thought it would be fun.


Yizhuo simply supported whatever Winter planned, despite claiming to hate her guts.


So that would explain why Jimin was seeing what she’s seeing now, perched on the second floor overlooking the students’ lounge where Jeno sat with his friends. Glued beside him was his new girl.


“This is exciting.” Aeri gushed, “It’s my first time to see this in action.”


Yizhuo scoffed, “It’s not as fun as you think.” she said. “In fact, you won’t even notice it at all.”


Jimin sighed loudly, meant to be heard. “Why do we have to watch this again?”


“To witness badassery in 4K.” Aeri replied.


“So we can testify against her in court in case she fails and we have to throw her back to jail.” Yizhuo answered at the same time.


Fair enough.


Winter entered the scene and Jimin’s eyes unconsciously followed her lithe form as she confidently sauntered up to Jeno’s table, hair bouncing with each step. She stopped just behind him and his girl, brightly striking a conversation with his friend sitting across, even pulling out a notebook and handing it over as they seemed to discuss notes. There were no hitches in her expression but Jimin couldn’t help but be anxious. What if she did get caught?


“Jeno doesn’t look like he’s ’t having it.” Aeri commented.


“Getting into people’s nerves is one of Winter’s special talents.” Yizhuo drily quipped, “She’s quite gifted in that area.”


Jimin nodded in agreement.


They chat for a while until Winter’s making a show of checking the time, and then she was bidding goodbye, even playfully tapping Jeno’s shoulder as she left, probably just to rile him up.


“That’s it?” Aeri exclaimed, “Did she even do anything?”


Yizhuo smirked, “Check his wrist.”


Both Aeri and Jimin craned their necks to look. Indeed, the gleaming silver rolex was no longer there.


Winter leisurely walked away from the crime scene, sipping her iced coffee. She looked up and sent them a victorious grin, ever charming with her dimpled cheek.


“She’s unbelievable.” Aeri muttered.


Winter met Jimin’s gaze and winked. Jimin could only shake her head.


She definitely did not find this little thief endearing. Absolutely not.




The primary goal of this fake dating operation was to get Jeno and Yu Jimin back together again. Any obstacle must be gotten rid of immediately, be it unnecessary feelings, attachments, reservations, or even other people.


Jeno’s new girlfriend was obviously a hurdle.


She simply had to go.


Minjeong had spent a great deal of time mulling and debating over every possible way to get the girl out of the picture until she came to a conclusion. Something that would forever damage his trust so he would never take another girl again. But Minjeong had to take inventory and use only her available resources.


What else could she do best other than committing the art of theft?


The plan was pretty simple: steal Jeno’s possessions and plant them among his girlfriend’s things. If it doesn’t work the first time, simply do it again until he’s convinced that he’s surrounded by gold diggers and there’s nobody he could ever trust except for Yu Jimin.


“I still don’t like this,” Jimin told her as soon as she reached her after dropping Jeno’s phone inside the Obstacle’s bag.


“We decided on this fair and square, babe.” Minjeong replied as they started walking towards the building’s exit.


“Still.” Jimin insisted, albeit weakly. Their knuckles brushed and she took Minjeong’s hand. Minjeong inhaled sharply but immediately relaxed, trying not to squirm when Jimin intertwined their fingers.


She should be used to this by now, and she was. She never had an issue with it. But she was accustomed to being the one initiating touches and Jimin doing it first was different. It made her mind go blank. As somebody who relied on her wits to survive, she did not like it one bit.


Unfortunately for her, Jimin seemed to be comfortable enough around her nowadays to make the first move. Like how she put her arm around her the other day. And now this--holding her hand unprompted. Minjeong could only wish she’d stop tapping her forefinger on her knuckles. It was getting increasingly distracting. Her heart beats had started to fall into rhythm with her tapping.


They reached Jimin’s car soon and had to let go of each other’s hands. Luckily, Minjeong’s pulse didn’t go away with Jimin’s taps.


