
Pirate Of The Galaxy.
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After a couple of days anticipating news on Wei Ying, the crushing worry Sehun had been wrestling with since he had seen Wei Ying was in that state, lifted from his shoulders, leaving him feeling lighter. Wei Ying was finally out of danger and would be out of cryo sleep within a week, the mages like doctors had impressively managed to reverse the shift and Wei Ying was human again instead of something in-between. The reason why it would take a bit longer was to allow his damaged cells to regenerate properly so that he would be able to take his Zerg form in the future. Currently they could still pull him out and he would live. But if they do that, rushed and pulled him out prematurely, there might be consequences that had Sehun's head spinning when the doctors explained. No matter how much he wanted to hear Wei Ying's voice, see him moving about, Sehun wouldn't take any risks when it concerned Wei Ying. He knew how much being a Zerg meant to his foster dad, and how much he would be devastated– even though he would try not be– when that part of him disappeared completely and was stuck in human form for the rest of his life. Of course his siblings were all okay with it. He wasn't the only one that was eager to see Wei Ying up. The castle seemed dull without Wei Ying's constant banter and liveliness. But another week without that wouldn't do any harm. A hand tightening around his waist, and Sehun looked at Sizhui that was hugging him like a koala. "One week" the boy mumbled. "One week, and Wei Ying would be with us." Sehun agreed, smiling at the boy. "Will you be here?" He blinked his dark eyes at Sehun, tightening his hold as though Sehun was a minute away from disappearing. "When he wakes?" "Of course, I would." Sehun kissed the boy's forehead. "Nothing needs my attention more than family." He meant what he said. The Lans had proven to be the most loving and deserving of his time. That day after returning form the bridge, Sizhui was there too, and the boy had rushed to hug him, not all giving a damn about the dark energy around Sehun or the fact that he was covered in blood. Sehun knew it hadn't been easy on the young empath, with so much death on Sehun. But the boy put Sehun first before his own discomfort. And that had meant a lot. They all had been allowed inside Wei Ying's ward where he was frozen inside a capsule. The state he found him wasn't delightful. Seeing Wei Ying's form contorted in the most painful imaginable way, had made him to almost lose control of his darkness as the room became shrouded in dark mist. But Lan Zhan and his kids had been there to pull him out of it, when they embraced him in a group hug, effortlessly soothing him. Despite knowing what Sehun was capable of–seen what he did through the surveillance cameras– the Lans accepted the situation without so much as an umbrage regard. They were supportive, no judgemental whatsoever. Sizhui had even demanded to see his how different his fangs looked, while Irene and Wendy didn't fail to tell him how cool he was for avenging Wei Ying and everyone that had been hurt by the assassins, and how much they loved him, nothing would change what he was to them. Family. Lan Zhan that was stood watching his children with the tiniest bit of smile that showcased his pride for his kids, had pointed out how Sehun looked more handsome with the sharpness of his red-ringed eyes.When Sehun asked why they didn't seem fazed by the darkness taking over him, Lan Zhan confessed he'd already made peace with this possiblity a long time ago and nothing would faze him. Sehun was family, dark soul or elf didn't matter. "You're special Sehun, do not let anyone tell you or make you feel otherwise." Lan Zhan had said. Truth was Sehun didn't feel much different from before. The darkness had always been a part of him albeit deep within, now though he could feel it close to the surface, mingling with his light soul as one. While his fangs were retractable, his red ridged eyes stayed sharper, his dark nails more prominent. Not many could detect those differences, unless they paid close attention. "That's cool." Sizhui's voice snapped Sehun out of his thoughts. He looked down to see the boy beaming at him. And Sehun smiled back. "I missed your presence around here." He pouted, adorably. "And I miss being around here." He pinched the boy's nose, smiling when Sizhui chucked in response. "Sehun a word please."Lan Zhan strode in waving Sehun over, his eyes soft as he watched their interaction. Impeccable timing. Sehun thought. Nodding, he ruffled Sizhui's hair before walking to join Lan Zhan. He also had something to discuss with the emperor. On the way to Lan Zhan's study, Sehun found Jungkook hovering by the stairs, hands balling as he opened his mouth and closed it several times. "Sehun!" He finally decided , but Sehun pretended not hear as he hasten his pace. He knew the elf wanted to apologize, but he hadn't given him the chance to. As far he was concerned there was nothing to apologize for. That first reaction would be hard to erase, no matter how much sorry Jungkook felt. His elf bodyguard let out a sigh, shoulders slumping. Not the least feeling pity for the guy, Sehun walked past him, his head held high. Lan Zhan pushed open the door, allowing Sehun to enter before he closed it. He went to sit on his desk as he gestured Sehun to do the same. Taking his seat, Sehun clasped his hands while he waited for the Zerg to speak. "You have something to tell me?" The emperor said, eyes on Sehun. Sehun lifted an eyebrow. "I thought you wanted to talk?" "Irene said your emotions are all over the place." He shrugged when Sehun narrowed his eyes. "She cares about you."  "I know." Sehun rubbed at his temple. "Yeah, I have something to tell you." He admitted. "Am all ears." Sehun didn't dawdle, as he told Lan Zhan his intensions. The Zerg regarded him with a stare, that Sehun didn't know what to make out of."It's dangerous but I understand." He said, after half an hour listening to Sehun lay down his plans. "You won't stop me?" Sehun had expected an argument, but then again this was Lan Zhan. If it were Wei Ying, he was certain the whole palace would hear his shouts of protest. God he missed the Zerg high Warlord. The smile that Lan Zhan offered in response was small but no less potent. "Would you listen if told you not to?" "Honestly no." Sehun shook his head. Humming, Lan Zhan tapped his fingers on the table, his tail sneaking from under the table to wrap around Sehun's leg, the gesture comforting."Then as a parent, what I will do is support your decision not fuse over it. I am glad you told me."  Sehun grinned, this was why he liked sharing things with Lan Zhan. The male was so understanding. "Thank you Lan Zhan." The Zerg frowned slightly but he nodded and Sehun knew why. Though Sehun regard them as his parents, but he had never addressed them as such. It was something, he had deemed necessary as a child, to protect the memory of his birth fathers. Not wanting to replace them. He felt if he address the Lans as his dads, the zeal to avenge his parents would dim. He needed a reminder that his fathers had been murdered. Needed not forget who brought him into this world. He knew it was foolish but that was Sehun's way of doing things. And fortunately both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan never pushed him to address them differently.  "Why do think the dragons wanted me now? For almost three decades why now?" He had been asking himself that question, but came back with nothing each time. Maybe they should have kept one of those assassins alive, for questioning. But he doubted Heechul would share anything useful with them. "I do not know." Lan Zhan's brows furrowed. "But whatever it is, I am betting it's not anything pleasant. You must be careful Sehun." "I will." Sehun vowed."I will be going out tonight."he told Lan Zhan, sighing. "Dure mining space station." The Zerg bobbed his head, even though it was clear he didn't like the idea of Sehun being anywhere near Dure. Not after what happened. For some reason Heechul wanted Sehun, and Sehun had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time he would send people after him. Lan Zhan also knew that. "Alright. Be careful." he said, as he pulled out something out of his drawer, before representing it to Sehun. It was some sort of a tiny steel box. Confused Sehun turned the box in his hand. "What for?" "You'll know when you open it." Lan Zhan said."Will any of your companions be going out with you tonight?" "No, I want to do this alone." Sehun said. "Besides they need to spend some time away from space once in a while. But maybe I will take Lyla with me." "Going out to public places with Lyla would raise eyebrows." Sehun grinned, of course he knew that. "Oh trust me I know. Lyla has the ability to shapeshift into different animals, hiding her wouldn't be an issue. A small housecat, or something that won't turn heads will do the trick." "Right." Lan Zhan nodded. "And what do you intend to do with the newly rescued elves?" "It depends on what they want, I will have to ask them. But I was thinking of keeping them here with the others at the safe houses for now. The terraforming of Zetex-0 is almost completed." Sehun had met the elves he had rescued, and they seemed traumatized by whatever had happened to them in Dure. They hardly spoke, to anyone that wasn't one of them or Jimin. But there was one exception. One of the sea elves– Luhan. Though he still refused to speak or allow anyone close that wasn't his kind, but surprisingly, he welcome Zitao's company. Sehun could already smell romance in the air, Luhan seemed to like Zitao a lot. He just hoped Zitao would think with his brain for once instead of his , not to it up. From the way he observed, Luhan wasn't looking for a fling. And Sehun wouldn't allow him to get hurt, not after everything he went through, most importantly now he was under Sehun's protection. "Alright." Lan Zhan said. "And the dragon bearer?" "Uhm, I am still questioning him, but he isn't really helpful." Sehun gave a lazy shrug, the mentioned of Taehyung was already giving him a headache. "Have you thought that it's because he really didn't know?" Lan Zhan said, his tone cautious. "Yeah, I have and that left me with not knowing what to do– eh maybe I should just kill him." Lan Zhan frowned disapprovingly. "How about dropping him off at Long like he wishes?" Sehun narrowed his eyes defiantly. "How can I let him go just like that? He's Heechul's son."he said with revulsion, making a vague gesture, "That could also be a victim to his father's cruelty." Lan Zhan argued. "What If he's lying?" "Is he?" Lan Zhan tilted his head, giving Sehun that sharp look when he knew he had doubts. The bastard was right. "I don't know." Lan Zhan's eyes soften."You know how the dragons see their bearers. I doubt he's making things up. Hoseok has seen through his head, correct?" "Yes" "And you trust Hoseok?" "With my life." "Then give it a thought. Since you know Hoseok would not have lied to you." "What If the bearer blocked his psychic invasions? What if he has the ability. I told you he got magic, even used it on me." "I do not think he have that kind of ability to be at an advantage, my initiation told me so – either way let him go, drop him off at Long. No harm would come out of it." After a long pause Sehun finally conceded." But I will have his memory of me wiped out." "If that will make you feel safe." Shoving the small box inside his pocket, he rose to his feet. "Fine." He mumbled, turning around to leave. Just as his hand touched the doorknob, Lan Zhan called and Sehun paused to hear what he had to add. "About Jungkook–" the Zerg began, but Sehun shook his head before