part one

wait, what did you do to me?

“It is such a delight to be able to harbor all of you young children of the Class of Imperial Year 1210. I am certain you all have heard about the traditions and values held here at Garreg Mach Monastery. While the structure had been rebuilt from a tragic destruction a good number of years ago, we aspire to continue and hold these ideals close to our hearts. You all have been selected after a thorough background check as a part of the admission process, and we are happy to have you all here with us today at the Officers Academy!”

The statement was delivered by archbishop Boa Kwon, overseer of faculty and students alike at the Officers Academy alongside her main duties regarding the Garreg Mach Monastery. By her side stood three faculty members in charge of each house of the Officers Academy and faithful knights of the monastery. And rightfully so in front of her was the grand body of students aspiring to hone their battleground skills for the better – definitely not for worse.

It was the customary introduction message she was delivering to the new residency of Garreg Mach Monastery. An entirely new academic year, which meant a new set of students, different kinds of personalities to encounter, inevitable drama, and maybe, a secrecy of romance lingering in the air.

(Given, of course, they excelled in their studies first and completed their missions led by their faculty leader.)

But enough is enough, as the archbishop delivered the last of her statement and wished the students well.

“May this Class of Imperial Year 1210 strive to be their best at all cost. Your time here will be spent excelling at abilities and skills you already know, learning new ones you may not know you have the potential for, forging unbreakable bonds between your housemates, and competing in a healthy fashion with your rival houses. We will guarantee that your time spent here will not be wasted.”

Bae Joohyun, riveting and stunning house leader of the Black Eagles, stood in front of the students alongside the two other house leaders. She joined in on the united claps – the anxious jitters riding her body from head to toe and the subtle twitches on the corner of were opposite of her usual calm demeanor.

This was it.

Her chance to start something new.

Her chance to prove her worth.

Above all, her chance to find herself.


“Ah, finally! Starting a new part of my life here.”

“We are only going to be here for a year, Yongsun.”

“But still, a year to step away into a new environment. Maybe this one year would change so much for all of us here!” exclaimed Yongsun. 

She pranced about in the classroom meant for the Black Eagles. The students were scattered about, waiting for the faculty leader in charge of them to arrive and start an introductory lesson. There wasn’t much to offer in this classroom besides the desks and chalkboard, but Yongsun paced about the room as if there was much more to it.

A scoff sounded between the two individuals conversing just now. An eavesdropper deciding to chime in on the conversation, it seemed.

“What’s the point of all of this anyway. We are at peace now, the big war happened years ago.”

Yongsun raised a brow at the young, suave man slouching on the chair. He sat with an arm thrown on the desk and his legs crossed, shaking his foot like a stereotypical delinquent waiting out of boredom.

“And who might you be?” she asked, turning to her friend, Hyejin, with her brow still raised as if asking what was up with this classmate of theirs and what was his problem on the first day?

“You can just call me Mino,” the young man uttered. “But as I was saying, this is frankly a waste of time. The only other people we are learning to fight against are just bandits, and even then there are far less of them now.”

“For someone who’s attending the Officers Academy after a strenuous background check and hefty amount of sum, you’re awfully harsh about this,” Hyejin muttered.

Mino shrugged indifferently. “I’m only stating the facts here.”

Joohyun sat silently at the front of the classroom by herself. She managed to pick up on some conversations here and there, but more specifically, the conversation that just happened between Yongsun, Hyejin, and Mino. It hadn’t even been a full day with her class yet, but she could already feel the tension and impending drama she would have to mediate.

Though, the Black Eagles appeared to be an interesting bunch aside from the three. Joohyun noticed the diversity in her presence when she was scanning the room earlier. Some were rowdy, some were studious, and some were cocky.

It didn’t seem like anything she couldn’t handle, though, considering how she knew her classmates since growing up in the Adrestrian Empire. At least she could toss aside having to familiarize with strangers. She just didn’t know who would be a part of her class for this year.

The murmurs and loud chatter gradually came to a cease at the sound of the clicking heels against the stone floor. Joohyun slightly turned her head to observe the newcomer, trailing her eyes from the long, luscious ebony hair to the bright white flowing cape and down to the intimidating heels.

None other than the professor of the Black Eagles.

Said professor took their rightful spot behind the desk at the front of the classroom, gently placing a massive yet worn textbook down onto the surface.

“Good morning, class. My name is Taeyeon Kim and I’ll be your professor for the year.” A smirk appeared across the professor’s face as she scanned the room, eyes settling onto the house leader. “The Black Eagles is on their fourth win streak of the friendly competition we have here every year. Let’s make this the fifth.”