“Do you mind if we go to the hospital first?” Jimin asked, ever polite.


Minjeong’s already nodding before she could even finish. “Take your time.”


Midterms were fast approaching and while Jimin needed to fool everyone that she’s dating Winter Kim (in order to make Lee Jeno jealous), she also needed to maintain her grades and ace the exams. Minjeong, being Jimin’s hired all-around conwoman (girlfriend, confidante, therapist, chef, and tutor [NEW]), volunteered to help with her studies.


Jimin’s hospital visit took shorter than usual and she’s back in less than an hour, driving to Minjeong’s apartment.


“Why are we going to my place again?” MInjeong asked as they crossed an intersection.


“The security system agency is installing the laser today. I don’t want to get in their way.”


Minjeong choked on her own spit. “You’re joking.”


Jimin shrugged, as if she wasn't getting an entire high level security installed in her house. “I’ve been thinking about what you said before and I figured that you’re right. Besides, an upgrade in security isn’t a bad investment so I decided to go for it.”


” know, I know a place where they sell fire-breathing dragons.”




Minjeong pursed her lips. She should really watch what she says around this gullible girl from now on.


As soon as they arrived at her apartment, Minjeong geared straight to her bedroom to change, off-handedly telling Jimin to make herself comfortable, which the girl seemed to find funny with the way her lips twitched as it always did when she’s holding back a smile as she nodded and told her not to worry.


“Why do you always look like that whenever you come over?” she puzzled aloud, pausing on her way to her room.


“Hm? Look like what?”


“Like you’re trying not to fart.”


Jimin finally smiled, shaking her head. “It’s just that every time I visit, you tell me to make myself comfortable.” she elaborated, “And I find it funny to hear that in my own home,”


Minjeong snorted. What an odd thing to laugh about. “Whatever, I’m going to change.”


She shook her head as she proceeded to the walk-in closet connecting to her bedroom, changing into a worn pullover and a pair of old jersey shorts she managed to keep since that one stunt of pretending to be part of the national volleyball team just for fun from almost two years ago.


When she walked out to her room, she was surprised to find Jimin looking around like she’s in a museum. She cleared .


Jimin glanced at her and resumed browsing, though there was nothing to see. Minjeong’s bedroom was as bare as an IKEA showroom--well-decorated, but without a single personal touch.


“You told me to be comfortable.” Jimin said as an answer to her unspoken question of what are you doing here?


“You should know better than to walk into your girlfriend’s bedroom like this.” Minjeong couldn’t help but quip. She found it funny how her innuendos usually flew over Jimin’s head.


“Oh yeah?” Jimin challenged. It seems like she understood this time. “And what could my girlfriend possibly do, I wonder?” she asked as she observed a painting, her back turned to Minjeong so she couldn’t tell what was on her mind.


“I don’t know.” she settled on saying, “She might give in to her desires and ravish you.”


“What makes her think I don’t desire the same thing?”




For the first time in her life, Minjeong found herself tongue-tied.



Her brain cells ran one way to another, trying to come up with a reply. Some, unfortunately, seemed to have passed away in their search.


Her flirting game was a lot better than this, the last time she checked. Jimin’s upright plank-iness and mushroom-esque emotional capacity must’ve rubbed off on her. Being less was contagious, it seems.


“Careful now,” she decided to play it cool, “You might just get eaten up.”


Jimin turned to grin at her, “I know you’ll never do that.” She moved on from the painting but Minjeong stood still at her words. Such blind faith. How could she be so trusting that an entire criminal won’t ever attempt anything with her?


What makes her think I don’t desire the same thing?


Oh, lord. Minjeong seriously needed to visit a therapist, with where her thoughts were going. She should reorient herself with her mission and goals. Yes. She’ll do that as soon as Jimin gets out of her apartment.


Shin Saimdang. That’s right. She’s the only woman that matters.


“You play guitar?” Jimin’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She’s standing over the said instrument at the corner of the room, running her fingers along the strings.


