Chapter 7

Roses are you

He didn't really intend to turn it into a habit, but ever since that day, he'd always wait for Chaeyoung to finish her classes so they could walk together, and every time they'd hold hands as if it's the most natural thing to do. Though they always get teased by Jennie- and Jisoo whenever she's present- before they part ways. Not that it's annoying him or anything, he gets to see Chaeyoung's flustered face and her cute overreactions so he's not complaining. But if there is one thing he'd complain about now, it's Hoseok's constant enquiries for new writing updates. He's recently fallen back into a writer's block, and his editor just won't stop pestering him about the approaching deadline.

"I thought you found your muse." Hoseok asks over the phone as he goes through the poems Jungkook sent him yesterday. "Shouldn't that be enough to help you write?"

The younger sighs "I'm not a machine hyung, even with a muse I can run out of ideas."

"Isn't there anything that could help you right now?"

"Not really. I've been reading books and going out to clear my mind but it's not doing much."

Hoseok hums. "In any case, there's less than two months left for the deadline and you're still far off. I know it's a lot Kook-ah, but I really need you to squish all your brain juices right now and write up around 90 poems." he says and Jungkook can just about imagine the desperation in his face.

Hoseok is a very diligent man, he wants things to go smoothly not only for his sake but for the writer's as well. He's also really patient with him, surprisingly. Jungkook has heard that other editors in the same publishing house are really aggressive and strict; two traits that he really can't handle, so he's really thankful that Hoseok's the one in charge.

"I got it, hyung. I'll do my best."

"I know you will. I trust you." Hoseok replies, and the words easily give Jungkook a boost of energy. "More importantly, have you decided on a title?"

"Not yet."

"How about the theme?"

"I'm still stuck on that actually." Jungkook answers sheepishly. He's seriously underprepared, he wonders how Hoseok hasn't snapped at him yet.

"You're lucky I have a soft spot for you, otherwise I would have really told you off." Hoseok mutters with a chuckle. "Well, I was going through the poems you've sent me so far, and as usual, I don't really understand what the hell they're about, but I get this delicate and innocent romantic vibe from them so I think something like romance as a theme could work. No?"

Jungkook twists his mouth in thought. "It's not that simple hyung."

"Well, I need you to give me an answer asap. The publicists want something for the book teaser. Think we can meet now to sort it out?"

"I can't."

"Why? where are you?"

"I'm outside Seoul's national university."

"And why are you there exactly?"

"Waiting for my muse." At his reply, Hoseok lets out a raucous scream that Jungkook has to get the phone away from his phone for a second. His hyung can be loud sometimes. "I'm heading to the bookshop with her. I have a shift this afternoon." he continues.

He hears Hoseok sigh dreamily "Youngsters these days." and Jungkook rolls his eyes. He can imagine his hyung wearing a stupid grin on his face.

"You're not that old hyung."

"Once you reach your mid-twenties, you become old, Kook-ah."

Just then, Jungkook spots Chaeyoung coming out of the gates. "I'm hanging up hyung." he does so and shoves his phone back into his pocket before Hoseok could even respond.

Chaeyoung spots him and hurriedly walks towards him, her usual bright smile adorning her face.

"Sorry I made you wait, class took longer than expected!" she apologizes as she adjusts her bag and swiftly holds his hand. He bites off an amused smile as they start walking. Usually he'd be the one to initiate the hand holding, but lately Chaeyoung has gotten bolder. She'd link their hands instantly whenever they meet, sometimes she'd put her arm around his and lean closer to him, which does things to his heart. It's all starting to feel so natural between them, too natural in fact that he sometimes wonders if it's okay to feel this way. None of them has made a significant step to put a label on what they have. Jimin's words flow back to him at that moment, clouding his mind vividly. Is he insincere towards her? he doesn't think so. Is he sure? he doesn't know. Is he ready? he wonders.

He looks down at Chaeyoung who's animatedly talking about something he's not paying attention to. He feels bad, he really wants to listen to her, but his mind is adamant to make him suffer.

"Oh, someone's taking photos of our shop. I wonder who she is." Chaeyoung's curious tone brings Jungkook back to reality. He looks up to see that they've already reached the bookshop, and a rather extravagantly dressed girl snapping pictures of said shop with an expensive looking camera. Jungkook knows that camera model, he also knows that attire the girl's wearing. He can recognize his friend's notoriously bold style anywhere. He chuckles, surprising Chaeyoung.

