This has to end

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

Limario [20:03]

Jisoo unnie


MC Chu [20:03]

Why are you texting me when you are sitting across me?


Limario [20:03]

Because you told me to shut up and not wake Jennie unnie up

Why is the jet completely black?

Is Jennie unnie Batman!?

Plus she is rich af and sleeps a lot

She might be tired from fighting the Joker


MC Chu [20:03]


Jennie just likes black and she does not sleep a lot

She said she usually can't sleep well


Limario [20:05]


MC Chu [20:05]


Stop smirking at me

Stop it!


Limario [20:06]

She can't sleep well but when she clings on you like a koala she magically can?


MC Chu [20:06]

I don't want your face

Don't send me your face

Maybe she is just lonely and needs a friend??


Limario [20:06]

Shut up you want my face

And she has tons of friends


MC Chu [20:07]

Those are mostly rich scumbags

I mean real ones


Limario [20:10]

Girl look at you


MC Chu [20:11]


Please she's so cute


Limario [20:10]

Hold on

I'll lecture you later

Chaeyoung just asked me to accompany her to the restroom


MC Chu [20:11]


I can hear and see you

Put the phone down


Limario [20:10]


I asked her on a date

And she said yes


"WHAAAT?!" Jisoo suddenly screamed unintentional. She covered and looked at Jennie. The younger still asleep. Jisoo sighed in relief.

Lisa gave Jisoo a thumbs up and a smirk before she followed Chaeyoung to the restroom.

It was very small as expected. Before Chaeyoung went inside Lisa grabbed her wrist.

"Hold on." She frowned suspiciously. "Your pockets are big. What's inside?"

"Nothing." Chaeyoung swatted her hands away and tried to lock herself inside but Lisa managed to push herself inside too before she locked the door.

"We both know exactly what you want to take here! It's so unhealthy Rosie! You need to stop it!" Lisa told her in the very small space.

"Do you think I don't know that!? I can't okay!? I'm addicted!" Chaeyoung raked her fingers through her hair in despair.

"I know, I know." Lisa patted her head. "But you really need to stop it. Were you really planning on doing it here? That's unhygienic."

"Jennie unnie said the toilets are very clean and the flight attendants warned me not to consume any more, so I secretly put some in my pocket and wanted to do it here alone." Chaeyoung explained herself.

"Sushi is not to be eaten on the toilet. You had enough of it already. Eat in moderation. It's raw fish. You could get sick from parasites or food poisoning. Let's just bring it back." Lisa suggested.

Chaeyoung shook her head. "No one would want that anymore. Just let me eat it."

"Nope." Lisa put her hands in Chaeyoung's pocket. "Then we'll flush it down the toilet."

"Please no Lisa–"

"One day you will thank me. Come on now Rosie."

Yet again it was time for Mino's toilet break.

The light was red, signalling him that someone else is already using the toilet. He was fine with it he could wait.

It's just that he could hear noises from inside. The toilet was flushed many times and something rustled.

Suddenly he heard voices. Yeah voices, more than one.

"It's so much! It doesn't wash down!"

"Like I said let's just eat it!"

Mino's eyes widened. It was even creepier than he imagined. Maybe he misheard. Yeah he must have misheard.

"It smells disgusting."

"What are you talking about? It smells great. Let me grab one for you. Here. Smell."

"Still disgusting."

"Here take it in your hand."

"It's in my hand. I'm already sniffing on it. I just don't understand why you like it so much."

"It tastes great."

"But the shape is odd and why is it green and orange inside?"

Mino took a step closer to the door as his mouth widened.

"Oh! It fell down. Help me pick it up."

"Can't you pick it up by yourself? I made sure it's the smallest."

"Yeah but there's tons of them. Give me a hand."

"Fine let's grab it together."

Flight attendants also stood next to Mino, listening to the nasty happenings, coming from inside the restroom.


"Flush again."

"You know what? Let's just give up. We can bring what's remaining to New Zealand."

"Can I just on it once before we do that?"


"Just put it in my mouth I won't swallow?"

"No. We are going to leave this room after we put it in your pocket."

"Okay hurry."

Lisa opened the lock and exited the door with Chaeyoung. It was so tight that they had to leave  squeezed side by side since both wanted to go out first.

Their eyes met the sight of the staff who was gathered outside.

“It's not what it looks like.“ Lisa murmured embarrassed.

The staff kept staring with disturbed faces.

“We flushed it down. I swear we didn't eat any.“ Lisa guaranteed them and dragged Chaeyoung instantly away with her.

“Lately I question if this job is worth it.“ Mino told a stewardess.

The maknaes went back to the elders. The rest of the flight went by without trouble. Jennie and Jisoo played cards and the other two listened to music and ate snacks. After a long flight they finally reached their destination.

A limo already waited for them outside. They were dropped off to a giant hotel. Their suitcases were carried by the workers.

"There are two free rooms." Jennie informed the girls after speaking with the receptionist. "They say if we want more they can kick out some other guests."

Lisa started laughing. "They would actually do that?"

Jennie shrugged. "They would if I tell them to."

