Someone like me


 " It's a lonely world,  everyday is struggle for me " -y/n 

" I am your mother ,call me mama "- women 

" you don't belong here , I don't believe any of this "

" like I care "

"  rich people like you don't know, who I am and how I survive in this world " 

"  Her eyes have too much sadness and pain ,  I am scared  to look in her intense eyes " 

" I don't want a criminal like her near our children "

I am sorry.... 


 I don't remember having any Happy moments in my life,  maybe I don't deserve it . I was thrown in garbage when I was new born,  one kind person saw me and send me to orphanage , that was the only time when someone show kindness towards  the time I stand in my two legs I have to do all the work in the orphanage.  Working 10 hours a day for a three year old girl was too much . I was placed into many foster homes in my 13 years of life,  which gives countless of scars , bruises and trauma but they also taught me realities of life.  I am very mature of my age.  I also do many illegal things. I have drop out from school at the age of 10 cause I don't have any money to pay for my tuition fees, Yes it's true , in the orphanage Mr Lee hates my guts so that gives me many privileges like remains of others food, cleaning the whole orphanage,  making breakfast for everyone and others things like that. He beats me whenever he is drunk .I was never called out when someone was interested in adopting.  Cause people here call me FREAK. .. Now at the age of thirteen I have countless of illegal things smoking weed, drinking strong alcohol,  drugs you name it and I have it all. Not many people know that I am also an underground fighter And don't give a about anyone .


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Movie91 #1
Chapter 4: Will there be another update? I hope this story wasn't abandoned.
Chapter 4: Es muy interesante
Aresbluelight #3
Chapter 4: pls update soon
Chapter 4: Woah i like this kind of story

good job author-nim
sunshiner95 #5
Chapter 4: I can't wait for the next exciting...
Im starting to love this. Update please
27 streak #7
Chapter 4: I totally like the plot of the story... it has some actions, drama, lost and other things... please do update this story author-shi...
Movie91 #8
Chapter 2: I wonder who OC's appa is.
Jae-Eun #9
It was a bit sad seeing how hard it was for the OC, however I hope that she finally gets to reunite with here mom. I wanna see some badass side of the OC ;) (I also hope that the main character is tall. Cause being tall is cool lol)
Chapter 2: Well she is GorJESS and ice is jessi wife right because joy is her daughter?
I like the eyes tinge blue and this story are cool and interesting already..