"What are you doing here Weirdo?"

Lisa doesn't turn around to acknowledge him. "Don't disturb me." she mutters as she continues snapping more shots from different angles. Once she's done, she hangs the camera on her neck and finally turns around to face them.

"You're late." she simply states.

"What are you doing here?" he repeats.

"That idiot Taeyhung dragged me here, unwillingly."

His eyes fall to her camera. "You came prepared for someone who was dragged here unwillingly."

"Huh. I wonder how that got here."

"Just admit you wanted to come."

She shrugs. "Maybe." she finally looks at Chaeyoung who seems pretty confused by the whole conversation. Lisa approaches her, her face inches higher than Chaeyoung's because of the killer heels she's wearing. "You must be the rose."


"Jungkook said you're the most beautiful ro-"

"This is my friend Lisa" Jungkook quickly interrupts, throwing Lisa a nasty glare. At that, Chaeyoung's mouth falls open in realization before it slowly morphs into a blinding smile.

"I've been wanting to meet you! I'm Chaeyoung!" she bows formally which Jungkook finds endearing and he can tell Lisa thinks the same. "You're really gorgeous, I thought you were a model for a second! and I really love your style, it suits you so much!" she gasps then as if she just remembered something "Ah, thank you for coming to our bookshop by the way. I hope it's to your liking!" she bows again, her smile never faltering, and that's when Lisa loses it. She pulls Chaeyoung to her chest in a tight hug.

"Sweet child of god, you are too precious for this world." Lisa whispers, resting her head on top of Chaeyoung's. Jungkook chuckles, looking at Chaeyoung's face getting smashed into Lisa's leather jacket, her eyes unblinking in confusion but her smile is still there.

Ah, she's too cute.

"Oh, Jungkookiel you're here! ChaeChae too!" Taeyhung screeches from the entrance of the shop, a boxy grin on his face. Upon hearing his obnoxiously loud voice, Lisa grunts and detangles herself from Chaeyoung. "Stop screaming you annoying twix bar."

"Now now, that's a very rude thing to say Lilian."

"It's Lisa."


"Don't butcher my name any further you saggy pack of bones!"

"Oh, your insult game is improving Limbo. I'm proud!"

"Just shut up already!"

Jungkook is loving every minute of this banter. Lisa is used to always having the upper hand in situations, since she's intimidating, people often avoid being on her bad side, so they just agree with whatever she says so to see her getting worked up and having someone match up to her is, to say the least, a sight to behold. Chaeyoung, however, seems to think otherwise. She scoots closer to Jungkook, a worried expression on her face.

"should we stop them?"


Just then, Jimin pops from the door and sighs heavily, visibly annoyed. "What is with you people and hanging out at the entrance of our shop? you're blocking the pathway!" he scolds and everyone goes silent. "Get inside." he commands and they all comply. An angry Jimin is not someone you wanna mess with.

"Sorry Minmin! I promise to behave next time." Tae apologizes with a cheeky smile.

"You won't."

"You're right, I won't! You know me so well, Minmin!"

"Just stop talking." Jimin can feel the telltales of a headache and Tae is most definitely the cause.

Lisa approaches Chaeyoung and holds her hands. "I'm sorry about what you just saw. I promise I'm a really nice and calm person." Lisa mutters and Jungkook wants to barf. Oh the shameless lies.

"Ah, it's fine!" Chaeyoung mutters, a little distracted. She looks between Lisa and Taehyung and decides to voice her confusion "Um, how do you guys know each other?"

"She's our new choreographer." Tae comments, nudging Lisa's shoulders lightly. "Jungkookie hooked us up."

"Ew, don't say it like that." Lisa grimaces, stepping away from him.

"She's a feisty one, ain't she?" He looks at Chaeyoung who just nods, not knowing how to respond.

"I can hear you, you know." Lisa spits, but Jungkook can easily tell that she's secretly enjoying this back and forth going on between them. Years of friendship have made him able to read the different expressions of Lisa.

"By the way," Taeyhung takes something from his pocket and hands it to Chaeyoung. "I came here to give you this."