Minjeong stared at the guitar. It’s nothing special. Just an instrument made of poplar wood painted a light brown, gleaming with disuse.




She blinked. “It’s just for decoration.” she dismissed. “Do you want to see my closet? The variety is wider than any theatre troupe’s out there.”


She says theatre troupe, but it’s more of a circus, really. She led Jimin inside, showing her the different clothing in her collection that went from streetwear to ballroom, adorable frills to conspicuous all-blacks--all of which meant to fit about a dozen of different tastes. She gave her a tour of her previous disguises: the policewoman outfit from when she had to infiltrate the police for a piece of information, the green scrubs from her time as a medical intern, the school uniform from her first scamming gig at 16, a golf club outfit, a Kia Tigers mascot, a clown costume, and--“Oh! This is what I wore when I snatched some extra change from your company! Thanks for that, by the way. Helped me pay my bills. Real useful.”


Jimin looked at the halter dress. ”This is what you wore when we first met.”


“Well, technically...” They had met before. But Minjeong supposed Jimin couldn’t possibly remember since she was posing as their company building’s security guard standing about twenty feet away. “I mean–I didn’t think you’d remember.”


Jimin shook her head, “How’d that happen anyway?”


“Me walking out of jail looking fab?”


“No. How did you swindle money from our company?” Jimin clarified, “I’m pretty sure our security is tight.”


“But did you have a fire-breathing dragon? Just kidding,” she quickly added when Jimin looked seriously contemplative. She led the girl out of the closet and back to the living room. They were supposed to be studying after all. “It wasn’t easy. But if I must say, your CFO’s pretty inept. Loses his wits around pretty girls. He was my way in. This should stay hush-hush though. It’s a trade secret, after all.”


Jimin gaped at her, unamused. “We’re talking about the company I’m inheriting, Winter.”


She sat Jimin down on the couch and headed straight to the bookcase to get reference books. “Oh, you can lay him off or whatever. I don’t mind.” she placed the books on the table and sat beside Jimin, “I meant that you can’t tell other criminals about this. Don’t want them to get ideas and steal my game.”


“I don’t know other criminals except you.”


Minjeong smiled at that. “Oh, my sweet summer child. They’re much closer than you think.”


“What? What do you mean by that?”


“You’re here to study, not to gossip!” Minjeong slapped her knee lightly. “Now take out your notes and focus! This isn’t a field trip.”


“No, tell me. What do you mean they’re much closer than I think?”


Minjeong sighed and looked somberly into her eyes. “If you must know. Yizhuo. She...”


Jimin’s eyes were wide. Alert. “She what?”


“She...ah, I shouldn’t be telling you this.”


“Come on. What is it?”


“She...” she watched Jimin lean closer in anticipation, “She’s going to kill me if I tell you,”


Jimin glared at her, “If you won’t tell me, I’ll just ask her myself.”


“Okay! Fine! She got a police record for jaywalking last summer!” Minjeong blurted, “There! Are you satisfied now that you know your best friend’s dark secret?”


Jimin stared at her before wordlessly taking out her laptop and booting it up. Minjeong poked her arm. “Jimin?”




“Hey, are you mad?”




“Jaywalking is a criminal record though.”


“I don’t know why I even bother talking to you sometimes.”


Minjeong burst out laughing. Jimin threw a book on her lap. “Start reading and focus. This isn’t a field trip.” she said, a mocking mimic of what Minjeong had said.


The latter only laughed harder.


The rest of the evening passed productive and uneventful except for minor internal disturbances on Minjeong’s part each time Jimin leaned over to ask about a certain topic. She must be going crazy.


It’s just that Jimin smelled like spring flowers and looked like what dreams were made of. She’d always have that incredibly gentle look in her eyes, filled with unspeakable compassion, and Minjeong never really understood why it always got to her so much. Never really understood why it always disarmed her completely.


She calmly closed her book and transferred to the single loveseat, loudly complaining about how her ached as she settled down away from Jimin.