By the end of the introduction class, Professor Taeyeon established a schedule for all the students (for it to be personally adjusted would come another time). Lecture-based lessons would take place twice a week, battle lessons thrice a week, minor house competitions once a week, and full rest days once a week. The professors of the three houses made sure the schedules wouldn’t clash except for house competitions, so as to not barge in on other’s training.

Joohyun felt like this was going to be a good start. Her class was respectful to Taeyeon and engaged whenever questions were asked. Of course, as the acting leader, Joohyun answered most of them to demonstrate her leadership skills and to prove that she was someone to be followed even by a group of students who were around her age. Since Taeyeon provided a structure on the entire year, Joohyun could already see the milestones that should showcase improvement from this day.

But that was enough for an uneventful first day of lesson. It was dinner time now and Joohyun was making her way to the crowded dining hall. Here, she was able to observe the other students of the two houses up close. Blue and yellow mixed in along with the familiar bright red she was used to seeing all day. She wasn’t sure whether she should try and find someone she knew or to wait in line until a small yet mighty force clasped onto her back, propelling her forward a few steps.

“What the!” She hastily unlatched the arms around her shoulders and swiveled on her heels, only to see a bright, cheeky smile belonging to none other than mischievous Yerim Kim. “Yerim, you scared me!”

“Lovely to see you too, Joohyunnie,” Yerim quipped and linked her arms with Joohyun’s, flicking back her red scarf that became off-centered when she pounced on the leader.

“Enjoying your first day?”

“Of course! Other than the boring lecture, please don’t tell Professor Taeyeon, there are so many hot guys and girls here! I never knew the students from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus are haughty yet so attractive…. And oh, my Gods, the Leicester Alliance? Definitely my type. They are so lax and cute. I think I have my eyes on someone already.”

“Already!?” Joohyun exclaimed. “You haven’t even met anyone yet!”

“Yes, I have! After Lady Boa’s speech, I already made good friends with the leader of the Golden Deer,” Yerim said, giggling behind her hand. “He’s so cute, nice, and handsome all at the same time. When he was standing up in front with you and Junmyeon, phew.”

Joohyun rolled her eyes. “You know he’s just as old as me? You’d be dating, like, an older brother.”

“Age is just a number,” Yerim retorted and giggled. “But you’re the older sister for sure.”

Minho Choi, this year’s leader of the Golden Deer House, whose pack hailed from the Leicester Alliance. True to Yerim’s words, the bunch that he was leading, and even the leader himself, were extremely easygoing and charming. Unlike the intimidating demeanors that the Black Eagles would front, the Golden Deer made it seem as though they were here for a pleasant time and good vibes.

“Well, we are not here to date, Yerim,” Joohyun warned, moving up the line to receive tonight’s meal from the chefs. “We are here to hone our skills and return home as stronger soldiers.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Yerim drawled, waving her hand to dismiss Joohyun’s statement. She wasn’t necessarily looking at the front nor paying attention to her leader. “Just look at him.”

Joohyun almost rolled her eyes once again and followed Yerim’s gaze to see a group of students with golden yellow accents on their clothing seated at the communal table closest to them. Minho was at the end of the table, chatting and grinning with his classmates. 

“Charming, isn’t he?” Yerim, at this point, was twisting her body back and forth like the lovesick teenager she was.

Joohyun averted her eyes from Minho to the young woman next to him, stuffing her cheeks cutely and accidentally staining the corner of . Another young woman seated next to her noticed the messiness that just occurred, scolding her under her breath as she wiped away the sauce around .

“You’re always so messy,” Joohyun happened to hear from the friend.

She only smiled sheepishly with still full, eyes forming the cutest crescents that Joohyun had ever seen. Finding that she was staring for too long, the Black Eagles leader blinked rapidly before turning back to the front, realizing that she was next in line to get her meal.

“Charming, alright.”


Other than the mandatory schedule that was set, the students were free to do whatever they wish to at Garreg Mach Monastery. Plenty of activities ranging from gardening to singing with the choir were scattered across the campus, allowing others to partake in hobbies to take their minds off of lectures and training. Or others could simply choose not to do anything at all and rest at their respective dorms or common rooms.

After a good week of getting adjusted to the ideal schedule and getting used to her teammates for the year, Joohyun decided to roam the monastery after lecture. Yerim wasn’t following her today, claiming that she had overhead from a group of Golden Deer that Minho would be at the training grounds if they so wish to train with him, so, obviously, Yerim took that opportunity to see if those claims were true and to gush over the older man.

