a kingdom, a princess, and her knight


There is a kingdom called The Kingdom, ruled by a princess. Bae Joohyun.

There is a knight, the highest of the Royal Guard, tasked to protect the princess and everything the princess stood for. Kang Seulgi




this was always meant as a collection of drabbles for this specific setting until it grew into a thing with actual plot. i'll probably come back to it in the future and edit previous chapters for story flow, but until then i'll try my best to finally complete this story.

FLUFF????? Or yet another calm before the storm. Also I still really want to go back and edit some old chapters, and I don’t know if editing them will spam your notifs, so if I do get around to it, I’m sorry in advance!


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Chapter 16: Still hoping you'll comeback and finish this 🥺🥺. Hope you are doing well author-nim
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
I hope u come back author nim
Chapter 16: Will you come back? Author
eunxiaoxlove #4
Chapter 16: I miss this
taenypathy #5
Thanks for sharing your work with us. This is an interesting and angsty fic. I really like your characterisation of dragons - who they are, what they can do, and their place in the world that you have created. The alternate universe (in which Seulgi is a complete stranger) is pretty cool. Here, Joohyun is much more independent, having presumably grown up without a very protective and devoted Seulgi. Seulgi needs to understand that maybe Joohyun isn't such a helpless Princess and is more than capable of protecting herself and her Kingdom.
willrocket #6
Just wondering is this discountinued? 😭😭
willrocket #7
Chapter 16: Loved reading this!!! Thanks so much author-nim :))
Waiting for another update🙃👀
Insomniaclydone #8
Damn... please make the together againnnnnn
Chapter 16: holy fork that dragon is such a cruel and genius character
aseulbnn #10
Chapter 16: Thanks for the update! Living up to your name with the angst. I love it, can’t wait for more :)