

Someone took their parking spot and neither Sehun nor Kyungsoo are happy about that, especially after their first run-in with the owner of the car.


Based on this news article from the Daily Mail from September 05, 2020. I needed to write something like for once, but I'm honest, I'm not super happy with it, I could've easily turned it into something more complex with way too many chapters. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.


EDIT 100821: Kris Wu was replaced by Sehun in light of recent developments.

in case of confusion, but in the recent light of allegations towards wu, I felt uncomfortable keeping him as a character and changed him to sehun. thanks for your understanding.


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743 streak #1
Chapter 1: Kyungsoo's reactions are priceless. I can literally imagine it all. <3
The relationship and chemistry of the characters is great and I loved the background story of Kyungsoo and Sehun. <3

Thank you for this one! <3
743 streak #2
I wonder what will happen. 😮
Chapter 1: Here I am, in your area yaaa úwù
Man, the story's mood aside (which I particularly loved), the story itself is so cute and at the same time has a "hidden" beatuy. I mean, the part where you tell Soo and Kris background, how they met each other let me all in awww, completely. And it's good to see that the story was developed in a very positive perspective because despite of the difficulties those two were together in the end and they had such a great mood haha. And well, I read the article way before the story was posted and I got the hype when I found out that Tao would be our "criminal". The character's ego fit completely to the situation. 😂😂😂
pleaseletthiswork #4
Chapter 1: Lol that cute. I love Kris and soo's personalities and how they work off each other. It's nice to see them in this kind of setting and seeing big, handsome Kris working this job. I love it!