She was at the end of the monastery opposite from the training grounds, ending up close by the greenhouse. A fellow Golden Deer was outside in the garden, helping the gardener tend to it by planting more seeds for their meals. It looked like gardening wasn’t a popular activity among the students, considering how there was just only one other person inside the greenhouse, who also happened to be another Golden Deer.

Joohyun smiled and nodded at the gardener when she walked past.

“Feel free to grab a packet of seeds and plant it where there’s space,” the gardener said. “Any help is appreciated, but admiring is fine as well.”

Joohyun scanned the many packs of seeds and decided with one from their continent, Southern Fodlan seeds. She gradually walked through the small greenhouse to look for a space, which happened to be next to the other occupant inside. The Golden Deer student was crouched and hugging her knees. One of her hands was gently a grown flower with a finger.

“You’re going to sprout to a pretty flower!” she said.

Joohyun rose an eyebrow out of amusement at the statement. She forced down a smile and crouched down next to her.

“Pardon me,” she announced, alerting the Golden Deer.

Joohyun immediately recognized her as the young woman who was sitting next to Minho at the dining hall. Her widened eyes softened until it enlarged once more at the sight of Joohyun’s scarlet red cape, a symbol of leadership as only the three leaders wore capes of their house colors on their backs. Minho was golden yellow and Junmyeon was royal blue.

“M-My apologies. I will get out of your way,” she nervously spewed out her words, shooting up from her spot.

“No need!” Joohyun quickly raised an arm, as if to halt the other woman. “You’re not in my way.”

The Golden Deer student stood timidly, playing around with the tips of her fingers. She was having a great time admiring the flowers next to Joohyun. Since the Black Eagles leader insisted she wasn’t being bothered, the other finally descended back into her crouching position, but she no longer was adorably petting nor talking to the flower.

“I’m Joohyun.”

Joohyun glanced expectantly to her side. She was taking her time digging a hole in the soil to plant her seeds while the other within her vicinity was mum.

“Seulgi,” she finally said, smiling. “It’s nice to meet you, Joohyun.”


It was then Joohyun came to know that Seulgi was very well-liked at Garreg Mach Monastery. Extremely well-liked. Not just by other students, but the two professors for the other houses and faculty as well.

Seulgi was simply adorable.

The air around her was pleasant and she was easy to approach.

If she wasn’t caught doing something she thought was embarrassing, then she’d be able to effortlessly hold a conversation with anyone while cutely smiling.

(Even if she was caught, in her terms, doing something embarrassing, it’d just be flat out adorable to others.)

A couple weeks had passed since they first met at the greenhouse, but Joohyun hadn’t realize it was also the one and only time they’d be able to hold a proper conversation. Everyone and anyone would halt Seulgi in her tracks to strike up a conversation with her. She even saw Mino from her own house and a few girls from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, home to the Blue Lions, trying to chat her up. This left Joohyun to admire Seulgi from afar, unintentionally waving other students away from her while she was boring holes into the back of other people’s heads.

Joohyun didn’t realize she was frowning when she recognized Seungwan, in her royal blue ruffled blouse, looking so smitten by Seulgi during the conversation they were having.

“You’re going to get more wrinkles at this rate.”

Joohyun blinked back into reality and noticed Yerim was next to her and not someone else trying to break the ice. “I do not have — wait, what do you mean ‘more’?”

“My Gods, another Golden Deer cutie,” Yerim gushed with clasped hands, ignoring Joohyun’s question, “and it’s Seulgi!”

“Are your pants not charmed off by Minho?”

“Eh.” Yerim waved her hand, dismissing the Golden Deer leader in question. “Minho’s in the past. It’s all about Seulgi now.”

“You can’t just jump on the bandwagon like that!”

“Yes, I can! Besides, what’s wrong with a little eye candy?”

Joohyun threw her hands up. “Uh, I don’t know, it’s a little inappropriate to stare?”

“Weren’t you doing that earlier?”


“Joohyun, hey!”

Said woman jolted in her rooted position. She turned to where the ecstatic voice came from and saw Junmyeon with his blue cape gracefully trailing behind him, courtesy of the wind.

“Hi, Junmyeon!” Yerim greeted cheerfully, but it wasn’t as bright as the greetings she would give Minho.

Junmyeon nodded with a dashing smile. “Hi, Yerim. I hope you don’t mind if I swoop your leader away for a bit?”

