For Life


Kyungsoo was being secretive and it's starting to bother every fiber of her being.



“K-Kyungsoo…” she called once again when he wasn’t speaking for a few minutes.

“Mianhe… Whatever it is that I caused you to be like this, I really, really am sorry… Just please… please, bear with me. Bear with me a bit more. I’m begging you.”

Hello. This is my very first attempt to publish a story and I hope this will be the start of my writing journey...
Hope the readers will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this!



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735 streak #1
Chapter 2: I loved the song, so emotional, so beautiful. The story that followed is great. Thank you so much for sharing this! 🌹😍💗
735 streak #2
Chapter 1: Very emotional, and well described. At first, I was curious as to what was wrong with him and I thought that it was something serious but in fact, everything was alright, he was just worried about how she would take the news, but in the end, everything was alright! 💗🌹😏😍😘

Thank you! 😍🌹💗
735 streak #3
I wonder what's going on with Kyungsoo! Can't wait to read!