

Planet Earth is dead. Global warming, wars and diseases killed almost everyone and who isn’t dead often acts like a beast. Luckily there are still people who are kind and willing to help.


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389 streak #1
Chapter 1: oh welll, too much cruel thing to my poor Sungie T___T
Chapter 1: My poor baby Yesung at least he found nice people who helped him TT ^ TT
LongBanana #3
Chapter 1: I want to cry seeing yesung's fate TT.. it was terrible he was two days after giving birth T. T

but became relieved when he was found by Siwon :') he was in a safe place :D

Waiting for next author-nim.. fighting!
Chapter 1: Huhuhu.. i fell the pain
Chapter 1: Oh my poor yeye... This is so good that somehow i almost ask for thr next chapter lol