Yerim, thinking that she might have sensed something between the two as she darted her eyes back and forth, quickly shook her head.

“Oh, no! By all means, take her away!”

“Wait, what —“

Instead of waiting for Junmyeon and babbling Joohyun to leave, Yerim scampered off instead, heading towards the eye candy.

“My apologies for the intrusion,” Junmyeon said politely. “I wish to speak with you privately.”

Junmyeon Kim, leader of the Blue Lions from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. A dashing young fellow who grew up with Joohyun during their childhood until the latter returned to the Adrestrian Empire after her juvenile years. Junmyeon, although like a brother to Joohyun, was often the man in question to take Joohyun’s hand in marriage once they are of age to further strengthen the treaty the territories had between each other. After the war had occurred, they both decided it wasn’t necessary nor was it something to rush in the mean time. 

“What for?” Joohyun asked, wondering why they would need to speak privately.

It wasn’t really like Junmyeon to talk with Joohyun seriously. Although the former was a serious person for the most part, he was often found joking and idly chit chatting with Joohyun about everything and anything. Other times, he was as strict as a professor, scolding his classmates for not studying or training properly. If he wasn’t the prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, then Joohyun figured he’d be a professor here.

“There’s someone in your house,” Junmyeon started once he was certain they were out of ear shot from anyone.

“Someone in my house?”

“Who needs to be a little careful.”

“To be a little careful…?” Joohyun drawled, waiting for Junmyeon to continue with his suspenseful sentences.

“Because of me.”

“Because of m—wait, you? Wait, what, why?” Joohyun stepped up in Junmyeon’s face and fisted his collar. “Did you threaten one of my teammates with your too big of a brain?”

“Whoa!” Junmyeon held up his hands. “No, of course not! I’m just saying that this someone needs to be careful because…”

Joohyun leaned in a bit closer. “Because…?”

“Because I got my eyes on him! This Sehun Oh, he’s going to be mine and I don’t see myself stopping at any lengths.”

Joohyun groaned loudly and shoved Junmyeon, who was chuckling, away. The nerve of this man. And people thought she was more rigid than him?

“You’re absolutely ridiculous. Why is everyone suddenly going after one another here?”

“Hey, it’s the Officers Academy.” Junmyeon shrugged. “It’s not often you see people from the other territories.”

“We’re here to hone our skills and —“

“—and become stronger soldiers, blah, blah, blah.” Junmyeon grinned and smacked Joohyun’s arm. “Lighten up here, Joohyun. There’s no more war.”

“Am I the only one taking this year seriously?”

“Mmm, no. You’re just doing a bit more than necessary.” 

The Blue Lions leader heaved a sigh and turned to scan the courtyard. All of a sudden, his fellow Seungwan was yelling at Yerim to get down from Seulgi’s shoulders. How Yerim got up there, he didn’t know, but Joohyun was face palming at the sight. Another Blue Lions student, who was a lot taller than the three, strutted towards them with hands on her hips and a deep, deep frown. She effortlessly pulled Yerim off of Seulgi after hearing the commotion.

“Keep it down! I’m trying to catch some beauty sleep and I can hear you squeak all the way from my room!” The newcomer shouted with furrowed brows. Yerim was groaning from the impact when she fell on the ground and the Blue Lions student switched up and shot a dazzling smile. “Hi, Seulgi.”

“That’s my Sooyoung,” Junmyeon nodded in approval.

If it was any other time, Joohyun would have fought for Yerim’s stead, but the younger girl honestly deserved it from how loud she was being. Also, poor Seulgi wasn’t expecting someone to be on her back and now there was someone else up in her case.

“I’m just…” Joohyun sighed heavily. “I think I’m just going to nap until dinner time.”


“As you all should know, our first event for the academy is days away,” Professor Taeyeon scribbled two words on the chalkboard. “The mock competition.”

Exclaims and murmurs were shared among the space between the Black Eagles, evidently excited about their first in-house competition.

“The mock competition will be held in the battlegrounds arena. Students from each house will battle against one another. To claim victory, the leader must be defeated.”

Yongsun raised her hand. “Will we be using actual weapons against each other?”

“Yes,” Professor Taeyeon confirmed, “but no worries. No one dies or remains severely injured in a mock competition. We have trained healers on site and each student will be given three vulneraries to consume during the battle, if needed. These will immediately heal any sustained wounds. As soon as a student is taken to a healer, they are considered fallen and will sit out for the remainder of the battle.”

