A Little Happiness

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Arranged marriages meant being bound to someone you don't love whole-heartedy. Yes, maybe along the way feelings would develop. And looking back, they would be thankful that they found each other even in the most unwanted way.

But what if you were arranged to someone who has a lover? Would you even think of developing feelings or a happily ever after?

Because Chanyeol would not. Rather, he could not.


"Chanyeol, meet my best friend's son, Baekhyun."

"Baekhyun, please treat Chanyeol well."

"And for the record, you'll marry each other in a month."





A/N: To be back here after years was something unexpected. I still write like a crap (still not good with descriptions and all; apologies to my lack of adjectives) but I really just wanted to write and share. I know that I had no completed story before (lowkey thinking of finishing some with major editing because I can't find my drafts anymore while others will be deleted because I don't have any will to finish them anymore) so I decided to write at least half of the story before posting. And so here I am again ^^

This was supposed to be posted earlier and to be finished by Chanyeol's enlistment. But work became hectic and I didn't have time to continue writing. But because of Baekhyun's live last night, I decided that it's time. And to hopefully finish it before Baekhyun's you-know.

Initially, it should be posted as one long chapter. But I was overwhlemed with how many words I'm writing at the start so I decided to divide them into three parts (because the pressure is real). And I hope that it wouldn't end up being long boring chapters. I'm still doing a little finishing up on the first part but hopefully be able to post it soon. And I mean really soon.

To end this note, as early as now, I'm already thankful to those who will drop by, read the story and will look forward to it. Hoping for everyone to enjoy and for the best of this ^^


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Chapter 1: Ok the situation is a bit confusing like is Chanyeol physically sick or something. .. but the plot is going awesome! ♡
Chapter 1: damn this is gonna be gooooooooooood keep going author nim
Beau1996 1370 streak #3
Chapter 1: The situation is confusing for both men - not sure what's gonna happen??