

Yesung is sad and frustrated. It’s all the little things that happened at once in his life that made him feel this way. Good thing he has a loving boyfriend that comforts him.

Veeeery short Kyusung drabble, because I miss the two.


I create my own timelines, it's "pure" fiction with unskilful writing.

Don't expect much, or anything at all. 

If you're unsatisfied with this story or life, you're not alone. 

I appreciate all the comments, so go ahead ^^


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104 streak #1
Chapter 1: i like that they love each other enough to endure all the busy schedules and subsequently lack of time for each other, but it makes little moments they share all the more precious and worth it !
zah1102 #2
Chapter 1: This is sweet ^^
I miss them too huhu
Chapter 1: so cute <3
Honeymoon89 #4
Chapter 1: This is so soft🥺🥺🥺
Please be ok Yesung.. we love u!!!💙💙💙💙
397 streak #5
Chapter 1: sweet >___< I miss these two too >___<
Chapter 1: I really miss them performing together...why is this drought so long ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