Taeyeon walked back to her desk to sift through the textbook. “As you know, we will be in battle with the Golden Deer House led by Minho Choi and instructed by Yunho Jung.”

Joohyun heard a quiet “yes!” resounding from behind her. She didn’t have to look to know that it was from Yerim.

“And the Blue Lions House led by Junmyeon Kim and instructed by Changmin Shim,” Taeyeon continued.

“The weapon expertise among the Golden Deer is balanced compared to us and the Blue Lions. While this may prove to be a bit disadvantageous to us, as we have trained quite a bit of archers, we just need to learn to use space,” Taeyeon mentioned, scanning each and every student in the room until it landed on Joohyun last. “However, I have no doubt that we can win this. Joohyun had been doing an excellent job in leading during the training sessions.”

Joohyun shyly bowed her head.

“Now, pay attention to the board,” Taeyeon announced. “Let’s forge up some strategies.”


After a few mentally and physically exhausting sessions to prepare for the mock competition, Joohyun slumped onto the ground. It was only two days away, but she felt grossly unprepared still. Her chest heaved heavily to match the quick breaths she had to take. Perspiration built up along her hairline and dripped down her neck. With a groan, she felt icky, much more than usual since she had put in more effort after knowing she would be proving herself on the battlegrounds in front of the archbishop and faculty.

Joohyun opened her eyes when she realized her vision darkened. One of her teammates stood over her with a cold water bottle hanging over her head.

“I got you some water, my leader.”

Joohyun gradually sat up and smiled at Yongsun, who took the time to get everyone water bottles. 

“Thanks, Yongsun,” she murmured, immediately uncapping the bottle and taking a few gulps.

“Our first friendly competition…. Are you excited, Joohyun?”

“Of course. It’s finally a time to see if we are prepared for the real danger outside.”

“I’m sure we will do well,” Yongsun said. “After all, we were led by you.”

Joohyun sheepishly smiled. “Thank you, Yongsun. Professor Taeyeon helped immensely, however.”

“Yes, she really did.” Yongsun sat down on the ground next to Joohyun as they continued to take their time to catch their breaths. After this training session, it would be close to dinner time, allowing them to replenish their energy before resuming tomorrow morning. “So, I don’t mean to change the topic right away, but is there anyone you’re interested in?”

Joohyun was in the midst of taking another swig of her water bottle until she choked, coughing violently and struggling to contain the water in . Yongsun, worried, rubbed on Joohyun’s back.

After a few more fits, Joohyun finally swallowed the water and huffed, “Like who!?”

Yongsun shrugged. “I don’t know! I’m not getting any younger…. It’d be nice to find someone to…you know…be with.”

“I didn’t enroll in this academy to find a future lover,” Joohyun grumbled.

“Of course you didn’t. I mean, no one did, Joohyun. We all came here to better ourselves, but romance shouldn’t be left out, too, you know.”

“I don’t see why everyone’s so interested in courting.”

Yongsun could only laugh. “Looks like someone’s quite bitter. Do you not have Junmyeon waiting for you after this year?”

“He’s just a brother to me,” Joohyun muttered. “Well, are you interested in anyone?”

“As a matter of fact, I am.” Yongsun held out a finger to point at two Golden Deer students walking down the stone path next to the battleground they were resting in. 

Joohyun glanced over and saw the suppressed object of her desires who everyone else just so happened to be interested in as well.

With gritted teeth, “Don’t tell me. It’s Seulgi.”

“What!? No!” Yongsun seemed quite offended. “Okay, she’s cute, but I’m not interested in her!”

Joohyun rolled her eyes. “Everyone’s interested in her.”

“Well, I’m actually interested in the girl she’s next to. Byulyi.”

As if the two Golden Deer members heard their conversation, Byulyi locked eyes with Yongsun and instantly beamed. She waved frantically at Yongsun, who also returned the wave just as ecstatically as her, and clamped a hand down on Seulgi’s wrist to drag her down the stone steps to the battleground arena. The Black Eagles were still laying across the ground and some had already left to wash up before dinner. Professor Taeyeon was also no longer in sight, signaling the end of today’s training, so Byulyi and Seulgi were free to intrude without any consequences.

“Hi, Yongsun!” Byulyi greeted cheerfully.

Yep. The Golden Deer were definitely a more cheerful and relaxed bunch compared to the Black Eagles and Blue Lions. Students do take after their leaders, after all, but of course there were a select few who chose not to (ahem, Yerim).

