Zombie: Peek of the Past

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Chapter 2 : PEEK OF THE PAST

Rating: NC-17



Jisoo was upset about all the preparation that was put into the event. Yes, her mother had warned her not to get overly attached. She still considers this to be a significant occurrence, though. When her mother assigns her a task, she always makes sure to give it her all. She wouldn't be where she is today if it weren't for her mother. The man smiles and places the tray in front of Jisoo, saying, "This is the coffee and cake for my best friend." Although the young Kim did not enjoy sweets, she definitely needed them in times of necessity. She gives the young man a smile before taking a taste of the sweet treat that was presented.

"You appear as though you're going to poop." The man said in jest. Jisoo rolls her eyes, picks up her iPad, and begins arranging some of her schedules.

"Look, Soo, everyone in the university is talking about the upcoming midterms. The library is jam packed, but here you are. Stressing yourself about the event that doesn't matter that much." The guy knows completely that Jisoo never regards the said event as a simple one, so saying that it doesn't matter that much will irritate the young Kim.

"You shut up, Wonpil. You completely knew it was a big one. You told me that you'd help me look for a model, but it has been a week already, yet I don’t see a model—even a single one." Jisoo was in annoyance, and her friend wasn't helping at all. She only hears his chuckles.

"Look, I talked to my friend about that. She has a friend, and I’m so sure that you’ll love her. I mean, you will like the way she models. Remember I told you that I once had a summer job as a crew member in a modeling set? This girl, she's perfect for the project." The guy named Wonpil sounds so excited, and Jisoo was a bit confused if she would believe what the guy was talking about. She glanced at him before spilling what was running through her head.

"How can I be sure that we have the same taste in this?" Jisoo wants to hear something that will persuade her to believe that the woman that Wonpil was talking about will be the perfect model.

"Well, we both had our crush on Younghyun's younger sister before." Jisoo’s eyes widened, then she hit her friend.

"You mean Seulgi? You also had your crush on her before?" Wonpil laughs as he nods before eating his food. He was smiling like an idiot, and Jisoo surely knew that he was serious.

"You also learned that she’s Sooyoung’s girlfriend, right?" She hears him hum. But he was still smiling, making Jisoo confused. She wonders what he was thinking.

"Spill the bean," she says shortly. Wonpil glances at him.

"Well, I courted her. I was competing with a woman, and it turns out Seulgi has a big crush on Joy. But things ended already." Jisoo finally understands; she suddenly remembers those days that Wonpil would skip their get-together because he’s courting a woman; now it turns out it was Seulgi.

"Wait, I thought Joy was her girlfriend?" Jisoo was confused.

"Ex, but they are good friends now. Seulgi is single."

"Wait what?"

"Remember Tzuyu? The exchange student from Taiwan. I heard they are in the same neighborhood as Seulgi; I think she's courting Seulgi now." Jisoo can't believe the information that he just heard from his friend. All the time, she thought that it was Joy who was Seulgi's girlfriend. It turns out she was her ex. Joy never mentioned that they broke up. She has so many things to catch up on with Joy. On the other hand, she looks at her friend and sees him eating quickly.

"You're eating like a horse." Wonpil ignored her; he was used to Jisoo’s side comments. Jisoo finished her coffee, and Wonpil was also done with his food.

"Clear the deck and start working on that event," Wonpil lastly said. Jisoo shook her head. She was a bit distracted, she knows. That certain whisper from the hotel room, she heard her name was Jennie Kim. She wonders what program she is. She wants to look for her. Just maybe try your luck?

Jisoo asked her best friend, "Wonpil, remember the girl I mentioned before?" in the hopes that the man would be familiar with the woman. The man had a knack for making friends. She wonders if the guy would know because she is quite the social butterfly in that regard.

Jisoo rolls her eyes at hearing her best friend ask, "Who? You mentioned a number of girls already, so I wonder who?" They grow to tease each other in this way. Jisoo is glad that during her high school years, she got to know Wonpil. She loves his music, and he's an incredible buddy. Back then, folks frequently mistook them for lovers. They would cease harassing them if they could use that card each time they were hidden from someone.

"Sometimes I really want to hit you in the face." Wonpil laughs hard; he ignores her before going back to the topic.

