Her Light


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry




Love isn't only about falling for someone at a particular moment, but it's an endless journey. When Chanyeol abadoned Sooyoung in front of the altar, it broke her entirely. When her best friend suggest her to consult a shrink, little she knew it was fate playing with her destiny. But no matter what would happen, she would never believe she could open once again her heart to someone. She was cursed. She knew it. 

Would someone be strong enough to break the curse?


Huge thanks to LADYOFREINCARNATION for making me this amazing posters and for being so taleneted. Also huge thanks to eighteenth street for making this possible, please check this shop. 





     Park Sooyoung                                                                                                                                Kim Junmyeon   


Writer. 23. Dreamer. Recovering from heartbreak.                                                        Therapist. 29. Realist. Currently not dating. 




Kim Jongin                                                                                                                                Kim Joohyun


Philantropist. 27. Hardworking. Married to Joohyun.                                             Teacher. 27. Hyper. Married to Jongin.



Lee Taemin                                                                                                                                           Lee Kaera


Dance teacher. 28. Perfectionist. Devoted to Kaera.                                            Ballet dancer. 31. Bold. Devoted to Taemin.






Author's Note: It's been awhile since I wrote any other fiction with other members apart Jongin, so I decided to try and actually write this one. Idea simply hit me after watching my favorite Serbian show that's airing in Serbia. The inspiration simply made me post. This story is  a dedication to JaeKnight, who was very supportive and to my french best friend Shrysea. Thank you for always supporting me. I had to use Jae's favorite couple and make her dream couple come true, and since my beta's bias is Taemin, well what of a friend I wouldn't be to not fullfil her wish :D 

With this said let's embark on the journey!


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792 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oh my stars, Kaeri, you're her maid of honor. And you're just going to walk away with Chanyeol on the fricken wedding day?? No. Can't defend you, Sir. *smh*
743 streak #2
So many things to read, so little time! But I am in for this ride!
Chapter 2: So not only Byul it is but Lechyeol it was considering his lecherous character.

If Byul was satisfying him over Sooyoung, what was the point to stay with her in the first place. Is she rich or something for him to leech over her until being in front of the Altair?

Death threats are never a good idea according to my TV series experiences XD. Always ends up against the one pronouncing them. Better ignore them completely, narcissistics despise that the most after all.

Would have leave the restaurant after calling a waiter stating it would be Chanyeol paying for her since he owes her that at least before waving at byul remembering her that if he was able to do that to her there is no assurance he won't do it again with byul and another one...

And "Babygirl"?! Yeurk sounds e-like in my ears. I don't think a single man would like to be called "babyboy" right? ...
Chapter 2: Things like this where I wish killing is accepted by the law🤬 I'm so mad at Byul and Chanyeol!
Chapter 1: Yeah! I'm proud of "Byul"!
Chapter 1: Well, it would have been even more fun with the priest asking if anyone was against the marriage and the Byul standing up to oppose before grasping Chanyeol hand and running outside the church together.

I laughed at the "Dude" of Jongin.

Some details would have been nice in the prologue to introduce a little more each character. Like if Jongin and Taemin were Chanyeol's best men or just sitting in front row admiring their wife and girlfriend in formal dress ( no description of them by the way, even of the wedding dress, no color of flower if I recall) like setting the happy ambiance, the dreamy atmosphere, the pride of the bride in front of all her friends and family, her hopes/expectations and plans for the future. All that would have been useful to accentuate the heartbreaking situation and put more drama into the scene in my opinion. But of course that's a prologue and I am a perfectionist and always see the potential of something and how to improve it. So don't take it badly. ;) just advices to improve.

As always you have great ideas and good characters. I'm curious of the following chapters.
Chapter 2: Not the victim blaming im gna be SICK grrrr how tf did she not see the red flags w her best friend?? Byul is totally a her??? And chanyeol too omg don't get me started and not our main man junmyeon just appearing out of nowhere and roasting the out of chanbyul as he should DESERVED hes so y purr
Chapter 2: wtfff i’m still here, unmotivated, writing 0 sentences (actually a few paragraphs but 0 sentences sounds cooler) for any of my stories and here you are spewing new chapters like it’s nothing?!?! DEEEEEE

Plssssss InHyun moment (kinda sounds like InYeon)—*clears throat* moment of silence — “a charming guy came like an angel to neutralize darkness in which she dwelled” T___________T I felt that for my bb???

“Jongin showed her that the choices she made were wrong, that her actions hurt people around her.” PLSS WHY ARE YOU attacking Nayeon like that XDD T___T that hurts (bc it’s true). FO readers need to read this XDDDD But yes exactly, “while their other friends divorced, they stayed together” yest theyre that type, they went through /a lot/ so they can surely survive staying married XD psh, piece of cake

“Bunny boo”—I’ve already expressed my feelings about this,,,, bunny boo

Ok back to the main story. The NERVE chanyeol has to ask sooyoung to be in a polyamorous relationship?! I mean sure, some are open to it but like, *ehem* Sooyoung doesnt seem to be the type of person XDDD
anyway, Byul?! The same nerve???? as if theyve done nothing to sooyoung?? Chanyeol and byul is a disaster and naive. Omg, i’m a type of person who cares about my personal and career goals and if my man can’t respect that, he aint for me. And SY being bitter at the beginning of the chapter is completely understandable, imagine your man doing that on your wedding ceremony?? smh

And yes suho (it better be) to the rescue and speaking facts “yall adults”.
Chapter 1: gosh chanyeol getting the cold feet at that very moment, i can already imagine how much of a jerk he is (and you warned me) XD, same goes for the best friend like wth. poor sooyoung tho, she already doesn't deserve it