X. Bait

Distant Torment
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Baekhyun stirred when he heard his phone ringing. He had already woken up once to turn off his alarm, but he was still being awoken by the object he wished he could throw out the window. Unfortunately, being in the line of work that he was in, he couldn’t afford turning his phone off and ignoring it. Even if he wasn’t going to work today, he could still be called in, and that’s what he was assuming it was. His aunt knew not to call him till midday in case he tried to sleep in.

Groggily getting up, he had to reach over the sleeping body of a female, something he was surprised at but couldn’t deal with at the moment. Getting up into a proper sitting position, he found himself in a foreign apartment as he picked up the phone with a greeting, the memories from last night slowly came back. He was in Haeun’s apartment after his so called best friend, who just happened to be calling him, and Haeun’s best friend locked him into Haeun’s apartment without his wallet or keys. Haeun had fallen asleep on the sofa, and somehow he had also drifted off into a position where he settled in behind her, just barely touching her, except for a stray arm that had wrapped around Haeun. Shaking the memories off from last night, he focused on the phone call.

“Hello?” Baekhyun tried to keep his voice down to let Haeun sleep. He tried to carefully move away from the sofa and walked over to the kitchen, glancing at the clock on the stove.

“Good morning!”

“It’s like 8AM, Chanyeol. What do you want?”

“Oh, I see you had a late night,” he teased. Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

“You know my sleeping schedule is off. Get to the point before I hang up,” Baekhyun warned. Chanyeol knew that if Baekhyun hung up now, he’d ignore Chanyeol for the rest of the day unless he called him from the precinct.

Baekhyun had done that before. 

“Okay, okay, jeez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Or sofa. “Jieun’s parents called the precinct saying that they don’t feel safe with Jieun wandering out at all, even at school. They wanted to ask if there was anything we could do to keep her safe, so Captain Kim offered to set up a...raid of sorts.” Chanyeol’s exasperated tone gave away all that Baekhyun needed to know. 

In a tone louder than he had intended, “They want to use Jieun as bait?! And the parents agreed?!” 

“Hmm?” came Haeun’s groggy voice. Wincing, Baekhyun turned around and sent her a small smile the best he could. He pulled the phone away from his mouth and just told her to go back to sleep. She shook her head and stretched with a groan. Baekhyun tore his eyes away from his soulmate and turned his attention back to the issue at hand.

“Yes. You know how Kim is. As long as it works within legal routes, he’s okay to take things to the slight extreme.”

“Let me guess, they called you because we were the ones who found Jieun.”


“They want me to come in for the job today, too.”


“They’re avoiding calling Haeun in.” Haeun perked up at the sound of her name. Baekhyun just waved her off. He watched out of the corner of his eye as she padded over to the kitchen, and he moved out of her way. She walked over to the jug of water and downed a glass. Then she moved over to the cabinet and pulled out a can of cat food and a bowl. She emptied the contents along with some vitamins and set it down to the ground before disappearing down the hallway, probably to find Kai and bring him out for breakfast. 

“Wow, you’re really on a roll.”

“Chanyeol, this is serious. If this goes wrong, Jieun could seriously get hurt.”

Chanyeol’s voice turned grim. “I know, and this is why we have to be there. We need to make sure we protect her. I asked if we could bring Haeun on, but they’re worried she’s going to be a liability.”

“She is too chaotic for her own good,” Baekhyun murmured, thinking back to the story from last night about the bar. 

“Yeah, she’s like a chaotic extra in a scene. Normally, I’d love to hear more about your time with her from last night, but I need to get dressed. I’ll pick you up from Haeun’s place in 20.”

“Bring my car keys.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“And a spare change of clothes.”


“Including my underwear,” Baekhyun warned. He heard a sigh from Chanyeol.

“Okay! Sheesh, it was one time.”

“And breakfast.”


“Hey, you owe me. I have no money.”

“Fine,” Chanyeol gritted before hanging up. Baekhyun grinned at his phone just in time for Haeun to come back with Kai in her arms. It looked like her ankle was a lot better, and from what he could feel, it felt a lot better. 

“Morning,” Haeun spoke. “You look happy.”

“It’s nothing, just bothering Chanyeol.”

“What were you talking about?” she asked as she bent down to set Kai in front of his food bowl. She walked over to him and handed him a toothbrush. “Spare.” 

“Thanks. It was about Jieun. We’re going to set up a trap for the stalker.”