Whatever it was, it didn’t matter. She would rather be caught dead than to act on it anyway. She couldn’t care less if it stayed there and festered, Cutting off strings, after all, had always been her specialty, no matter how thick it had become.




What a bother.






Minjeong’s eyes flew open to a dark ceiling.


Tear tracks were drying on her temples, lashes sticky as she blinked, trying to register reality after being abruptly pulled out from her dream. The ticks of the clock sounded vaguely in the background along with the constant whirr of the air conditioner. She laid there, trying to grasp the wisps of the vision that had already dissipated into nothing.


It was always like this. She had a feeling that these dreams were memories. Yet she could never retain anything but vague emotions: peace, happiness, contentment.


She stared at the ceiling, eyes boring on the pitch black as she felt around her heart. Nothing. No joy. No tranquillity. No love. No nothing.


She breathed out in frustration.


Yearning was one thing. But yearning for something she could not even remember was another.


It was akin to that feeling of forgetting something and not remembering what it was. Like a word at the tip of the tongue hanging close but beyond reach. It was there. But she did not know what it was.


She huffed, finally moving and reaching into the drawer of her nightstand. Sleep did not seem to be paying her another visit soon. She pulled out a leather bound notebook–old, and worn, and loved–and sat up against the headrest. Flicking on the lamp, she opened the journal and began to read the first entry.



January 1, 2001


Hello, beautiful.


This is the happiest day of my life!


You are so beautiful and we can’t believe it, both your father and I. Please excuse my sorry penmanship. I just can’t seem to stop shaking. It’s only been a few hours since we’ve been blessed by a little angel, and the nurses have taken you away to the nursery.


All the morning sickness, back aches, and cravings I endured were all worth it the moment I held you in my arms. Our little bundle of joy! We are so proud of you, and so happy to have you.


When you were born, you threw a huge tantrum. Your cries were so loud! Haha, it seems like you’re going to be a handful. But we can’t wait! We haven’t had any experience but we will try our best to be the best parents EVER.


01-01-01. It has to mean something right? Regardless of your birthdate, you are still the best thing that happened to us. Our very own lucky charm. Call it a mother’s intuition but you are going to be amazing, I just know it. You are going to go places, and grow up to be a wonderful woman. And your father and I will be right there with you, every step of the way. We’ll make sure of it. That’s a promise.


Thank you for coming into our lives, sweet pea.


We love you, Minjeong-ah. Very much.


And have I mentioned that this is the happiest day in my life?


The words had burnt itself in her mind after countless rereading, to the point that she could still see them even as she closed her eyes. Her brain had even conjured an imaginary voice that she thought would sound like her mother.


We will be right there with you, every step of the way.


We love you, Minjeong-ah.


She smiled bitterly. It was difficult to forget pain, but it was even harder to remember sweetness. Happiness doesn’t leave behind scars.


Her first words were ‘ma ma’ and ‘wa wa’ but ‘ba ba’ was her favourite. And apparently, she was the best baby in the world. Her father loved that he could make her laugh. During her 12th month, she took her first step. At some point she had upgraded to being the best baby in the universe. Two years old and she could count to ten. And about a thousand variations of I love you’s that she couldn’t keep track of. Every single detail of her development was meticulously recorded as though every little thing she did was precious.


She traced the neat script on the thinning paper, the green clutches of envy squeezing her chest. Her younger self would always be the object of her jealousy for being able to experience what she could only dream of. For living in the moment that she could only wish to remember. For having everything she could ever want, everything she had lost.


The Kim Minjeong that she had grown into could steal every penny in the richest man’s pocket and bring empires down. Could fool the wisest and seduce the stone-hearted. But she could not steal family. She could not steal love.


I didn’t grow up to be a wonderful woman, mom. I’m sorry.


If they were still alive today, would they be disappointed?


No. If they were still alive today, Minjeong wouldn’t have had to live this way.