"No." Jisoo said firmly. "We are not going to kick others out."

Jennie agreed. "...Then who wants to share a room?"

"Me and Rosie!" Lisa put her hand up.

Jennie looked at Jisoo with a questioning look. "Are you all right with sharing a room with me? If you don't want to it's also fine. I'll go to another hotel–"

"I'd gladly share a room with you, Jennie." She gave her a warm smile and held her hand up for the younger girl to grab.

Jennie's gaze softened and she reached for Jisoo's hand, interlacing their fingers naturally.

The pairs made themselves comfortable in each of their rooms. Jennie plumped herself on the double bed. "Soft." She mumbled into the blanket.

"That you are..." Jisoo murmured quietly but Jennie still heard it.

Jennie lifted her head up. "You want me to sleep on the couch?"

Jisoo's eyes told her she disapproves. "Hell no. The bed is big enough for both of us... unless you don't want to sleep next to me."

Jennie didn't respond. She gently pulled Jisoo's wrist and made her lie on top of her, nuzzling her head in the crook of her neck. Seems like she found her favourite spot to be. 

"You can even sleep on top of me." Jennie said teasingly. Her narrowed eyes drifted to Jisoo's heart shaped lips.

Jisoo's head boiled in response. She held Jennie's shoulders and pushed her aside. "Eh– I don't really feel tired yet! I–I think I'm just going to take a fresh breath outside!" Jisoo quickly stormed out of the room without meeting Jennie's eyes.

Jennie frowned and buried her head in the pillow, clearly being disappointed. The jet lag is taking a toll on her.  Maybe it's the reason she was about to jump Jisoo if she hadn't escaped. Good thing she did. Jennie removed the patches underneath her ears she uses against her motion sickness. The lavender aroma of Jisoo was still lingering against her nose. After a few seconds it lulled her to sleep. Another short nap wouldn't hurt. She must be making up for all the sleep-deprived nights she experienced.




The maknaes were having fun in the hotel pool. Wearing white growns they dipped their feet in the water while sipping red wine. They clinked the wine glasses together and started drinking.

"Why did it take you so long to ask me out?" Chaeyoung asked curiously.

"I was a chicken... also I thought you liked Jisoo unnie or even Jennie unnie..." Lisa mumbled.

Chaeyoung chuckled heartily. "I do like them, I mean they are totally my girl crushes."

Lisa frowned and leaned back on the edge of the pool. "Great."

Chaeyoung smiled teasingly. "Jealous?"

"Nah." Lisa hissed with a shake of her head. She felt a weight shift next to her and soon Chaeyoung lying next to her. Both were gazing the stars that were already visible. Most were covered by the clouds.

"Good because you don't have to be. " Chaeyoung said and brushed Lisa's bangs aside to peck her forehead. "Besides they are totally crushing on each other."

"I know right." Lisa agreed with a burning forehead. Now she was considering getting rid of the bangs. "Isn't it a problem though? Jisoo unnie seems to like the one she keeps writing too."

"Not only that but Jennie unnie is dating that guy from EXO." Chaeyoung sighed.




Jisoo wandered around in daze. She ran all the stairs down instead of taking an elevator. Once she was in the lobby she made her way to the mini bar and ordered a Bloody Mary the bartender rolled between two glasses.

Was Jennie about to? No, no, no. Impossible. But what if? 

She gulped her tomato-like drink down as soon as the bartender finished it.

The confused girl slapped herself multiple times. "I'm not into her! I can't be into her!"

"You know," A familiar deep voice suddenly rang in her ears. "It looks like you are pretty into her."

"I'm not!" Jisoo denied strongly. Perhaps too strongly.

"Why not?" The white haired man took a sip of his vodka martini.

"I love someone else!" She let her face bump against the table.

"It's possible to love two people at once." He told her.

"But I'm not like that." She groaned. Two-timing is a no go.

"Then you have to make a decision you won't regret."

Jisoo lifted her head. She took a look at the man. "...Aren't you that pilot? Maino?"

The young pilot sighed. "It's Mino..."

"Right! Sorry..."

"It's fine." He ordered two drinks for them. Although Jisoo said she could pay herself he didn't let her.

"What's that?" Jisoo inspected the brown drink curiously. "Chocolate?"

"It's Irish Coffee." Mino stated. "It's cold cream, hot coffee and Irish whiskey combined."

Jisoo took a sip. "Not too terrible." She mumbled.

"Right?" Mino became visibly nervous as he coughed. "So... you are normal right...?"

Jisoo raised her eyebrows. "I consider myself normal although my friends say otherwise. Why?"

Mino slurped the drink down at once. "...Just want to make sure you don't eat your own ."

"Why the hell would I ever do that?" She looked quizzical at him. "I'm no psycho."

"I heard your friends say it tastes great..." He paid for another drink.

"......" Jisoo slurped the coffee down in one go. "Never mind. I don't have friends, after all." She didn't even want to know what Mino was talking about and grasped for her beeping phone. 


Jendeuk 💗 [19:48]

Whatcha doing?


MC Chu [19:48]

Drinking Irish coffee with this guy

What about you?


