With Laughter or With Tears



"Hey promise me, Hae." Hyukjae smiled sweetly at Donghae, cheeks flushed and a glass of champagne in his hand. They were sitting in the bar counter, ordering some celebratory drinks as they toast to their 3rd anniversary. "Promise me, we'll go to this place every year, on this day."

Donghae chuckled. "But we're such bad drinkers! Look, this is just a glass and I'm feeling wobbly already."

"More reason for us to come! We can drink here and increase our tolerance for these things." He gestured to the rows of alcohol behind the counter. Donghae sipped from his glass and scrunched his face in distaste, he really did not like drinking.

"I still can't believe people like this ."

Hyukjae shook his head, the lines around his eyes crinkling as he laughed at his boyfriend's childlike tastebuds. 

"Come on, we're graduating next year. We need to learn how to drink like adults. We can crash at your place after drinking and tend to our hangover heads the next day." 

"Fine. Let's do this like our anniversary thing." Donghae smiled at the man beside him and Hyukjae's expression was worth every bitter taste of the alcohol he's about to order in the years to come. He slipped his hand in his pocket, hand stilling as he held the velvet box he placed there earlier in the night. "But I have one condition. You have to say yes to this."

Hyukjae's eyes widen as Donghae placed a red box on the table and opened it. 

"Move in with me. Let me wake up every morning to that beautiful face of yours." Donghae rested his head on his hand as he stared at his lover gaze to the silver key in the box, smiling happily as he saw Hyukjae's teary eyes and a soft smile adorning those lips he can kiss all day. 

"Do you even have to ask, of course I'll say yes." Hyukjae smiled happily at the man beside him, holding his hand. Donghae brought Hyukjae's hand to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss.

"I love you babe. Happy anniversary." 






Donghae and Hyukjae met in college and were madly in love with each other, one would even call them soulmates. But then they broke up. Hyukjae moved out of Donghae's apartment and flew to Europe, while Donghae left for Japan.


And this is their life 3 years later on their supposedly 8th year anniversary.



A two-shot story about their lives after their break-up. 




A/N: This is based on an MV I really, really love ever since I saw it the first time. Maybe you have watched or heard it before? :)

Please be kind to me as I'm still a newbie writer. Thank you!


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MeinAltire #1
Interesting :)
163 streak #2
Seo in guk's with laughter or with tears right?