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After meeting you, a new me is unfolding. Right now at this moment I want to show you without regrets. I just want to make your heart beat under this night sky. 


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Chapter 1: wow. this is short yet beautiful.
967 streak #2
This is a beautiful musing of a heart that learned how to really sing after finding the other heart that truly makes his heart beat. Yet now, it is a heart that pines for the one he loves across the universe. So, cosmos it is!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: again with the rookie numbers i never really realized how short 700 words is
oof i'm feeling the realness
why 'cosmo'
why are you a walking cliche
i do like that last bit tho how long did you spend on that (tho i know you have no idea)

heres my comment, its a stream of conciousness bull
and wow look at you taking a page out of my book with that 'final'
here to boost your comment count
but i'm also on here just for you wow you should thank me
its here but you a fail