“I mean, after you do that, the most he’s going to get is a fine or maybe jail for a year.” Baekhyun was shocked for a moment, but he remembered that she was, in fact, a lawyer.

“We’re thinking about recommending a restraining order. It’ll definitely make getting one easier now that we would know who is doing the stalking.”

Haeun nodded thoughtfully as she moved around him to pull out eggs from the fridge. 

“Yeah, definitely. If he gets away by simply paying a fine, the restraining order will make things a lot harder for him. He can get in serious trouble by violating that.” She took out a frying pan and started cracking eggs into a separate bowl. “Omelette?” 

“Uh, no thanks. I have to get ready. Chanyeol’s on his way to pick me up. Do you mind if I take a shower? Chanyeol’s bringing over clothes.”

“Nope, go for it. Do you two want to take food on the go?”

“He’s bringing food, it’s okay. Thanks.” Haeun nodded and turned back to the stove. Baekhyun stared at her back for a moment, wondering why she wasn’t asking him anything about what happened last night, and why she wasn’t wondering about how they fell asleep on the sofa.

“Hey, Haeun?” 

“Hmm?” she asked, without turning to look at him.

“Why aren’t you more surprised about how we fell asleep?” This caused her to turn, and she shrugged.

“Jeonghan and I used to fall asleep on the same bed all the time when we would be cramming. I guess I’m used to it? It’s not a big deal anyways considering we didn’t do anything.” 

“I suppose.”

“You better go shower,” Haeun smiled at him, and she waved him off with the whisk in her hand. Baekhyun wandered down the hallway to the bathroom with the brush in his hand. He paused in front of the door for a moment, looking down the hallway. There were two larger doors that were closed, probably one for Haeun’s room and another for the guest room. There was a double door closet across from the bathroom. Baekhyun had the urge to go into Haeun’s room, but that was invading her privacy. His consciousness wouldn’t let him do that, and there was a part of him that wondered if he would go into the room under very different circumstances. 

He was showering when there was a knock on the door. 

“Baek? Is the door open?”

“Yeah!” Baekhyun called back realizing it was Chanyeol. 

“I’m going to leave the clothes on the shelf,” Chanyeol spoke, his voice much clearer. Baekhyun heard Chanyeol shut the door on his way out, and Baekhyun hurried up. 

Five minutes later, Baekhyun was following Chanyeol’s car down the road with a breakfast sandwich in his hand. If he had known that Chanyeol was going to get breakfast from McDonald’s he would’ve taken up Haeun’s offer for breakfast on the go.

When they got to the precinct, they were met with a worried Jieun and an even more worried set of parents. The precinct was crawling with officers and other technicians making sure Jieun was wired up and ready to go while Captain Kim was talking to the parents.

“Captain,” greeted Baekhyun. Captain Kim Heechul looked at Baekhyun and Chanyeol for a moment and nodded, acknowledging their presence before turning back to the conversation. Kim Heechul was Baekhyun’s role model when it came to detectives. He was smart, driven, and focused. He made case solving records in his second year as a homicide detective, and Baekhyun had been really excited to work with him when they had graduated from the police academy. It had been years since then, and Baekhyun still found it somewhat insane that he was working with Kim Heechul on a regular basis.

“We’re going to make sure that we have all eyes on Jieun and that she’s perfectly safe.”

“Is som

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193 streak #1
Chapter 48: Loved it again!👍
193 streak #2
Chapter 41: 💜
193 streak #3
Chapter 37: 🥰
193 streak #4
Chapter 31: 👍
193 streak #5
Chapter 29: 🌹
967 streak #6
Chapter 57: Chapter 57: I reread this chapter.
I love how Haeun thought about Kai and having a kid with a pet. I would say that it is quite typical for a person with a pet. When I had to put our cat to sleep because of his cancer last year, I felt that I couldn't have another cat again. I still haven't taken another cat yet.
Thank you so much for this bonus. I wouldn't mind more bonus chapters with time skips. Hehehe!
Alisa290 #7
Chapter 57: Wow I just read this whole story and its amazing!! Love the bonus chapters as well 🥰
The plot is so interesting and different and even the way you presented the soulmate bond is really different compared to other soulmate stories I've read. It made for an awesome read and I will definitely be coming back to read it again sometime 💕💕💕
Chapter 57: ^^
Chapter 57: Ahh very sweet hihi thank you for the bonus chapters authornim!
Chapter 56: Haha yes I thought it’d first date with baek but ah now it explained the beginning hihi