Cowards who couldn't take the first step

Pills & Potions
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You might not know Seulgi, but I was the first one who confessed.



Seulgi raised her brows at the bold cursive writing on the sticky note glued on the page she turned to… All at once, her heart started to beat faster and her mind raised, mentally raking through her memories, searching for the truth.


Irene confessed first? When?


Is she referring to a love confession?


Seulgi was confused, she was sure. A hundred percent, that if Irene confessed to her… Seulgi would’ve screamed I love you too, not a second after, it isn’t something she would let pass by… Years of pining after her best friend ensured that her 17 year old self would never miss out the chance of professing her love had Irene really confessed first.


Maybe its a confession of another sort? Maybe it was about a secret and not about romantic love?


Shaking her head at her jumbled thoughts… Seulgi swore if what Irene meant by confessing first to her is that Irene told her she loved her while she was sleeping… Seulgi would stop reading this journal and find Irene so that she could strangle the doctor to be for the stupid cliche.


But before she could do that, Seulgi had to read and find out what Irene really meant by ‘Confessing First.’



. . . . . . . . . .



“Seulgi please~~~” Irene whined, having just finished their exams this week, the girl begged to go and hang out with her best friend.


Most of their classmates already had plans to go and eat out, some even were going to a bowling club, the others planned to let out all their stress through a paintball gunfight. As always, invites were extended towards Seulgi and Irene. But Seulgi, although was the life of the party, rarely ever joined the groups whenever they went out. But this time… Irene really wanted to go out and spend time with Seulgi. It was her mission.


Irene wanted Seulgi to de-stress as well. After all, they just went through hell and back with their exams, and Irene wants to forget all of her worries for a few hours before she had to go back to her house and get anxious with the results of her exams.


God knows how strict and how high her parent’s expectations were…


“Seulgi.. Please, please, please, please, please~” Irene hung herself on Seulgi’s shoulder, temporarily not caring of how others saw her actions… even if it would only be for half a day, Irene wants to be free of everything--free of stress.. Free of exams and the need to be overly sure that she wouldn't fail, free of overanalyzing what every action meant, free of her parents…


She wanted to let loose, and with who best to do that but her best friend? But Irene knew that if she wanted Seulgi to cave in to her request...  she’d have to either annoy the girl to no end or convince Seulgi through her charm.


Irene actually found it funny, Seulgi was one of the most charming girls she’s ever met. Boys and girls had a crush on her or at least wanted to get close to the kind girl but nobody ever could capture the interest of the monolid eyed girl… or convince her to spend time and go out with them but Irene would just have to pout and Seulgi would be rendered helpless.


Truthfully, it made Irene feel special, because Seulgi only caved to her. And Irene wasn’t blind, she saw how Seulgi always went out of her way to always make her happy… to make sure that she was okay...


Irene really felt so lucky and thankful that she had Seulgi in her life. Irene wouldn’t know what to do if she lost the bear-like girl...


“Hyun, I just want to sleep, you know that I cram every exam week, I literally haven’t slept for the past 48 hours!” Seulgi, whose monolid eyes looked like a panda’s because of her eye bugs, shrugged her shoulders to get her bestfriend off of her. She has been sleep deprived, and no one.. No one! Not even Irene will get in the way of Seulgi reuniting with her lovely bed.


Seulgi slung her bag over her shoulders and went to Irene’s chair that was located across the room. The monolid eyed girl took Irene’s bag and was about to head out the room when she heard no leather doll steps following hers.


Furrowing her brows, the very sleepy Seulgi turned to look for her friend. “Hyun?”


There not too far away from her, was Irene stubbornly sitting on her chair, arms crossed and a huge pout on her lips.


Irene was a year older than her right? But right now her best friend looked like she belonged to a preschool.


Sighing in defeat, Seulgi shook her head, how could she turn Irene down?  It , but her beloved bed would have to wait.




Irene literally shot out of her chair at Seulgi’s defeat, beaming as she hopped to take Seulgi’s elbow. Hooking it with hers, “Really? No take backs!”


“Yes, really. Let’s go, the sooner I satisfy you, the sooner I can get to sleep.” Seulgi truthfully explained, but the sleepy bear did not foresee how her words could be taken.


Some of their male classmates, passing by, laughed at Seulgi’s words.


And Irene, who went red, immediately pinched the sides of her best friend.


Seulgi, who had seen Irene get flustered, immediately took advantage even as she got pinched, “Ouch woman! Wait till we get there before you get your kink-on!”