She gingerly closed the journal and put it back in her drawer in exchange for her phone–the Winter Kim used. She scrolled through her contacts, wavering at Yu Jimin.


Her thumb hovered before scrolling past. She’s probably asleep by now.


There’s Ahjumma’s number. She quickly typed a text.


I know you don’t usually open until 10 but…can I come over for breakfast? I just miss your cooking :)




Settling back under the covers, she took a pillow and held it close and tight–a poor replacement of another’s warmth.


She drifted back to sleep, wishing once more for a normal life.


A mother’s nagging, a father’s lame sense of humour. A friend’s camaraderie. Building genuine relationships with people. Building a genuine relationship with Ning Yizhuo. With Uchinaga Aeri…with Yu Jimin…


She slipped completely into unconsciousness, her last thought being a scoff. What a childish dream.






“Let’s see… we’ve stolen his watch, his phone, a few bills, his bracelet…what else can we take?”


“What about his underwear? It’s Versace.”


“Why would you know that?”


“I’m with Winter on this.”




Said girl just shrugged, high-fiving Winter’s waiting palm while Yizhuo fumed. Jimin shook her head, unable to believe that her friends were plotting thievery with her (fake) girlfriend right in front of their lunch.


“He has a new watch on his wrist,” Winter pointed out, turning serious now. Her eyes turned sharper than anything when focused. “We can take that. I’m guessing it won’t take long. He’s already suspicious. It’s only a matter of time until–” she abruptly paused, startled at the piece of kimbap being pushed on her lips. She cast a questioning glance at Jimin.


“You’ve barely touched your food.” was all Jimin said.


Winter ended up eating it. “Th-thanks.” she chewed for a while before continuing, “Anyway, as I was saying, it’s only a matter of time until he ends it with that girl…what?”


Aeri and Yizhuo were looking at them with a disgusted grimace.


“Was that necessary?” Yizhuo questioned.


“Is it so bad to feed my girlfriend?” Jimin replied, defensive.


Winter coughed into her fist. “The ruse is still up, after all.” she frowned at Jimin. “You shouldn’t surprise me like that next time though.”


“I surprised you?”


“Stop grinning like it’s an achievement.”


Jimin laughed to herself. She’s definitely doing it more. After all the weeks of dealing with her flamboyant facade, this little shyness had been so endearing.


“I’m serious. If you do stuff suddenly like that I’m going to ki–ss! I’m going to kiss you like there’s no tomorrow!”


Jimin stared at her blinding smile.


There was someone behind her, wasn’t there?


“Aww,” she played along. Across them, Aeri was blinking rapidly and Yizhuo seemed to be transfixed with her food. “You’re so sweet, babe.”


“Ha-ha. Careful. Too much sweet can kill you.”


“How considerate of you.”


She could hear a group of students sit on the table right behind theirs. Winter subtly nudged her knee. Lee Jeno.


Jimin gulped.


I’ve been secretly in love with you all this time.


“Ugh, can you guys stop flirting in front of my bibimbap?” Yizhuo blustered and Jimin blinked, unable to believe that going along with it. Well–the entire fake dating thing was her idea after all, so it shouldn’t be much of a surprise.


“Sorry,” Winter apologised, chuckling, “It’s just that back in the U.S, we were both so homesick and I kept craving for kimbap. My Jimin here would make it for me all the time.”


She did that?


Jimin nodded.


She did that.


Yizhuo rolled her eyes, “Please. You’ve told us that story for, like, a thousand times already. My ears are falling off.”


Jimin exchanged looks with Aeri. It’s the first time they’ve heard of it.


“Maybe if you get yourself a girlfriend you’d stop being bitter,” Winter snidely remarked, sickeningly sweet. “Or a boyfriend even. Seriously, there are plenty of fishes in the sea. I wonder why you got none.”


“That simply isn’t my priority right now. Besides, I have my reservations with this ‘sea’ of yours, seeing as Jimin-unnie obviously caught a piece of shi–”


“Your stories are cute though.” Aeri jumped in before they could start calling each other names. “We’d like to hear more.”


