Three Sides of A Heart

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Kim Jae-joong is a famous and beloved rock star around South Korea and Japan. He even has a huge fan presence in America. He's been the nation's rock star for many years and is known to treat his fans loyally and serve the public with warmth despite his cold image. But behind the scenes Jae-joong is harmful to the people around him and most harmful to himself. He battles with an addiction to alcohol along with occasional drug usage (mainly in America). He's cold to the ones closest to him and only trusts his manager, who is trying to keep the growing star from ruining his long-lived career.

Jung Yun-ho is a failed trainee and uncredited song-writer and producer. He lives a simple life under the same company as Jae-joong and prefers not being in the spotlight even though he has written many hits and produced them under the alias "Angel Lee". Yun-ho finds himself becoming Jae-joong's "babysitter" by the company. The male being moved into Jae-joong's house and instructed to watch the star until he gets his life back on track.

Shim Chang-min is the therapist that gets assigned to Jae-joong, who somehow manages to keep calm with the older male's outbursts and defiance. Chang-min deals with Jae-joong while balancing a life with other clients and a dying marriage.

Somehow Yun-ho finds himself caught between the two and all three of their worlds change. 


My very first time writing a TVXQ fic. Take it easy on me! 

Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction and none of the characters and actions in the story represent who the real people actually are.

Chapter 7 is now out! Thank you for supporting me thus far and please make sure to leave comments so I know how much you're enjoying the story.


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Chapter 11: Ame la historia!!
Y me parte el corazón que jae este en ese estado al principio... Que bueno que ya se este recuperando.... Pero porque!!! No hay mas T_T
me encanto espero que la puedas continuar y no la dejes asi por favor
Muchas gracias por estos maravillosos capos
2026 streak #2
Chapter 11: Although I was really glad that Yunho and Jae was having fun, I'm worried for Min now. Hope he is alright. I can't believe I have already caught up with all the updates and I can't wait to read more. But I will patiently wait for the next update ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 9: Been so long since I read the story! I'm glad Changmin and his wife have took a step forward in making up. And also I'm glad that Jae made up with his mother. I wonder if his sister is married to Kyuhyun. Anyway, can't wait to see how Jae and Yunho are gonna celebrate. Will be back later ^^

PS hope everything's alright with you. I was worried when you deactivated. Kept checking up if you were back or not.
2026 streak #4
Chapter 8: This chapter was nice and fun. Liked how Jae and Ms. Jung got along so easily. Also glad to know Jae's been making progress with his addiction. Can't wait to see how things will develop between Jae and Yunho. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 7: This chapter was so nice. Enjoyed the chemistry between Yunho and Changmin. I hope the poor kid can still save his marriage. Just my wish though. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
papadie13 558 streak #6
Chapter 3: The 3 of them are so messed up. Probably all of them need therapy not only jj XD Hope they can heal each other
2026 streak #7
Chapter 6: I did guess it had something to do with his marriage but never guessed it would be this. Poor him! But also poor her! I feel they both deserve an honest talk regarding the situation. Anyway, I'm not a counselor, so it's just my opinion. Nonetheless, hope he gets to at least get things out of his chest with Yunho. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 5: The thing Changmin had to do was something regarding his falling marriage right? I hope things get better with Yunho and Jaejoong soon. I mean I hope they start to get along better. And I sorta agree with Yunho that it's kinda YC's fault too for the problem getting out of hand. He shouldn't have covered up so much. Anyway, Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 4: Wait what! He might have considered kissing back if he wasn't a drunk mess? Does that mean he is already attracted to Jae? Nevermind, I'll find that out myself. No spoilers please. Also I cracked up hard both at JJ's reply to Min asking him to do something with hands or body and at Yunho's reply on how to sleep XD can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
Kattan69 #10
Chapter 11: Min’s wife wants a divorce...that’s the reason Min is a wreck.