Again, another set of students passing by them gaped and giggled. Irene slapped Seulgi’s arm before she dragged her best friend away, lest Seulgi create a scandal.


“I’ve really got to scrub your mouth one of these days, Kang Seulgi.” Irene glared at Seulgi as they arrived at the school gate. But as always, once Seulgi’s erted humour got activated, it was hard to turn off.


“Really? Let’s find somewhere where you can scrub me,” Irene tried her hardest not to laugh as Seulgi wiggled her brows and used that silly tone she thought was y…


If she laughed, Seulgi would never stop teasing her about it. So even if she desperately wanted to laugh, Irene fought hard not to.


She saw that Seulgi was about to open again, most probably to crack another erted joke… but Irene smirked and gave Seulgi a sharp side glance.


A weird expression yes, but it was the one that worked every time to halt Seulgi whenever she acted like a lunatic.


Immediately, the monolid eyed girl became mum, motioning that her lips were zipped.


But after a few seconds, Seulgi’s supposedly zipped lips, opened to talk. “So… Are we going with Seungwan to the bowling centre? Or are we gonna join the paintball fight?”


Irene shook her head, she didn’t want to get physically tired by carrying balls heavier than her nor get her hair sticky with paint. Honestly, how is that supposed to destress you?


Instead, Irene wanted to go to a place that always calmed her…  “No, I want to go to the beach!”


The sound of the beach waves… warm beautiful sand… the fresh air..


Irene couldn't wait.


"The beach?!" Seulgi raised her voice, the closest beach was an hour and a half away by train, they'd have to leave the city to get to one.. "Isn't that too far?"


But Seulgi saw Irene's face twinkling with zeal.


"Yes, please seul! Come on, it's going to be fun!"




. . . . . . . . . . . . .





"Yah Seulgi! You've ruined my shoes!" Irene squealed as she felt the cold waves crash against her. That stupid bear had manhandled her and pushed her towards the waves. Her shoes and the ends of her school skirt got wet!


Seulgi, who was laughing, immediately ran away from the mad bunny. Even sticking out her tongue.


'oh so that's how it is.'


Irene, never one to lose. Immediately cast aside her discomfort at being wet and instead sought to have revenge against her dumb best friend.


"Get ready to die Kang Seulgi!"



The two best friends ran and chased each other by the beach, something so cliche yet was strangely freeing..


Irene laughed as Seulgi jokingly provoked her.


Of course, Bae Joohyun said her fair share of trash talk.


But the two had grown tired after minutes of running and chasing, especially the sleep deprived Seulgi who raised her white socks and waved it around as if to surrender.


Irene scrunched her nose and let out a giggle. "Ew! You're disgusting Seul."


But Seulgi just smiled, asking, "Truce?"


However, Irene was a very competitive person, she won't take anything but a win…  and honestly, Seulgi should know that by now.


With a faux exasperation, Irene nodded. "Fine let's go."


Without inhibitions, Seulgi jogged to meet Irene as they started to head towards the dry sand.. But the monolid eyed girl didn't see the smirk on her best friend's lips until she found herself wet head to toe, Irene kneeling next to her. Just as wet.


"What the ?!" Seulgi rose immediately as another wave smashed against their bodies. With a tight grip on Irene's arms, Seulgi tugged to make sure her best friend wasn't drinking salt water.


“Are you okay?” Seulgi’s voice and expression was full of concern, and Irene knew she should feel bad, but she pursed her lips tight before bursting out in wild laughter.


Seulgi was so confused, but then it dawned on her

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924 streak #1
Chapter 9: Another seulrene au that was abandoned 💔 :((
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
hope u doing great author nim
hi_todayimyourbae #3
Chapter 9: rereading it for umpteenth time because this story is masterpiece. please comebackk authornimmm
Simba_21 #4
Chapter 8: Still waiting authornim~ <3
Kimchi43 #5
Chapter 9: My goodness. I can only imagine what Miyoung was referring to when asking her parents for their acceptance. And it's probably because of knowing what that is that Irene feared what would happen to her too if she accepted Seulgi's confession...
qiugui #6
Chapter 9: Miyoung as in hwang miyoung aka tiffany?
Chapter 9: Still racking up points for jade hope😌
Who0001 #8
Chapter 9: next please
Xoxox125 #9
Chapter 6: impresive
Xoxox125 #10
Chapter 1: wow