Chaeyoung stares at the small white envelope. "What's that?"

He grins. "Open it." and she does. Inside, she finds two pieces of paper that look like tickets, she reads what's written on them and starts squealing immediately.

"Oh my god, Tae!" she screams happily, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Oh my god, Chae!" he imitates her reaction and soon enough they're jumping together in a circle holding hands like they're little kids who just received a year's worth of chocolate.

"Stop being idiots." Jimin intervenes, forcing them to stop jumping before they break anything. He snatches the tickets from Chaeyoung's hand and hums. "Tickets for Kim Namjoon's book signing this weekend. Weren't they sold out in literally three minute? How did you manage to get these?"

"I have my ways." Tae shrugs with a smug look.

"He bought them the second the tickets were on sale." He was on his laptop all day waiting for the sale to start." Lisa exposes him.

"And how do you know that?" Jungkook quickly retorts with a smirk. Lisa just glares at him.

"I knew you'd be too busy preparing for your finals- even though they're still a month away and oh my god Chae you seriously need a life outside uni and work, I feel bad for your skin!- so anyway, I bought them for you as a surprise."

"Thank you Tae. you're the best!"

"Anything for our ChaeChae." Tae ruffles her hair affectionately.

Jungkook stares at them, feeling a little dejected. He too would have bought those tickets if he knew it'd make her this happy.

"Are you trying to take my spot as the big brother?" Jimin complains with a pout.

Tae hugs him "No way! You're the best big brother out there Minminie."

"But there are two tickets here though." Chaeyoung points out.

"Yeah, one for you and one for Jungkookie." Tae explains and all attention is on the two of them now, the room suddenly so quiet.

"You did something unecessary again. Why are you always shoving yourself in matters that don't concern you?" Lisa shakes her head.

"I don't need an input from a painfully single person." Tae retorts in an off-handed manner.


Chaeyoung grows nervous and shakes her head, turning towards Jungkook. "You don't have to go if you don't want to! I mean, you must be busy, I can go alone you know, I don't mind! I-"

"Of course I'm going." Jungkook firmly interrupts her rumbling. He comes closers and holds her hand, gently caressing her knuckles with his thumb. "I'm always free for you. We're going together, okay?" he smiles reassuringly. Chaeyoung nods, too speechless to talk, her cheeks flaming red.

"O-okay." she manages to whisper.


"shut up you twig!" Lisa screams at Tae but the boy just continues being playful.

He puts a hand on her shoulder and looks directly into her eyes "I'm always free for you." He imitates Jungkook in an exaggerated way but Lisa is the least bit amused.

"I will kick your balls."

"ooh, !"

And so the bickering goes on.


A.N: Hello lovelies, I came back again but this time with a short update. I hope you like it.

Stay safe everyone!

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RParkSJ #1
Chapter 11: Welcome back! We’re still here!
Victoria_Sim #2
Chapter 11: Was not expecting an update 3 years later lol, thank you for this!! I hope you’re doing well <3
yeonniestan94 #3
Chapter 11: Welcome back!!
This is all I can say right now!!
Im gonna need to reread the whole thing kekeke
youdidwhat_ #4
Chapter 10: hello author nim! its almost been a year since you updated. are you doing well? is everything okay? im a little worried, i hope you're safe! anyways im in love with the story but im sad that you haven't updated for so long. i dont know when you're going to update but I'll be back once you do. lots of love. stay safe
Chapter 10: Authornim please update soon thank u! Hope you are doing well too
RParkSJ #6
Chapter 10: @BeautifulDemons, my heart aches. Jungkook cannot blame and punish himself for his parents’ bad marriage T_T
He has it within himself, to have the courage to give his relationship with Chaeyoung everything that he has! Just as he was brave enough to put his pain on paper, and publish it for the world to see. I hope he shares his hurts with her. I hope he reveals that he is the poet JJ Kokie. I hope he gives love and happiness a chance.
Chapter 10: Welcome back!! Cant wait for the next chapter! (T.T) Keep up the good work! Ganbatte!!!!
lattesflwer #8
Chapter 10: This story is so beautiful, so so beautiful
me_time #9
Chapter 10: Wawww... I'm in awe with your story... Thumbs up!
Chapter 8: I really like how you put your words, one of the good stories I read. Thumbs up!