Chapter 17

Stay With Me
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Chapter 17
“Open the door, Ji!” Jin said as he was carrying out the turkey mid-way from the kitchen. 

Grunting slightly as she was at the of her book, she trudged heavily to the main door and opened it, surprised to find Jungkook standing on her doorstep with two handfuls of bags, dressed in the clothes that they had parted in two hours ago. 

“Jungkook? What are you doing here?” Jihyun asked in confusion as Jungkook gave a small smile, “I thought I’d pop by early.” He shrugged. 

“Two days early?” Jihyun raised her eyebrows curiously, nevertheless stepping aside to let him in. He merely stayed silent as Mrs. Kim rushed towards him. 

“Jungkook-ah! You’re here!” Mrs. Kim said excitedly as she pulled him into a bear hug. “You must be hungry, go wash up and settle in Seokjin’s room before coming down for dinner!” 

“I’m sorry for coming so abruptly, Mrs. Kim.” Jungkook said with guilt evident in his voice, but Mrs. Kim merely shook her head, “Nonsense! You’re always welcome here.” 

That was what he liked about Mrs. Kim. She was always so motherly and never probed more even if the situation seemed out of the ordinary. He knew it also had to do with Seokjin, who must have told her about his situation at home - so the elder never questioned, instead always welcoming him with a warm hug and a kind smile. 

“Thanks Mrs. Kim.” Jungkook said as he took a look at Seokjin and Namjoon who seemed confused, but gave him a warm smile nevertheless. 

Settling beside Jihyun, the girl couldn’t help but be concerned as she exchanged a look between her two brothers. They merely shrugged as they pursed their lips and instead chose to change the subject. 

“I hope you like turkey, Jungkook-ah.” Mrs. Kim said as he nodded his head excitedly, “I like anything you cook, Mrs. Kim.” 

Mrs Kim let out a hearty laugh while blushing, while Mr. Kim shook his head in amusement, “And that is why my wife likes you so much, Jungkook.” 

Dinner advanced, and everybody chose to avoid the subject of Jungkook showing up randomly - instead focusing on filling up his plate with his favourite foods. They chatted about school as the Kim siblings and Jungkook updated Mr. and Mrs. Kim about the school term, how Namjoon and Jin were stressed out about the upcoming N.E.W.T.S., and Jin may have slipped up regarding the budding romance between his sister and his favourite junior. 

“Wait a minute, you’re saying that Jihyun and Jungkook are together?” Mrs. Kim froze in surprise, while Mr. Kim dropped his fork onto the table. 

The entire table widened their eyes at Jin’s revelation, and Jihyun sent a kick to Jin’s shin, sending him crying in pain as he held onto his bruised knee. 

“It can’t be, you two are always at loggerheads, isn’t it?” Mr. Kim wore a stern expression, and the couple couldn’t help but gulp nervously. 

“Well… it just… happened, I guess?” Jihyun chuckled timidly as she quivered under his intense gaze. 

What she did not expect was Jungkook’s warm hands covering hers immediately, and looking up at her parents with confidence. 

“Mr. and Mrs. Kim.” Jungkook said firmly, and the elders turned to him in surprise, with Namjoon and Jin looking at them in amusement. 

“I know Ji and I didn’t really get off on a good note.” Jungkook said before Mr. Kim scoffed, “You mean being at loggerheads all the time and almost starting a food war?” 

The table stifled a chuckle as they thought of the time where Jungkook had taken the last cookie that Jihyun had saved up for herself, and how the girl had gotten so upset because it was a delicacy which her aunt had made only during Christmas. 

She took a bunch of the nearby spaghetti and threw it against the boy, and he had almost retaliated until Jin pulled him aside - forcing the boy to withhold his anger and change out of his dirty clothes.

“Okay, that was one of those bad experiences.” He cringed and shrunk lightly into his seat before straightening his shoulders again, “But that’s the past, and it doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is that I think she’s a really wonderful girl. She’s smart, talented, pretty, good at quidditch, she can be a know-it-all sometimes but that’s just because she does her readings beforehand.” Jungkook said as he earned a smack from Jihyun while Namjoon and Jin burst into laughter. 

“What I’m trying to say is that I really like her, and I hope to get your blessings.” 

Jihyun couldn’t help but smile when she heard him complimenting her. 

She knew they were already in a relationship, but she couldn’t help but feel like she wasn’t enough, especially after the encounter with his parents at the train station which she couldn’t stop thinking about. She wasn’t blind, she could tell that they didn’t like the sight of them hugging as they shot glares from afar. 

If glares could kill, Jihyun would’ve been dead.

But hearing Jungkook confirm that he liked her for who she was meant everything. She could feel her heart swell in delight as she looked at the boy before her. 

She looked towards her parents who were trying to stifle a smile before breaking into a wide grin, and her mother leaped out of her seat, running towards Jungkook excitedly. “Of course you have our blessings!” Mrs. Kim shrieked as her children covered their ears in surprise, “We’re so glad to have you as part of the family.” She said as she pulled him into a hug. 

“Mom, I think you favour him more than me.” Jihyun pouted as her mother laughed, “Of course I do, look how cute Jungkookie is!” She said as she pinched his cheeks while the table chuckled.

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Tiara1309 #1
Chapter 28: I am still here authornim ❤️❤️❤️
Tiara1309 #2
Chapter 27: Waaaah!!! What a surprise! Thanks for updating authornim 🩷
Tiara1309 #3
Chapter 26: Authornim, we are still here 🩷🩷
Tiara1309 #4
Chapter 21: authornim are you really not going to update this story ? this story is very gooood
kworld320 #5
Chapter 23: Still here… thank you for the updates!
Pesyinja #6
Chapter 17: Oh my god where have this story been my whole lifeee!!!!!! I've come here last night and finished reading it now!! It was exciting i am a potterheads and the professors arggbhbbbbdvnewlavwhwnwabai
kworld320 #7
Chapter 17: The story has been going nice.
You are doing well dear writer!!!
Chapter 11: It's oddly comforting and nice! I love the references to the Potter series and I'll be looking forward to the next chapter! Jungkook's parents sound ty and I wonder if you will show his relationship with her parents? It's so cool so far and I'm excited to see what you have up your sleeve for the future!
kworld320 #9
Chapter 11: Nice reference to HP. Interesting story. Saw this at discover page.
Keep on writing!!!