
when the ice melted and the fire subsided

Lia and Hyun meet up often to prepare for the assignment. Sometimes, they stay up all night at Ha Seok’s studio and acquire his opinions regarding the song arrangements and the distribution of their part. Lia thought working with Hyun is not a problem at all because he’s actually capable and have a lot of knowledge in composing music. He also deliver his opinions but in his own, ruthless way.

“Ya, don’t sing it like that, it won’t match the beat,”

One day they argued about adlibs, Lia said they don’t need it but he insisted. It’s hard to unite two strong heads, but after a long talk they decided to not record the adlibs and instead will sing it live. Arguing with Hyun is exhausting, but Lia glad he at least compromised. One Friday, Ha Seok can’t make it to the studio to accompany them, so he give the key to Lia, thus they were there alone all night.

“I think this is good enough,” said Lia, satisfied. Hyun smiled and nodded. Lia stretched her stiff body.

“What about our costume? Should we start looking for references?” asked Hyun.

“Omo, I’m so excited for this. I think outfits like this will match the performance,” she dragged her chair closer to Hyun’s to show the photo in her laptop. Hyun was taken aback with her suddenly being so close to him, but tried his best to stay cool and calm.

“Ya, I don’t have outfits like this!” said him when he saw the photos Lia showed him.

“Let’s search for it, then. I know some market that sell cheap but good clothes, but it’s only open on weekend. Can you make it tomorrow?” asked her. He just nodded.

“Good! Oh I think our food is here,” then she left and came back with some chicken and grabbed cold beers from the fridge. Hyun helped her tidy the desk they are using. When he open the can of beer, he accidentally spilled the beer on the rug.

“YA! Aish, really, are you a kid? Mr. Ha will be upset tomorrow, you know we actually can’t eat here,” Lia raised her voice and grabbed some tissues and try to dry the rug.

“Ya, are you this grumpy even as a child?” said Hyun and started to grab tissues to help her. He can saw the change in her face.

She told him when she’s in her fourth grade of elementary school, she witnessed two customers harassed both her parents at their restaurant because their order taking too long. The customers shouted, cursed and making a mess but her parents just apologized and couldn’t say anything because they always treat their customers kindly. Lia who couldn’t stand it shouted to them to not harass her parents, but the customers shouted at her back saying this is grown up business.

“I couldn’t stand it, so after they shouted back at me I bit their hands,” she said while laughing. “They were so embarrassed because I’m brave enough to do it and they were many customers, our restaurant is popular. They cursed so much and finally left without paying, and when I was going to run after them my dad stopped me,”

Hyun also laughed, he can perfectly imagine little Lia looking furious and yelled at older people. “Ah, that’s why you’re always this bold,”

“Yes, and after that I can’t really stand injustice. I even scolded my seniors who smoke at school, they hit me and I was rushed to the hospital because I’m bleeding. They need to stitch my forehead,” she suddenly come closer to Hyun, showing her faint scar in on her left forehead.

“O-oh yes I can see them,” Hyun was again taken aback by being so close to her, and cleared his throat. She’s way more than just a grumpy girl, she’s brave, confident, and take a good care of herself.

“What about you? Are you just a quite and cold type?” asked her.

Then he told her about his parents that fought everyday started when he enrolled in high school, and he always locked himself in his room, listening to music with his headphones in full volume so he won’t hear them. That’s the beginning when he hated loud and noisy surrounding and the beginning of his dream becoming a singer. He’d listen to various music all day, and Ha Seok often lend him his old CDs. When his parents finally got divorced and remarried, he live with Ha Seok and his wife, then when he started college he rent a student apartment near their house.

“Ah, that’s why you’re so close to Mr. Ha,” she nodded. “You’re basically his son.”

He laughed and also agreed with her. He lived with Ha Seok for three years in high school, and continue to be under his care in college. Hyun got a large amount of money from his parents, even enough for him to buy a small apartment, and paid his tuition. He thought the money was a token of apology from both of them so he’s been using them well.

“I don’t understand why cold guy like you is so popular, even in comics and dramas. You barely talk yet girls head over heels,” said her.

Hyun didn’t know if she’s serious or joking, but decided to make it fun. “Maybe it’s the face,”

She laughed. “Can’t believe I have a friend like this,”

Hyun was startled but happy at the same time because she addressed him as her friend. She’s different with other girls she met before. He never actually date girls because he was busy with his music and band audition, but have close ones to hang out with. Yoo Lia didn’t pity him when he told her about his parents but instead she listen carefully. Other girls he was close with before pitied him and told him it must be upsetting. It’s the first time for him, telling others about his family condition without being pitied. He hates it whenever others tell him to stay strong, or to grow up to be a fine man. But this girl didn’t say any of it, she only looked at him directly in the eyes, nodded and smiled.

“Wow, it’s already 2am. I guess we’re done here?” said Lia and both of them collect the belongings and ready to leave. Lia is concerned actually because usually Mr. Ha is here and offer her a ride home, but today she either have to ride taxi or walk home.

“How are you going to get home?” asked Hyun when they locked the entrance door.

“I think I’m going to walk. I want to save money, and it’s not that far. See you tomorrow!” said her and started to walk away. Hyun went after him and caught her arm.

“Are you crazy walking alone in this hour? Let’s go together,”

Lia was taken aback. “Ya, you don’t need to. Your house is so close. Why bother taking the long way?”

“Because I’m a good friend, and even brave girl like you shouldn’t walk alone in this hour. Let’s go.” said him and started to walk. Lia can felt her cheek warm, but she shook her head and followed him.

“If you insist, then,” and let him walk with her to her house.




When he arrived home one hour later, Hyun can’t help but smile. The ice in him melted a bit. He realized he had fun with Lia, even though he didn’t show it. Despite being grumpy and taking almost everything seriously, she’s fun to be with. She didn’t get shy or flirty like other girls that once close with him before. Even though they met for an assignment, he learned a lot about her. She’s the first girl who genuinely wanted to be friends with him without expecting anything such as being his girlfriend or take photos with him and upload it just to show everyone they are close. Lia dressed comfortably without trying to impress him, and what he liked the most about her is how she presents herself they way she is in front of him. He felt appreciated.

Suddenly his phone rang, a little bit confused because it’s 3 am in the morning, but he immediately picked up. “Hello?”

“Hyun-ah, you make it to the second round of the band audition!” his friend, Yoo Taeyang informed him excitedly. He grinned. Today was a lucky day for him.


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HAHAH SAMEEE i carried on watching imitation for these toooo!!!
wonremoo #2
Chapter 3: somehow i relate to yoo lia's character and fact about having no one asked her out :')
wonremoo #3
Chapter 2: i'm liking this interaction and character development
wonremoo #4
Chapter 1: this is interesting :D I'm excited to read on