he could finish the sentence. "No," Lan Zhan looked as If he was going to drop the subject, but then he let out a sigh. "Do not be hard on him." He waved a hand for Sehun to carry on. Frowning, Sehun proceeded out of the room. His frown deepening when he came face to face with Jungkook that was leaning against the opposite wall of Lan Zhan's study, clearly waiting for him. Hardening his expression, he looked way, intending to continue on his way. Jungkook was fast to block his path. Sehun glared but that didn't have much effect on the knight. He moved to the right and the knight did the same, he moved to the left, again he was blocked. Frustrated, he changed course and turned to the opposite direction even though it would take him longer to reach his rooms. "Sehun please." Jungkook called, his voice almost broken, sounding so unlike the warrior he was. And that did something to Sehun's insides that had nothing to do with his feelings for the knight. Because before those feelings came to be, Jungkook was someone Sehun had looked up to, he was his close friend, despite their age differences. He was someone that had protected Sehun from the cruelty of life, long before Sehun could do that himself. He had been there with Sehun, since Sehun was a babe, had held Sehun's hand when he learned how to walk. The first person that taught Sehun how to hold a weapon, how to defend himself. Friends make mistakes that hurt you, but not always was it intensional.  Signing Sehun resigned to hear him out, Jungkook at least deserve that courtesy. His bond with Jungkook was beyond romantic. He turned around to face the other. "Am listening." He crossed his arms over his chest. Jungkook's face lit up the slightest, as he nodded. "Do you know why I never returned your feelings?" He asked. Taken aback by the question, Sehun gave a pause before he shook his head. "No" "Do you want to know?" Sehun sniffed haughtily, leaving a dramatic pause even though they both knew he wouldn’t be able to resist knowing why Jungkook had been refusing him for so long. "Yes." "Do you think I've never been tempted? Of course I have, many times. You're a very attractive man, pretty to the core, anyone that has you as his romantic partner would be lucky." Sehun didn't easily blush, yet he felt his cheeks heating up at the compliments. "But no, I wouldn't– couldn't allow myself to have you in that way, because what I feel for you could never come close to anything romantic. I see you as my baby brother, like a son. My family, a family I don't wish to lose ever." He paused, looking at Sehun as though to make sure he was comprehending. When Sehun gave a nod, Jungkook went on. "You could change romantic partners, divorce your spouse, or even break a mating bond, but one could never break familial love. It is eternal. I rather have that than something unlasting. I love you Sehun as my family, will go to nine hells for you– heck I see you as a devine entity someone suitable to be worshipped, not tainted with–" he shook his head. "What I am trying to say is: You mean so much more than to me than you could ever imagine." Sehun blinked slowly, as his brain tried to fathom Jungkook's words. It took longer than usual for them to resister. He couldn't help the widening of his eyes and the gasp that left his lips, when realization dawned on him. Holy , Jungkook held him in such high regard? He had thought the other was s
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Chapter 42: Omg, i read this in maraton for 2 days. And i like it so much. Thank you for sharing authornimm.. i will be spamming subscribe to all your stories, please bear with me 🥺🥰
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 41: Ahhhh this is the part where they met concubine Sehun
Chapter 40: Perfection! That's the word to describe this story. I love it so much. It was a pleasant journey. Kudos to you author.
Ghadino94 #4
Chapter 8: I loveee thissss
Chapter 42: Really good one. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 42: Perfect.
Chapter 42: Wow! Just wow. I've read a lot of stories but not many had be hooked, yours are exceptional. I hope you receive more recognition for you work. You're truly amazing.
That was hell of a Ride. I truly enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 42: Wow wow wow WOW!
I just binge read this and there's just a lot to say.

First of all, I apologize for not being able to read this as you update, work is taking all my time and can only binge this in between projects xD

Ngl, at first I was a bit sceptical on how you would up Hooligans Paradise since that one was one heck of an epic story but you did it!

I love how the character setting in this one is different from your previous ones, since Kai is leading most of the action, proofs just how strong he is next to Sehun. It's a nice change of dynamics.

Oh, and don't get me start on the creatures in this story! I always thought Blink would be my ultimate favourite non human character from your stories but the Horas and Athena? They won my heart immediately! I just love reading the interactions between non human characters and the humans. It warms my heart~

Oh and not to forget, the 3 super baby dragons!! The most adorable little bunch of epic children they are, love that you gave them the spotlight too with the plot twist ~

Also, it's really cool that you had the plots planned out since all the way before~

It's so nice that everyone gets their happy ending too, even Taegun~

Btw, I was kinda somewhat half expecting the next story would be the dinosaur dimension one *cough* haha
But ofc, I am already looking forward to the next one!

I truly enjoyed reading this one~ Thank you so much for writing yet another great piece, Jasmine~
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 42: And once again, thank you for dedicating your time to write and finish the story. It has been a pleasant journey