“How was training!” Byulyi continued to talk excitedly as if she didn’t ask a question.

Seeing how the two were grossly into each other, Joohyun stood up from the ground and brushed off any dirt and grass from her legs. Seulgi was still there, now looking at her with a meek smile.

“Hi, Joohyun!”

“Hi, Seulgi,” Joohyun returned the greeting. “Looks like you don’t have a posse following you this time.”

“Oh…” Seulgi lowered her head and scratched the nape of her neck. With a pout, she mumbled, “I don’t know why they follow me. They like asking questions and stuff. But they all seem nice! I don’t know… I can’t turn them away…”

Joohyun giggled softly behind her hand at the confusion warping across Seulgi’s face, seemingly unaware of her popularity.

Still with a lowered head and a soft pinkness creeping up her cheeks, Seulgi slowly blinked at Joohyun. “It’s nice to be able to see you again, Joohyun.”

“Why, I really only do two things after sessions,” Joohyun teased. “I’m not hard to find.”

“Oh! Uh, I mean…”

Joohyun smiled, almost on the brink of laughter. “It’s nice to see you again as well, Seulgi. This time without others talking to you. And you know, your presence is missed at the greenhouse.”

“The greenhouse is such a peaceful setting. I don’t think it’d be wise of me to go there anymore with people following me,” Seulgi mumbled with a small pout. Joohyun nodded, understanding Seulgi’s struggles and was surprised to see that the latter was conscious enough to not bother others around her who didn’t crave for her attention as much as others had. “Are you nervous for the mock competition?”

“No.” Joohyun simply shook her head and took a step forward, watching how Seulgi stood rigid and slightly widened her eyes at the close proximity. “Just so you know, I’m not going to go easy. I’m going to take down your leader.”

Seulgi puffed her cheeks at the threat. Her eyes shifted, looking here and there, but not directly at Joohyun.

“I-I fear I’d have to take you down as well!”

The Black Eagles leader found it extremely difficult to contain her smiles around Seulgi. The way the latter was behaving and rambling was honestly an adorable sight to see. It wasn’t hard to harbor a crush on her. Seulgi didn’t even know, but she might be pulling in the woman in front of her as well.

“I can’t wait.”


The battlegrounds arena was completely prepared for the annual mock competition. The Black Eagles stood on one side with Joohyun surrounded by her teammates. On the opposite side were the Golden Deer with Minho in the front, looking menacingly on his horse with an iron lance by his side. And lastly, in between them and across from the viewer’s section were the Blue Lions, led by Junmyeon and his trusty iron sword. Everyone was decked out in armor from head to toe, but the colors of their houses were bright against the radiant rays of the sun. Archbishop Boa and her faculty were seated in the viewer’s section that allowed them to clearly see each house.

Kangta, Boa’s right-hand for both the Garreg Mach Monastery and the Officers Academy, stepped up to the edge of the viewer’s section.

“Let the mock competition begin!” he shouted, and blew into a horn for commencement.

Joohyun and her team remain unmoved in their starting position while the Golden Deer charged ahead of them across the battlefield.

“Archers!” Joohyun yelled, raising an arm.

The archers in the back pulled back the strings of their iron bows, aiming their arrows at the Golden Deer. They were instructed to target those who were on horses, as it would prove difficult for them to evade. The Blue Lions didn’t have any horses on their side, so they were on the slower end while marching towards the center.

Joohyun focused her sights on Minho first. He would be a gravely easy target for her since he was on a horse. Her archers might shoot their arrows at him, but it wouldn’t be enough to take him down upon the first rounds of fire. Before they reached the middle, Joohyun dropped her hand.


Three arrows fired at lightning speed and dispersed across the battleground. One Golden Deer mage was shot and knocked back onto the ground. Another whizzed past a healer in training, and the last was aimed at Minho, who easily knocked the arrow from his view with his lance.


The Black Eagles formation charged together towards the middle to meet the Golden Deer and Blue Lions. Joohyun stayed back a bit to ready her iron bow, pulling back the string and focusing her sights on Minho. One after another, the other leader was parrying the arrows. Joohyun cursed under her breath. Despite their easygoing nature, the Golden Deer proved to be a force to be reckoned with.

“Do not underestimate them!” Joohyun shouted among the clanks of metal and groans. “Tread carefully!”

