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Wendy came from a rich family. Expensive cars, outfits, stuffs etc. But despite her 'dream living' life... She's not as happy as everybody thinks she is.

Despite having a wealthy life, Wendy actually was suffering from Dissociative identity disorder (DID)



As a person who has this type of disorder, it's actually hard to keep a friendship and relationship last a month since this illness is ruining everything. By that... Wendy decided to ask her only friend to get her a doctor who can look after her when her illness is getting triggered.


Wendy has 4 personality:

  • Son Seungwan- this personality is the most concerning personality of all... This personality loves to enjoy! Drink, party, flirt with girls which leads to a huge problem whenever Wendy is back to herself.
  • Wanda- this personality is the girliest of all. Same as Seungwan, this personality also loves to flirt but this time... With guys. Wanda is actually into Wendy's friend which makes it easier I guess?? But still a problem.
  • Wen Ri-sa- opposite of the first two, this personality is the most calming and innocent of all. This personality loves to help others and do good things but sometimes even when she's getting robbed or even snatched... She's still acting like 'it's fine' which makes her still concerning.
  • Wendy- of course Wendy is also a personality who originally owns the body. This personality is actually the most secretive... She has a good and a bad heart at the same time, and because of being secretive, it's hard for her to communicate with others even with her parents. That's why she's thankful to have her friend who she can be open all the time

"do everything you could and find me a cure!" 


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Chapter 4: Interesting
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 4: Interesting
Jennifferradj #3
These is very interesting