Leetuek Mama's House


Leetuek never planned on becoming a foster parent, he just sort of fell into the role one day and never looked back

A series of off-beat, odd, family one shots of the ups and downs of looking after many different young boys through the good, bad, crazy, insane, loving, hating and utterly exhausting days. 

Would Leetuek have it any other way? Not in the longest of long shots


So hi guys and gals

I'm finally back with something after taking an extended break and I started these last year and felt the need to start sharing them with people. 

There will be a mixture of stories here, some will have trigger warnings, some will be cute, others silly, others that will make you cry and some that'll make you laugh but hopefully they'll be good. No real order to them, sometimes characters will change ages or else move back and forth with arrival and swapping but it's just the way that I'll be writing them. 

A bit of fun, with no real structure or time for updating and stuff, though if you have requests certainly feel free. 

Also, OT13 and OT15 will happen here and everyone will appear because Super Junior is one big family and no matter what it will forever be that way. 

I hope you guys enjoy. 

Images sourced off google image search, don't own them and all original credit to the original people. If anyone wishes or wants to make posters and backgrounds please do let me know 

So new story started and I do hope you enjoy the general madness that will come from this fic.
Though boy I had to learn where everything was once again lol


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Chapter 2: Why after 2 chaps, you abandon this? This is good you know
Chapter 1: Woah, a foster mother to 5 kids and 1 is a baby omo omo
Chapter 2: Omo my heart...
Chapter 2: Omoo!!! This is so cute! Poor leeteuk had to deal with the kids but this is so precious! I'm rooting for you author ~~~~~