She readied her bow once more to aim at Minho, who was trying to fend off the front line, but realized she was quickly getting flanked by a dagger-wielding Golden Deer. Still in her readied stance with the string pulled back, Joohyun side stepped the slash cutting through the air and ran backwards to gain some distance. Easily, she shot the arrow into the thief’s stomach. The Golden Deer groaned and was rendered useless for the remainder of the battle. Healers of the monastery appeared at their side and transported them back to the medical camp.

Joohyun could feel herself starting to get exhausted. One by one, she was targeted by the Golden Deer, who were trying to incapacitate her to claim victory. While she fended some off with a sword when they got too close and didn’t allow her to gain distance, the rest were defeated by Yongsun and Hyejin, a couple of her front line.

Just when she thought she was done getting flanked, Blue Lions appeared. It wasn’t the case, but it felt like the two houses teamed up against the Black Eagles to take turns taking down Joohyun. She was faced by Sooyoung this time, charging towards her with an iron lance covering the entirety of her back.

Joohyun noticed how closely she was approaching. There was no time to place her bow into position, causing her to strap it onto her back and pull out her iron sword again. She blocked Sooyoung’s first strike just in time. With gritted teeth, she used as much strength as she could to push back Sooyoung’s own force, but the Blue Lions member was relentless. After all, Sooyoung was towering over her and her eyes gleamed differently in battle.

Sooyoung shoved Joohyun back with a grunt and repositioned.

“I would hate to have to hurt your pretty face, Joohyun,” Sooyoung remarked.

“Oh, please. Even if you did, this pretty face would easily go back to normal,” Joohyun shot back.

Sooyoung laughed brightly while moving into position. “You know, I am surprised you decided to bring the sword today.”

“My bow could only do so much within close range,” Joohyun muttered. “It is due time to learn swordsmanship.”

“Well, looks like you need to train some more!”

Sooyoung dashed once again with the intention to pierce through Joohyun’s torso. The latter side-stepped and rolled onto the ground to dodge the attack. Shifting back onto one knee with her sword in front of her, Sooyoung leapt with the iron lance above her. She aimed down the kneeling Black Eagles leader, who once again had to roll away from the impact.

“You’re pretty good at dodging though, I’ll give you that,” Sooyoung said with a huff.

While she took her time to walk over to Joohyun, the latter utilized that split second to survey the battlegrounds.

Minho was on the brink of exhaustion. He steered his horse away to retreat just enough to grab a vulnerary from his pouch to consume. Almost immediately he was brand new again and was ready to fight. On the other hand, Junmyeon was battered and appeared as if he might be out of commission soon. The Black Eagles front line was relentless against the swordsman much more than Minho on his horse. Joohyun felt prideful at the sight, but she couldn’t falter right now. Not when it seemed as though Sooyoung might be able to render her unconscious any time soon in one swift attack. Joohyun’s frame wasn’t built to last after one attack with a lance compared to other weapons.

Joohyun shot up from the ground and called out to her teammates. “Focus on the Blue Lions leader!”

While the Black Eagles shifted some of the front line against the Golden Deer to the Blue Lions, Joohyun resumed her individual battle with Sooyoung. Sooyoung swiftly jabbed through the air, narrowly missing Joohyun by a hair. 

“Close,” Joohyun teased.

She wasn’t giving up just yet. While Sooyoung had strength, Joohyun had speed. The Black Eagles leader crouched into position and dashed towards Sooyoung after the latter missed another attack. A slash through one of Sooyoung’s legs made the Blue Lion stagger in her steps. Joohyun attempted a second attack towards Sooyoung’s torso, but instead of flesh, she was met the iron lance.

Sooyoung pushed her off with a battle cry. Despite being injured on the leg, she charged faster than she had ran before. However, before she could even attempt an attack, her back was set aflame. Sooyoung groaned and fell to her knees, shaking tremendously from the pain. Joohyun looked over her burning body to see Yerim with a fireball in one hand and an opened book in another.

Sooyoung wanted to continue fighting, but she couldn’t get up on her knees.

“Sorry, Junmyeon…” she muttered.

The healers appeared by her side and transported her back to the medical camp.

“Thank you, Yerim,” Joohyun expressed her gratitude with a bow of her head.

“Any time!”

Wielding her bow once more, Joohyun surveyed the field to see Minho still standing strong and Junmyeon on the brink of fainting. A smaller and slender figure was extremely elusive around Minho, pushing back the Black Eagles and Blue Lions front line with her iron sword. It was getting harder and harder to fight Minho with Seulgi in front of him. She had an intimidating demeanor in battle. It was almost like she became an entirely different person with the sword gleaming in her hands, eyes darkened and lips a straight line. Joohyun was almost afraid to have gone against her.