"What about her? Don't tell me you got hit. Is this the right love for a play girl like you? Plus, I don't think it's new to you to have a one-night stand with a woman." Jisoo ignores the teasing from her friend. The guy wasn't helping at all. It's quite annoying on her part.

"Shut up dumbo. I'll keep going." With that Jisoo grabs her things before leaving the young guy.




"Jennie isn't around?" The bubbly woman asked as soon as she entered the house. She was used to visiting her best friend’s place. Nothing has changed since she started a family with her lover. She remembers how Jessica was against her love, but then she was happy that finally the woman learned to accept the fact that she was in love with Taeyeon, but it had become their rule to never mention any Yoona-related things. Tiffany has to agree; she also thinks it would be better to leave that way.

"She mentioned staying at her friend’s dorm for the night." Jessica answers briefly. She hangs her coat on the rack before going to the kitchen after offering her friend a drink. The bubbly woman follows her into the kitchen soon after. Jessica is about to prepare some light meals for the two of them. The other woman, however, settled on the high chair.

"The Thai girl?" That was the only friend that Jessica knew. The other friend she has, who goes by the name Roseanne, was a high school friend who flies to New Zealand to study abroad. It was rare for Jessica to know every single friend that Jennie had. For that, as time passes, Jennie lessens talking about her day. She lessens the stories about her friends. Now that she's in college, it's still rare that she shares small talk with her mother. It's quite sad on Jessica's part, and she will often blame herself for that.

"Yeah, that one," she simply says before continuing the meal she was preparing. She always shares information about Jennie with Tiffany. Her best friend was a big help in her parenting. Often, she would make the wrong decisions; if not for Tiffany, she might've gone down in flames.

"Jennie was doing well in school?" Another question was thrown. Jessica stopped what she was doing before resting her back on the counter and looking at her friend. A deep sigh escaped her lips. Her best friend completely knows that look. Tiffany will always be there for her. Tiffany was the one who would always calm her down and cheer her up. 

"As time passes by Tiff, I feel like I am failing as a parent to her. Was it something about not having a father as she grew up? Sometimes at night before I sleep, I will think of the possibilities that what if I remarried back then when you told me to? What if Jennie grew up with a father figure on her side, and what if at least I have someone who will help me with all this parenting stuff? Maybe Jennie and I got more close. Maybe this is not what we are? And maybe—" Jessica was looking for words to say. She was a bit exhausted.

"You're happy." Tiffany does the honor of continuing what her friend was about to say. She feels the agony, the pain, and the regret in her voice. As her best friend for a decade, she knows completely that something is off. She watched her best friend do her best for years. She saw how she tried to be strong despite being empty inside. Lastly, she knows completely that a certain Jessica Jung still longs for the young Im Yoona.

"I don't know Tiff. Jen, she's a great child. For years I explained why her dad disappeared. When she was ten, she would ask me every day why her dad was gone and where he was, but as time passed, she grew tired. She stopped asking and talking. With that, I felt like I’m losing my grasp on my child, and that thing broke my heart." Tiffany approaches her best friend and gives her a hug. She knows that she needs it. She hears her sobs. Tiffany still wishes every day that even now that they are in their 40s, Jessica will meet someone who will make her happy—she's more than happy if that someone is Im Yoona.

"Is she good with her program?" Tiffany asked after hugging her friend. Jessica looked confused before nodding. Sometimes she thinks that her child isn't, but then she’ll hear her say that she's doing well, so she believes her.

"Well, I was worried about our Yerim. Her and Taeyeon are talking about what our child will be pursuing. She seems undecided. Taeyeon honestly wants her to take a medical-related program, but for me, I want our Yerim to take something she's fond of," Tiffany honestly says. Jessica feels green with envy at the way her friends think. Surely, she's the first one to have a child, but it looks like Tiffany is more mature in terms of parenting.

"What is she up to?" 

"She learned that Taeyeon was working on magazines now, so she wants to purs

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1127 streak #1
Chapter 1: .
Chapter 4: Hey, you updated! 😁 I will start re-reading from the start, so I can keep up with the update 😌 thanks for this!!
Chapter 3: LMAO i am suddenly re-reading this. Hopefully it's just updated soon!
congrats on winning the bid!!
The plot sounds kinda like love rain drama which I love!! I'm excited to read this!
congratulations on the bid 🥳🥳
Congratulations on winning the bid! ^^
692 streak #8
Congrats on the bid! ^^
Congratulations on winning the bid