Winter stuffed with kimbap and looked at Jimin expectantly.


An anecdote…will the one from chapter 5 of Winter’s backstory book do? Or maybe that’s too long. An excerpt from 12 then? But that one in chapter 10 was also pretty cute–


“Babe,” Winter gently put a hand on her thigh, perishing all thoughts. “What about that time we went to the arcade?”


Jimin blinked. There was no arcade in the book. The only arcade in her memory was the one from days ago.


Did she want her to recount that? Jimin could do that.


“My first time at the arcade was when Winter took me,” Jimin started, a little apprehensive without having a memorised story in her mind. Winter held her hand beneath the table, squeezing encouragement. “It was the most fun I’ve had in a while.” she said, meaning it.


“I won the grand prize from a shooting game,” Winter bragged, “It’s this huge teddy bear–”


“She kept it for herself.”


“Well, if you want a stuffed toy to cuddle, I’m always available.”


“Okay! I think we’re all done eating.” Yizhuo interrupted, getting up to her feet.


Aeri stood as well, “Let’s go. We still have class.”


Jimin sneaked a glance at Jeno as they left and caught him brushing crumbs from his girl’s cheek. She scoffed. What a messy eater. They set their trays back to the counter and left the cafeteria, walking side by side in silence until they reached a quiet hallway.


“Did you get it, unnie?” Yizhuo spoke. Aeri and Jimin exchanged looks. Get what?


Much to their surprise, it was Winter who replied, “You don’t even have to ask.”


Jimin gave her a questioning look. What’s that all about?


Winter just grinned, adorable eyes gleaming in that certain way that had unsettled Jimin when they first met, but now endearing.


She blinked, tearing her eyes off dimpled cheeks to realise that Winter’s showing her something in her bomber jacket.


In her pocket peeked the glinting leather of Jeno’s new wristwatch.






Winter was already sitting in the library when Jimin arrived, not in their usual hidden table but smack in the middle where their lovey dovey-ness could be witnessed by everyone.


It was their way of retaliating. They needed to assert dominance, as Winter had said. It had to be established that Jeno’s new relationship did not bother them and that their deep, encompassing devotion to each other remained steadfast and strong. In order to display their unfaltering love and attend to Jimin’s studies at the same time, Winter came up with the idea of putting on a show at the library.


“Hey,” Jimin greeted, leaning in to plant a kiss on top of Winter’s head before taking a seat beside her and setting down her iced coffee on the table.


Winter narrowed her eyes at the drink, “Last I checked, food and drinks aren’t allowed in the library.”


“Last I checked, you didn’t care about the rules.” Jimin retorted, laughing at Winter’s expression. “I don’t chat up the librarian for nothing, you know.” she revealed, attempting to wink and failing.


Winter gasped, “You flirt!”


Jimin just chuckled at the accusation. “Wanna have some? Sorry I didn’t get you any.”


“If you’re offering, then why not?”


Winter took the cup from her and took a sip. Jimin didn’t mean to watch the way her lips part and slowly pull away from the straw. The same straw she just used.


Sharing a cup of iced coffee, they started their study session with heads stuck close together as they pored over reference materials. There’s a steady yet exhilarating thrum in Jimin’s chest each time Winter inched closer to explain something she had asked about. She would shift closer then, gravitating to Winter’s brilliance, and every now and then her eyes would fall on the girl’s lips, watching words form on the supple flesh with fascination.




She realised Winter had finished her explanation and she was caught staring.


“You’re a great teacher,” Jimin blurted. “Have you…done this before?”


Have you pretended to be a teacher before was what she meant. Winter, of course, understood. “Several times. I’ll tell you about it next time.” she promised. “Do you understand the topic now?”


“Yes,” Jimin never found it confusing in the first place, “I get it now.”


“Good girl,” Winter crooned and kissed her cheek.


The steady thrum went a little wild. Jimin tightened her hold on her pen.