Seulgi wordlessly charged against Hyejin and pierced her sword through her stomach. Hyejin, having consumed all of her vulneraries already due to being a tank, fell to the ground.

“Sorry, Joohyun…. I can’t continue anymore….” she groaned, pressing against her wound.

The healers popped into place and took Hyejin in their arms to heal her back to normal.

Seulgi was staggering as the Golden Deer front line now. Joohyun cursed under her breath. It looked like she might have to target Seulgi instead to get through to Minho. Junmyeon was an easy target for later if he was still able to to fight, but it looked like he consumed all of his vulneraries already and his healers were out of the battle.

While the remainder of the Black Eagles front line continued to fight Minho, Joohyun decided to aim an arrow at Seulgi instead. She was able to take her time with this one since the Golden Deer’s focus was split between protecting Minho and finishing off Junmyeon. Seulgi was light on her feet and dancing across the battleground, sword slashing and spinning through the students. Joohyun almost fell into a trance observing her. She made sword fighting look like an art.

Once she found a vulnerable moment, Joohyun brought herself back into reality and released the string, watching her arrow thread past her classmates and pierce just above Seulgi’s heart. She hoped it was enough for Seulgi to fall back and consume a vulnerary if needed. Then, all attention would be on the two leaders and victory would be claimed. The rest of the Golden Deer or Blue Lions didn’t have to be taken down either.

Instead, Seulgi fell down onto her knees and groaned at the impact.

“Seulgi!” Minho shouted, dropping from his horse.

The class year’s icon was down on the ground and the battlefield suddenly became still. Seulgi was to her back by Minho, who carried her in his arms. Once he stood up completely, he started to dash to the medical camp without waiting for the healers to appear.

“Oh no,” Joohyun muttered.

Before she knew it, she found herself chasing after the two, completely dismissing her duty to finish the battle. She didn’t mean to take Seulgi out of the battle! She only wanted to hurt her enough to make her retreat and leave an open window to Minho!

“Wait, Joohyun!” Yerim shouted after her from the back line, confusion written all over her face.

Everyone stopped fighting, watching the two leaders run down the battlefield with Seulgi. They didn’t know what to do if two leaders that they were supposed to fight were suddenly running away.

Archbishop Boa stood up from her seat with uncertainty. She looked down to see the figures, steeling her eyes onto Joohyun sprinting with tears in her eyes. Interesting to witness a Black Eagle chasing after two Golden Deers.

“What are you guys doing!?” Kangta shouted next to her. “Get back to battle!”

Unfortunately, no one listened.

He sighed when he noticed there was no return. The remaining students on the battlefield were starting to walk towards the medical camp as well. Turning to Boa, he asked, “How shall we proceed from here, archbishop?”

Boa walked away from the viewing section.


With a smirk on her face, Boa gracefully made her way down the stairs to the medical camp. “Well? Shall we see the action up front?”

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Chapter 2: Joohyun being in denial about her attraction towards Seulgi 🤭 And both of them are not being so subtle either with their flirting and staring 🤭
Chapter 1: Super interesting story 😁 I know nothing about the game but I’m okay not knowing anything about the storyline 😁
eunxiaoxlove #3
Chapter 2: Ohhhhhhh haha
Chapter 2: ohh myyyyy i absolutely adore their characters here 🥹 from irene being the intimidating mysterious leader who is so smitten with seulgi that she gave up the competition (+ that imagery of jealous irene kicking the arrow on the ground was so endearing omg) to seulgi being so cute and wanting to be friends with irene even after that 😭❤️ idek who i would fall harder for?! they're both so charming in their own ways..
also (as always) love the way you write their interactions - the banter, subtle flirting, the staring, and the flustered moments are all so well depicted i can envision it so clearly! i also really liked the minho and irene conversation because it seemed like a good wake up call for irene re her intentions with seulgi and making her think about how serious her own feelings were... but i fear she will pull back from seulgi to stick to her plans and not be distracted esp after she alr 'messed up' once bc of those feelings :(
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 2: Welcome back author nim 😭🩷🩷🩷 awwww they're so cute ,I love the way Irene make time for seulgi 🫶🏼🩷🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 #6
please update author nim😭
Chapter 1: omg i'm obsessed
egglaundry #8
Shamelessly trying my luck here by asking if u would ever upload ur Ohsugarhoneyicetea fics again... My life was never the same after discovering ur works
Oct_13_wen_03 #9
update please 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 #10
where are u now author nim? 🥺