Thief of Words


As a nymph, Fei was never supposed to live for as long as a deity. But she made a deal with Ares, the greek God of war so that she could be free to live for a very long time and roam the explored and unexplored lands. In exchange she had to ensure that people will continue to pray to Ares which also meant she had to encourage people to go to war. 

As time passed, people have lost their belief in the ancient gods and Ares slowly faded away, as did most deities. Fei was free to do whatever she wanted but she kept her word and worked as a scholar who would gather information during times of war. 

Unfortunately, because of certain circumstances she was punished by the eastern gods to live in seclusion in the mountains and never be able to lie to a human ever again. 

Now,in the 21st century, Fei resides in the city and has an antique library that also works as a gateway towards the Underworld. She is still punished and still has to work for the remaining eastern deities as gate keeper (she literally keeps the account of who enters and leaves the Afterlife.) 

But faces from the past come back to haunt her, especially one that disappointed her and brought the punishment onto her. 


Traveling was never easy, especially on a boat and espcially if you were sea sick. The wood smelled like fish and so did the people on it. It was also tiring from a mental point of view because there was nothing to do except read and watch the passing scenery (which was always the same). Taking a peek over the board, the waves were mesmerizing and making her head dizzy.

"Are you going to vomit again?" Another passenger asked as he approached the sick woman.

"I hate boats," she answered grumpily. "I just want to dock somewhere and have a long nap." 

"Too bad, we are still weeks away from our stop." He added with pity. She looked like she was about to melt into the ship with the way she was standing all spread out as if she was ready to jump. "Why don't you learn the language? We'll need a translator if we want to do good business." 

She glanced at him and then at the scrolls he held. They didn't seem to be heavy or thick so she agreed. Unfortunately, after genuinely taking a closer look at this new language, she started to doubt herself.

"How's it going?" The same man approached her a few days later. 

"Why do they use signs? Where are the letters? I haven't used signs since the fall of the last pharaoh," she moaned as she fell on her back. "This is hard...what is this?" 

"Hangul. Come on, I'm sure you can get it. You're a scholar, aren't you? Merchants like us need someone smart like you." He tried to use sweet praises knowing that she enjoyed them. 


And yet she never gave up. Having known so many languages already, she wasn't sure she will translate correctly but at least it was better than concentrating on her stomach. 


Days and nights she spent learning the little information they had on this new land. She also took out her own journal and wrote down her personal thoughts. This land that they sailed to was in the east. She had been all over the west so she was very curious how the eastern populations lived, what they ate, how they spoke and what type of faith they had. It wasn't that she was a religious person, because if anything she was just a folk tale. What she did in her life was nobody's business and everything she promised, she delivered. So now that she had a bit of freedom, she wanted to explore the world.

A month later and she was pretty sure she could speak hangul to a native. When their ship docked, she was given traditional clothing and the men were given some type of hats. 

"You look funny, Johan," she commented from the side as the young merchant glared at her. 

"Well, at least it's good for when it rains." He mumbled as he tried to put it on properly. "Father, why do we have to do this? We are here in order to show them our culture." 

Johan's father was an educated man, especially after traveling everywhere in order to do his job. He was a wise man and he was the one to agree to have a stranger come with them. 

"For them to understand us, first we have to show that we respect their culture. We are on their land now." He answered with a smile. His bushy eyebrows and thick moustache made him look like a warm old man but he could be ruthless during trades. 

"Are they even going to allow us to meet the king?" Another merchant asked, his age closer to Johan's father.

"If people will like our trades, they will. I already sent a letter to the king and he will hopefully answer positively. But until then we have to show off our products." 

"Papa Kurm, always one step ahead." 

While they were walking off the ship and onto the land, they could see the difference in culture right away. It was so obvious in everything that it made them feel half giddy and half scared. 

"Women here don't dress like they do at home," Johan whispered to his father. 

"Whatever clothes they wear, they still have to use fabric to make them." His father replied instead. He glanced at the scholar whose eyes were glistening with curiosity and he slowed down so that he could walk next to her. "Fei, you're not going to cause trouble right?" 

Fei glanced at the old man and for a moment she saw regret in his eyes. It was just for a moment but it was risky to have a total stranger come along during a business trip. 

"I'm not." 

The old man watched her for a bit longer before he smiled, realizing that even if something did happen it couldn't endanger them.



Fei (portrayed by Song Haena after regenerating and portrayed by Bogdana Kadritskaya in the past)


Lee Dohyun


Kim Minjae


Hikaru (portrayed by Keita Machida)



Thank you very much Moon-Walker for the amazing poster and background and everything, your work is deeply appreciated. You guys should check out their shop, the quality is really good.


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 38: Hey, I just read the start of the sequel but since you haven't updated for a long time, I was wondering if you have started to post the sequel separately. I'm curious of what all would happen in the sequel and which all deities or mythical beings be introduced there. Will be eagerly waiting to hear from you ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 37: Oh... I didn't realise I haven't finished the story yet. Anyway, I have finally caught up! Glad everything worked out well in the end. Hades was kinda funny here XD anyway, I had fun reading this story ^^
PS I think there's a sequel to this?
2026 streak #3
Chapter 36: Hmmm... Definitely wasn't expecting that. Wonder how Dohyun will react when he finds out what she did. And what about Minjae and others who genuinely cared for her. Although I'm not sure if I really want to read the final chapter guessing how things would go down, still I will be back later to read it...
2026 streak #4
Chapter 35: Wait! That ending! Noooooo~ anyway, I'm pretty speechless now. And I guess I gotta go and do more research about the Greek mythology. Can't wait to read more and see what happens herein. But will be back later to do so!
2026 streak #5
Chapter 34: Wait! What did Athena say? Was it mentioned in the previous chapters? For some reason I can't seem to recall. Anyway, since there are only a few chapters left for the end of the story, I'm curious of how things would go herein. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 33: Aww... Definitely wasn't expecting that. Poor her! And does this mean that Dohyun has read her journal before? And his grandfather knows Greek? And wouldn't that be ancient Greek since she wrote it long time ago? I'm curious of so many things but no spoilers please.. anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 32: Hahaha Fei teasing Dohyun was cute... I wonder why Ares shared his powers with his grandfather. Was that explained already? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 31: Ahem, ahem *clears throat* that ending though!! Anyway, can't wait to see how this story develops herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 30: It was kinda nice to have a glimpse at the other library deities. Made me wonder who was the one incharge of y library in India. Also, a lot curious of the house Dohyun took her to. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 29: Ah, so Hades is portrayed by Woosung? That's nice... I could put some face to them now. This is simply getting interesting with every chapter. I don't exactly understand the connection Ares made between Fei and Dohyun but I'm definitely looking forward to learn more. But will be back later to do so ^^