The Thin Line Between Love & Hate
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The silence that filled Tiffany's room was deafening. It was suffocating. Both girls not knowing exactly how to break it.  Tiffany sat on her bed staring into Taeyeon's soul, hoping the girl would say something, anything at all. When she realized the blonde wasn't going to speak any time soon she decided to say something, "You can sit next to me, you know," She glared at the blonde. "I'm not contagious with anything." Taeyeon nervously laughed and nodded, making her way over to the brunette's bed, sitting a great distance away from her. She notices Tiffany staring at her, waiting for her to speak. She knew she told the girl they needed to talk but now that she's here it's like everything she wanted to say left her mind. Though, she didn't want to piss the girl off any further, so she finally spoke up, "What I said to you today was out of order and just plain rude. I just had a really bad morning and you came in there and..." She shakes her head as if to stop herself from saying something she shouldn't. "I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I'm really, really sorry. It wasn't my intention to upset you." The blonde finishes her short speech without looking the brunette in the face. The silence that was there before, returned.  Tiffany sat looking down at her hands, contemplating on what she could possibly say in response to the blonde. She seemed sincere in her apology. She had never apologized to Tiffany in all their years of knowing each other, so Tiffany knows she meant it. This is what Taeyeon loved about Tiffany. She wasn't impulsive like her. She stopped and she thought about what she was going to say before replying to someone or what she was going to do before making a decision, even if it was the smallest decision.  Finally, Tiffany spoke, "You're apologizing to me?" There was the tiniest hint of a smile on her face.  Taeyeon saw it and a similar one appeared on her face, "Yeah...I suppose I am." The brunette bites her lip, "That's not something Kim Taeyeon does very often..." She finally looks up at the girl. "Why are you apologizing to me?" "Well..." Taeyeon started. "We're going to be living together for quite some time. A whole month. It's better that we get along rather than spend four weeks ripping each other's hair out, right?" She smirked at the girl. Tiffany looks back down, not wanting the girl to see her blush, "Yes, I suppose you're right. That does sound better than fighting all the time," "We can even try to be friends." This makes Tiffany's head snap back up instantly. Friends... Something that she had proposed years ago... Something that Kim Taeyeon denied her all those years ago is being proposed by Kim Taeyeon herself, years later.  Tiffany fights back a smile, "I'd like that." She fidgets. "We can start fresh." Taeyeon couldn't say she wasn't shocked. The one thing that Tiffany wanted from her since they were teenagers, that she had declined so rudely, is being offered, by her. And Tiffany had simply agreed and not kicked up a fuss. No, Tiffany hadn't thrown it back in the girl's face. Maybe that's why Taeyeon loved Tiffany...because she would never do the things Taeyeon would do.  "After everything I've said and done to you, you're willing to look past it and start anew?" Taeyeon asks in disbelief. Tiffany nodded, "Everyone deserves a second chance, Taeyeon." The blonde smiled and got up, "Well then, friend, I'm going to start getting ready for tonight. We have to be to at Sooyoung's place by seven." "Alright," She smiles in return. "I'll be ready. Don't be late." She walks away and heads towards the bathroom. The blonde turns away and heads to her bedroom. She sits on her bed with her head in her hands and wonders how she's going to deal with being friends with Tiffany. She's years late and she loves the girl. It was going to be extremely challenging. She knew the closer they got, the more her feelings would grow...and that's not a
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Chapter 18: Can taeny just break the news to the member
Chapter 16: ☹️☹️☹️
Skye1234 #3
Chapter 17: Thank you for the update.
Bellove #4
Chapter 17: Heyyy , can u do more ..new taeny story again...
U r great author...
1127 streak #5
Chapter 17: crowdfunding is frustrating at times but, do what you need to do
multistory #7
Chapter 17: Take all the time you need... Will be waiting for your epic return
multistory #8
Chapter 17: Take all the time you need... Will be waiting for your epic return
TaeNysmith22 #9
Chapter 17: if u ever know the author named nerdcanread, you can ask her/him regards to crowdfunding.
Can u do it to your next story? Hehe