Tangled Red Strings


[GOT7/NU'EST Crossover] Jinyoung & Minki set off to a university in LA where they meet the soulmates their fates are tied to: the mischievous Mark & the charming Aron. Everything turns into a mess when they can't figure out who belongs with who, but Jinyoung's pretty sure his soulmate can't possibly be Mark...right? MarkJin/ARen Soulmate AU!  


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Chapter 8: I don't know why it took me so long to reread this but once I started this story had me in a chokehold again. The combination of stubborn Jinyoung and Mark who puts in so much effort to charm him is simply adorable.
moonchildern #2
Chapter 1: aah teenagers jinyoung and minki are so cute! im so excited to read the next chapter and see their journey to find the one tied to the other end of their strings~~
Cho_lolai101 #3
Chapter 8: ... and this is my second favourite chapter ... I am a super- for Markjin, when Mark went to his laptop, I knew their song was gonna come and I cried ... boo hoo , I was so deeply touched; this is what happens to me, I get so into Markjin stories ; so far I have 4 favourite authors and still slowly discovering a few , I’m such a romantic mess - I love and adore them sooo much and I’m grateful to you author-nims , for your creative brilliance and look forward to reading a lot more. I can’t thank you all enough for the happiness you endow me with. (Pink and blue hearts)
Cho_lolai101 #4
Chapter 7: Awwww, finally ... Markjin is a perfect relationship ... they balance each other , i love this chapter the most ...
Cho_lolai101 #5
Chapter 6: I love that Elvis song and will from now on associate it with Markjin... so many beautiful moments, deep thoughts and feelings ; JY is such a perfectionist but I do understand where he’s coming from ... the heart does what it wants ... as Minji said, love is supposed to be a sad and happy thing ...
Cho_lolai101 #6
Chapter 4: Oh my ... we got an aegyo couple here , how deliriously kyeopta ... It’s their soulmates who seem to have figured out for them but they don’t wanna take a chance so we have to wait till their winter break ... and upon their return ...
Cho_lolai101 #7
Chapter 3: Uupppsss , a bit of conflicting incidents and it actually seems it’s Mark and Aron feeling their pinkies being tugged to the supposed soulmates and JY and Minki experiencing confusion otherwise ... getting interesting hmmm
Cho_lolai101 #8
Chapter 1: A very enticing beginning ... for a 13 year-old and seriously thinking about his soulmate; it’s exciting and tickling in a way ... but still 6 years down the road ; does fate not change in that amount of time? Let me go on to the next chapter .
Chapter 8: This story was so perfect. My favorite so far. I love nu’est and seeing minki and aron as soul mates is so cute
Chapter 8: This warms my heart like a hot coffee in a winter morning!!!! You've written it in a way that will tug everyone's heart and emotions. Thank you so much for this wonderful story and making us believe that love too, no matter how chaotic is a wonderful genuine thing.