Playground — case no. 5.b'87-7-1


Don Kyungsoo Doh is not the only prime suspect. Someone higher-up pulled the strings to ease his work on his way to the top.

On the desk lays a surprisingly small folder, attached to the front is a picture of a grim-looking woman holding up a card with her inmate number. Her fingers and parts of her cheek are coloured in red, maybe blood, maybe ink, who knows.

The investigator flicks the file open, once he’s seated. He’s surprised by the amount of censored information and the notes the previous, now dead, investigator left. Surprised, since the suspect was a high-ranking officer and the lack of actual information about her. Rumour has it that the mafia is involved in the suspect's sudden disappearance, and the murder.

Full Name:


▫ m | ▪ f | ▫ unspec

the former superintendent of police (dishonourable discharge)


the condemned criminal has relations with the mafia, detailed blueprints and files⁽*⁾ found for impeding felonies and already accomplished, successful felonies, a number of serious security breaches, serious larceny of classified material and information disclosure of such data

(*) includes money transactions, data classified as
national danger, reports about influential politicians
in city X and important public figures.

suspect on the run, prison breakout, since then no information about whereabouts

Only two successful inquires for examination of sus-
pect's files, others are denied. Both of these searches
involve criminal records containing similar misdemea-
nour and felony conviction information.

The investigator smiled and it was depicted as menacing by his assistant, but unbeknownst to the assistant the investigator knew where to find her and he had an inkling of who she was working with. Finally an equal adversary for him and his sick games. He pulled out a thick folder and placed the smaller one into it. The title of the big folder read "Copy - case no. :5. b'87-7-1" and its subtitle was "Playground".



181114 - at this point 7 out of 8 one-shots are already uploaded on a different platform and I upload them here because some people think plagiarising is funny. fortunately, it hopefully didn't happen to me until now. 
currently are four more chapters planned, but I guess it can be more in the end. I still don't know if I should upload them in chronological order of the events or the same way I uploaded them until now, but I'll probably go with the first alternative. 

190112 - happy birthday, kyungsoo. ♡ the whole story will be a mess storyline-wise, in case someone decides to comment, at some point the comment might not match with the chapter, that's why I probably upload some placeholder chapters, so the comments won't be a total mess. 

210201 - so, i just now realised i forgot to upload two chapters?

full version w/out font & "uncensored" on my twitter.

210418.2 - there will be three more chapters before the story comes to an end, or rather four according to my notes.

211111 - it's done, we're at the end of the road.


Completion: Final Chapter Nidus IV: Ikaros
Thanks to everyone who read Playground at some point.


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743 streak #1
Chapter 14: Well... that left me speechless, to say the least.
This was full of thriller, action, mystery, cliffhangers, and just as I would think I have it all figured out, I don't! I did like it though, but why Chanyeol? Why?

Good job! :D

P.S - I love reading your work, but why do you have to kill the most favorite ones? -cries-
743 streak #2
Chapter 13: "Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?" - I swear that never gets old 😃 Love it! 💗
In general, I love Chanyeol's reactions to Kyungsoo's actions. 👌👍😉😃😊💗
As for the rest, I must admit, this was one hell of a roller coaster and I can't wait to see what happens in the finals!

Thank you! 😉😃😊💗
743 streak #3
Chapter 12: At first, I thought there was another hitman, but in the end, it was only Kyungsoo. I honestly had a mini heart attack as I was reading the beginning of it!
Chanyeol is one hell of a good friend!!! I adored this chapter and I could imagine that it was a bit too difficult to open to Chanyeol but in the end, he managed to do so and that's good.
I love their relationship! 👌👍😉😃😊💗
Bigaeup #4
Hellooooo it's meeeeeeee
I'm just passing by and saw that you uploaded here but i don't think i'll read that now. sorry sorry *rub hands suju version*
Just wanted to say that i love the poster you made ♥_♥ always a big fan of KS with this kind of clothing!!
743 streak #5
Chapter 11: First of all congrats on continuing to write this series! Bravo! 💗🥰 Way to go girl! 👌👍😉😃😊

Now back to the topic regarding the chapter. 😊

Intense chapter till the very end. Everyone was against everyone and at first, it took me a few minutes to get it together but it was soon clear who was against who. I must admit that it was full of action and kept the attention, but truth be told Kyungsoo, the gang's and the police have their jobs cut out for them. 🤔🤔👀👀

Good job! Thank you! 👍👌😃💗
743 streak #6
Chapter 10: I can so relate to the morning mood. I am pretty much the same when someone tries to wake me up, but instead of a bruise I grab the first thing close to me and throw it at them. xD And no one talks to me for at least 2 hours after I get up xD It's not something to brag about, but I hate mornings lol 😃

Anyways, another good chapter. Gives more insight into Kyungsoo's relationship with Yixing and Zitao. 💗👍👌😉
Also, I like how the back story with Claire was told.

As the story progresses it's more and more exciting and interesting. 😃💗👍👌😉
Thank you. 😃💗
743 streak #7
Chapter 9: That's one hell of a way to kill a person. Well thought out if I can say so. I like it. 👍👌😉
As for the relationship between Kyungsoo and Cheif deputy, I get a feeling like it's a love-hate, type of thing between them, but it's sweet and interesting as well. 💗👍👌😉 Also it's useful for Kyungsoo. 😉👌
743 streak #8
Chapter 8: I love Kyungsoo's interaction with others and his responses. Satansoo indeed, but it fits him well. 😃
Actually, as I was reading I thought that chaos was waiting but in the end, Kyungsoo turned out to be a pretty cool guy considering what had happened! 😃

Thank you! 💗😊
743 streak #9
Chapter 7: Hmm. Mafia-type. I could picture it all perfectly!
Kai's role was done well in this chapter and I love it!
Also what got to me was the whole flower/death thing. One sells flowers to make things colorful, the other makes it all dark. Beautiful but yet sinister. I like it. 😃

Thank you. 💗👌😊🥰👍
743 streak #10
Chapter 6: "How drunk are you that you don't get the difference between 'dear' and 'deer'?" - Good one :D
Their conversation was quite something, but my most favorite part was the final scene of it when he was outside the door the whole time! Aww! <3

Thank you :D <3