


They say your regrets only come to mind when you’re nearing your demise.


However, Donghae is pretty sure he doesn’t need a near-death experience to be haunted by the one regret he has in his life. Although this toothache he’s nursing seems to be an exception, like really how can one tooth hurt so bad—what did he do to make his tooth want to jump out of his socket and run from his mouth. At least that’s how it feels like doing.


From what seems to be a regular dental consultation, Donghae didn’t think one painful experience would lead him to revisit a painful memory from the past that is very much fresh in his mind. What’s worse is that it seems that ‘he’ would be the one handling Donghae’s case. 


Donghae could only hope and pray that ‘he’ would use enough anesthetic to numb the pain, despite the fact that ‘he’ has every reason not to.


Or the one time donghae's second molar is hurting so much he needs to get them taken out, too bad his assistant wasn't informed that the dr. Lee he has scheduled for his boss was the same dr. Lee that Donghae has left for a chance to chase his own dreams.


Obviously we know who 'he' is, I just think that it adds to the whole mystery of it all ><;; I'm back with yet another eunhae story and this time we have doctor of dental medicine specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery lee hyukjae and senior marketing manager lee donghae o(≧◇≦)o (」゚O゚)」 I can't wait for you all to read this, this was so fun to write since I am currently on my last year as a dental student (〃∇〃) so most of the things like the terminologies, treatment planning and treatment options, are from the textbooks I'm using and some of it is based from experience :P


title is inspired by CL's song +REWIND170205+


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Chapter 1: C'est tres bien ecrit, avec un peu d'angoisse mais une fin adorable
158 streak #2
Chapter 1: 🥺🥺🥺 I've always only had girl dentists~ can I have Dr. Lee to care for my teeth atleast if not me? 😅

This is just so good, i'm just.... 😭
21 streak #3
Chapter 1: I've re-read it and its still as amazing and beautiful as it was during the first time. I went through so many emotions for a one-shot 🥲
Chapter 1: I love this so much. Well written🙌🏻
1577 streak #5
Chapter 1: Glad Donghae eventually come to the realization that being strong doesn't mean being silent and pushing people away when you're struggling. But rather, opening up about problems and asking for and accepting the support of those who care about you, actually makes you so much stronger.

It seemed like back then his and Hyukjae's timing and their circumstances (being so busy and preoccupied with their own work and worries) made it too difficult to be the support they each needed, but they really did love each other. A lot, obviously, since the love lasted so many years apart, and after all that pain. Happily, finally they have a chance to enjoy what they deserved back then, now that Donghae seems to have a better mindset and both of their lives are more stable. The sweetness endured through the bitter. Time to brush my teeth, haha, Hyukjae (and irl tooth-brushing mania Donghae) should be proud~ ♡
Chapter 1: At first I thought hyukjae is the one at fault in this story and that's why dh left him. So dh will probably hate him during their first meet up and probably trying to avoid hj but it's far than what I assume hahaha. Ahhh I seriously love your writing style! It hook me up the entire time I read this. And I love it when you got into details the dental procedure bcs I can totally imagine the scene in my head 😆. Ngl I teared up a little when they fought and dh asking to break with hj ㅠㅠ. Hyukjae is so understanding in this story I love him so much. Thank god dh finally had the courage to tell hyukjae the truth 🥺 and they get together again ^^. Thank you so much for writing this story!
Chapter 1: The story was something beyond my expectations. I thought it would be a jerk Donghae who left Hyuk behind and now, he will try to amend and Hyuk will detest him but eventually forgive him. Lol.. maybe my thinking is too typical.
But, your story was so so different and enjoyable. It really shows how people often drift apart due to things which one doesn't have control over. I wish Donghae would have reached out to Hyuk afterwards or maybe Hyuk could have tried more to contact Hae after he got to know the truth. But all is well that ends well.. I'm glad they found e/o again. Thanks for writing this one shot. It is really well written.^^
16 streak #8
Chapter 1: wow...
1455 streak #9
Chapter 1: So many emotions over this oneshot! Haha idk whyyy but it's giving me so much feels.
i think those five years of hyuk and hae being apart was hyuk’s way letting hae face whatever it is that he is going through; like he was just there waiting for him to be ready again. (cos he didn’t look for him or woo him) and i think that’s okay. he let him not because he doesn’t wanna be with him but sometimes you gotta face it on your own.
hae was cute during those dental appointments interactions .. Like he really really wanted to explain what had happened. and hyuk is soooo cute playing not so hard to get. hahaha!
i love how hyuk was so understanding here.
and you’re welcome authornim!! :))

thanks for writing this story! keepsafe! (*^^*)
Dr Lee hyukjae? Damn that's hot 😳 can't wait to read this story! I'm a er for breakup & makeup fic >< really excited for this!!