Jendeuk 💗 [19:48]


What guy?


MC Chu [19:49]

Remember when I told you I was going NZ?

The guy as in the pilot who flew us here




Jendeuk 💗 [19:50]

I see...

I'm working 

Had a short break and wanted to check on you

Till later



MC Chu [19:50]



"Was that her?" Mino peeked over Jisoo's phone. She quickly closed it. "Or rather one of them?"

Jisoo's cheeks reddened. She pressed against his chair to make him move slighty away.

"I take that as a yes." He chuckled. "So the other one is Jennie right?"

"WHAT!?" His nosy assumption made her level a scowl at him. "That's nonsense!!"

"Hm.." He murmured. "I guessed right huh? Well, you should choose Jennie. She is rich and all."

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "That's a stupid reason."

"Ah you just confirmed my assumption."

His statement silenced her. He was already a little drunk when he nudged her shoulder. "No need to be embarrassed. You don't choose who you love."

Suddenly Jisoo couldn't feel him brush against her anymore and heard a loud plump. When she turned her face to look at him she saw the pilot being shoved to the ground.

"Ow!" He groaned. "Men have rights too!"

"They don't." The familar voice spoke. "I thought you stopped drinking ."

"It was just a few drinks, Jennie..." He stood up shakily, trying not to lose balance.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Yeah sure, what are you two doing together anyway?" She glanced between Mino and Jisoo before she sat down next to Jisoo on the spot Mino previously occupied.

"What do you think?" A mischievous grin plastered on Mino's face. "We were just flirting a little while getting drunk."

Jisoo's eyes widened. What was he saying? They were doing nothing of that sort.

The brunette glared at him, mumbling angry sounding words under her breath. 

"Why do you ask?" He teased with a smirk. "Jealous because you have no one to flirt with?"

"Oppa, I know your record of women and you better back off in this case." She warned him and tugged on Jisoo's arm, pulling her away with her. "I think those were enough drinks."




Chaeyoung and Lisa were on their way to the massage parlor when they bumped into a drunk pilot.

"Hey you two... thme eaters rigeth? haha tat's crazy but pif you say it tastes great I might try." He slurred.

The two just ignored him and kept walking.

"Wiat!" He called after them and shoved a phone into their hands. "That's Jen's she forgot it ajt the bar. Give it to hefr, will you? I'm too smashned rfor that." He tried to speak and kept wandering around.

"That's Jennie's phone omo!" Chaeyoung face beamed, staring at the black device. 

"So?" Lisa wondered what's so special about it. It's just a phone. If Chaeyoung likes phones that much she can buy another one.

"So... you are not curious to look inside?" Chaeyoung wiggled her eyebrows.

"Park Chaeyoung, are you suggesting we should break Jennie unnie's privacy to check her messages?" Lisa pretended to be shocked but she was excited.

"Yep!" Chaeyoung grinned. "After all your evidence about her being Batman seems plenty. We are just making sure Jisoo unnie isn't secretly friends with Bruce Wayne right?"

"That's totally it!" Lisa agreed. "But we don't know her code."

Chaeyoung inspected the phone before she started to giggle. "It's written here! Look it's stuck on a note. I can't believe she did that."

Lisa's eyebrows rose. "That's too easy... It's either a trap or she just always forgets her code and that's the only way for her to remember it."

"Whatever it is, here we go."




As Jennie dragged Jisoo back to their room Jisoo realized she might have had one drink too many. She was wobbly on her knees and had rosy cheeks. Her eyes were fluttering shut every now and then. She began humming a melody.

It made Jennie feel the corners of begin to tug into a smile.

"Bichi naneun sol-lo!" She tried to do the electronic sound with . "Nana nananna nanana nanannana!!"

It was the cutest sound to Jennie. So Jisoo listens to her music huh. She wrapped her arm around the raven haired girl to help her enter their room.

The moment they were there Jisoo threw herself on the bed and pulled Jennie to her chest. They pretty much reversed the roles from before.

Jennie didn't mind, she snuggled closer to Jisoo's warmth. "Yous aer a fluffball." Said drunk Jisoo while raking her hand through Jennie's brown hair.

Her face heated and her body became tense in Jisoo's embrace. Jisoo placed a kiss on the corner of Jennie's mouth, grazing her plump lips. How Jennie wishes she was aiming a little more to the left and claim her lips. She was so close.

"I walnt to wqrap you ulp ni a blanket and put xyou in my pocket." The girl slurred, then pouted. "But I also want Jendeukie therec, sno i don't knoaw whiat to do."

Jennie's eyes widened. Did Jisoo like her too?

"I'm a bvad person." She mumbled while a lone tear rolled down her cheek. Jennie immediately kissed it away.

The youngers face turned sad as well. She didn't realize she was conflicting the other girl but now that she thought about it she really couldn't keep it a secret any longer if it pains Jisoo.

"You are not." She cupped the elders cheeks and placed a tender kiss on the tip of her nose.

"I am."

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1120 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
564 streak #2
Oh featured!
2072 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 805 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 805 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2072 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1104 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