Far from home, but I’m on your side.


Jeonghan and Joshua might never get over the surreality of them being tenderly in love and legally married.

(A one-shot of a Jihan marriage and all its ups and downs.)


hey, it’s je000nghan from ao3 & twitter! just thought i’d start sharing my fics on this website, too!


this is the promised one-shot bonus at the end of ‘earth & i (jihan au)’

if you haven’t read it yet, it’s okay, all you have to take note is that jihan are in love, jeonghan’s character can manipulate all things related to the environment through magic, and that seungcheol had a crush on him. but these details aren’t essential to understand this one-shot fully!

twitter | curiouscat | twt filo au accko-fi


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793 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was so poetic! I'm happy that they spoke about their problems <3
Thank you so much for writing this! I needed some fluff in my diet~ =^.^=