They continued to work in silence, the steady workflow only disrupted when other students shared their table, prompting Winter to move her seat even closer to Jimin’s for some reason. This close, Jimin could get a whiff of Winter’s soft, clean scent. Their arms brushed and her (fake) girlfriend nudged her every now and then, and she would shove her back harder in reply.


She could feel eyes on them, glancing now and again but she couldn't care less. Not when Winter was suddenly linking their pinkies and Jimin could hear nothing but the roar of blood in her ears. She allowed it, even if she had to drag Winter’s hand along as she wrote.


“You know,” Winter suddenly moved close, nose buried in her hair and lips pressed flush on her ear. Jimin stiffened, wondering if Winter could feel the hitch in her pulse. “I noticed something this morning,” she whispered.


Jimin swallowed, “Y-Yeah?”


“I think Lee Jeno has broken up with that girl.”


Jimin couldn’t help but turn with a gasp, only for her breath to get stuck in . Winter’s face was a little too close, and she’s wearing a wonderful shade of peach on her lips.


“How could you tell?” she managed to ask in a hush.


“I haven’t seen them together for two days now.” Winter replied quietly, breath smelling of the coffee they just shared. Jimin did not know if she should pay attention to her intense eyes, or her sweet moving mouth, or whatever she was saying about Jeno.


A single thought betrayed the chaos in her mind: what would it be like to kiss her?


“Baby,” Winter called and her low voice uttering the endearment sent shivers down her spine.


Goodness gracious. It wasn’t the time for–


“Are you listening?”


Jimin blinked. “W-What?”


Winter’s brows were scrunched together. “You okay?” she cupped her cheek that surely burned even hotter at the touch. “You seem to be out of it. Are you feeling unwell?”


“No…I just–I just got distracted.”


Winter’s eyes darted to the side for a split second. “That’s good to hear. Now, don’t make it obvious, but our target has just entered the library.”


Jimin took a moment to process what target she was talking about and was about to turn and look when Winter stopped her.


“We’re not supposed to be interested in them.” she moved her hand, tucking a lock of hair behind Jimin’s ear. Her hand grazed her skin and Jimin’s mind almost shut down from sensory overload.


What the heck was happening?


She chose to avert her eyes, locking on the glass bookcase behind Winter instead. From its reflection she could see Jeno standing idly by the entrance door.


“He seems to be waiting for someone.” Winter reported, not knowing that Jimin could see him. “A girl just walked in. I don’t know who this is. He’s smiling at her. And–”


Winter cut herself short and Jimin could see through the vague reflection how he closed the distance between them and greeted the newcomer with a kiss.


Winter voiced out Jimin’s thoughts: “What the ?”


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no strings attached is back!
i cant make any promises tho updates might still be irregular bc im still trying to get back into my rhythm w writing but i'll do my best to at least finish this one. thank you very much for the support! it's been very helpful while i was struggling to write :)


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Chapter 9: i was so invested in this i didn't even notice it isn't finished 😭😭😭😭😭 what im supposed to do with my life now?!?! please update 😭😭😭 not ending this could be my thirteen reason
Minseok25 #2
We’re still waiting for you 😭 hope you’re doing great
i'm a big fan of your works, thank you for sharing it to us~ hope u're doing well!
Chapter 9: Please update. I’m already invested on this story. 😭
Chapter 1: im so hooked on this rn omg
monsalaimx #7
Chapter 9: author-nim please save us (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Chapter 9: I suddenly missed this and reread the last chapter. AAAAAAAAAAAAA~ 🥰 such a talented writer

kwonjess13 #10
Chapter 9: can't believe it took me more tha a year to read the latest update. i loved this story so much and i still love it!!!! will probably reread this a couple more times especially now that it's obvious that they're both catching feelings but are too stubborn to admit it. not quite sure if i commented this before but this has the right amount of slowburn and tension, fluff and angst. seriously, this story gives me butterflies the best kind!